詹姆斯•乔伊斯(James Augustine Aloysius Joyce,1882—1941),爱尔兰小说家、诗人,被认为是对二十世纪现代主义文学影响最为深远的巨匠和宗师,甚至被誉为继莎士比亚后英语文学史上最伟大的作家。 中文版“乔伊斯文集”除《尤利西斯》、《芬尼根守灵夜》、《青年艺术家画像》、《都柏林人》等长、短篇小说外,还收入《诗歌•剧作•随笔集》、《文论政论集》、《书信集》以及《乔伊斯评论集——名家论乔伊斯》,共八卷九册,凡三百余万字,是迄今为止整个华语世界收罗最全、规模最大的乔伊斯作品总集。 -
仲夏的一天,戈德利一家守候在病危的父亲老亚当的病榻前,全家人的关系敏感而紧张。妻子乌尔苏拉精神孤独,酗酒成瘾;儿子小亚当忧心忡忡,担心漂亮的妻子海伦离他而去;海伦抱负远大,一心想出人头地成为明星;女儿佩特拉孤僻敏感,目睹心上人与他人漫步幽会而割腕……同时,众神的使者赫耳墨斯正默默地记录观察着这一家人,怀着困惑与嫉妒的心情旁观着这些玩物的滑稽表演。主神宙斯则一如既往地渴望凡间的情爱,伪装成小亚当去勾引海伦。 本书是约翰•班维尔向德国戏剧家海因里希•克莱斯特的剧作《安菲特律翁》致敬的杰作,亦是对喜忧参半的凡人生活体验所进行的一次冷静、机智、细致入微的审视。班维尔运用摄人心魄的散文语言,从不同叙事角度,捕捉了阿顿庄园中仲夏时节里短短一天内所呈现出的发人深思的精彩奇妙和无穷魅力。《无限》是一部足以媲美莎士比亚式想象力的作品。 -
《炼金术士》内容简介:尼古拉•弗莱梅,这个历史上最神秘的炼金术士,是圣书的守护者,500年来不断逃避英国伊丽莎白女王的宠臣约翰•迪博士的追踪。为了抢夺圣书,迪博士不惜引发了1666年的伦敦大火和19世纪40年代的爱尔兰大饥荒,终于,在21世纪的旧金山,迪抢走了这本圣书。正在书店打工的乔希和他双胞胎姐姐苏菲一不小心卷入了他们的这场争斗。他们成了预言中拯救或者毁灭世界的“两个可以合二为一的人”,于是“拯救世界、拯救人类”的历史使命降到了他们的身上。 -
奥布莱恩在二十本系列海上冒险小说中,以惊人的博学和叙事天赋再现了一段拿破伦时代的海战史和一个神秘的海上世界,而一对个性互异却配合绝妙的拍档,杰克·奥布雷船长和马图林医生成为这个世界的灵魂,显示出作者在刻画人物、构思情节时的机智与洞察力。2004年,据此系列第十本《极地征伐》改编的史诗巨片《怒海争锋》囊括十项奥斯卡奖提名,而奥布雷舰长的海上征程如今已被开辟成专门的游览路线。 《极地征伐》讲述了又一场惊心动魄的海上历险。拿破伦战争时期,杰克·奥布雷,英国海军大将纳尔逊麾下一名机智而无畏的舰长,接受了一项接近极限考验的任务:即刻启程去荷恩角,拦截一艘火力强大,意图重创英国捕鲸业的美国驱逐舰。奥布雷指挥着心爱的战舰“惊奇号”,踏上了跨越两大洋的漫漫征程。老搭档马图林医生也与他同行,接受了秘密情报处的任务。惊奇号离敌人越来越近了,航程变得危机重重:台风、海难、谋杀、迷途……一场孤注一掷的大营救在遥远的太平洋腹地等待着他们…… 译者锡兵,六十年代出生,理工科博士,以教书为业,游学美国数年,自习外语多门,课余优游于列国书山,长年不辍,渐至海量,乃修成超级书蠹。以前在天涯闲闲书话很活跃的。天涯好久就预告这本书要出,但是到现在才在译林的网上看到,现实中还没看到。 -
Hauntingly beautiful and heartbreaking, Colm Toibin's sixth novel, "Brooklyn," is set in Brooklyn and Ireland in the early 1950s, when one young woman crosses the ocean to make a new life for herself.Eilis Lacey has come of age in small-town Ireland in the years following World War Two. Though skilled at bookkeeping, she cannot find a job in the miserable Irish economy. When an Irish priest from Brooklyn to sponsor Eilis in America -- to live and work in a Brooklyn neighborhood "just like Ireland" -- she decides she must go, leaving her fragile mother and her charismatic sister behind.Eilis finds work in a department store on Fulton Street, and when she least expects it, finds love. Tony, a blond Italian from a big family, slowly wins her over with patient charm. He takes Eilis to Coney Island and Ebbets Field, and home to dinner in the two-room apartment he shares with his brothers and parents. He talks of having children who are Dodgers fans. But just as Eilis begins to fall in love with Tony, devastating news from Ireland threatens the promise of her future.By far Toibin's most instantly engaging and emotionally resonant novel, "Brooklyn" will make readers fall in love with his gorgeous writing and spellbinding characters. -
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Published in 1916, James Joyce's semiautobiographical tale of his alter ego, Stephen Dedalus, is a coming-of-age story like no other. A bold, innovative experiment with both language and structure, the work has exerted a lasting influence on the contemporary novel. 'Joyce dissolved mechanism in literature as effectively as Einstein destroyed it in physics,' wrote Alfred Kazin. 'He showed that the material of fiction could rest upon as tense a distribution and as delicate a balance of its parts as any poem. Joyce's passion for form, in fact, is the secret of his progress as a novelist. He sought to bring the largest possible quantity of human life under the discipline of the observing mind, and the mark of his success is that he gave an epic form to what remains invisible to most novelists.... Joyce means many things to different people; for me his importance has always been primarily a moral one. He was, perhaps, the last man in Europe who wrote as if art were worth a human life.... By living for his art he may yet have given others a belief in art worth living for.'