《福尔摩斯探案全集(套装共11册)》包括了:《血字的研究》、《四签名》、《冒险史》(上下)、《回忆录》、《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》、《归来记》(上下)、《恐怖谷》、《鞠躬尽瘁》和《新探案》九部十一册。书中有将近600幅的精美插图。福尔摩斯是由英国作家柯南道尔塑造的侦探形象,现已成为与米老鼠和圣诞老人齐名的世界三大知名人物之一。一百多年来,作为侦探小说史上的一个最重要的里程碑,《福尔摩斯探案全集》已被译成57种文字,畅销全世界。英国作家毛姆曾经说:“和柯南道尔所写的《福尔摩斯探案全集》相比,没有任何侦探小说享有那么大的声誉。” 《福尔摩斯探案全集(套装共11册)》这个译本有两个特点,一是以英国本(市场上通行的是美国本)为底本,完全依照当时《海滨杂志》发表时的原始状态翻译与编排;二是译者在早期译本的基础上进行了大量的修订,大大提升了翻译的准确度和文字的美感,并增加了许多必要的注释,有助于读者了解故事发生的维多利亚的生活背景。 -
Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street
In this fictional biography of Sherlock Holmes, Baring-Gould makes his attempt at unraveling and chronicling Holmes' sometimes mysterious life. The book begins with a short history of Holmes' childhood and family, all of which comes from Baring-Gould's imagination and a few tantalising scraps of information from Canon. It matches nicely with what we already know of Holmes, fleshing out his character and adding motive for his eccentricities and habits as an adult. Baring-Gould continues by covering Holmes and Watson's first meeting and Holmes' earliest cases, much of which is quoted directly from Canon. Baring-Gould also goes on to describe Holmes' brush with Jack the Ripper in 1888, an interesting but not wholly satisfying account. The longest departure from Canon - and the silliest and most unlikely bits - come during Holmes' disappearance after his plunge over Reichenbach Falls with Moriarty. Baring-Gould tells of Holmes re-meeting Irene Adler, with whom he has a love affair and a son (who grows up to be the famous and corpulent American detective Nero Wolfe, no less!), travelling to Tibet, where he becomes a Buddhist under the discipleship of the Dali Lama, capturing the Abominable Snowman in Nepal, and nearly managing to scale Everest single-handedly, before finally returning to England to resume his detective practice. The book concludes with an account of Holmes' final cases, before his retirement to the Sussex Downs to become a beekeeper, from whence he helps the British Government to win both World Wars and lives to the estimable age of 103 (thanks to his discovery of Royal Jelly!!). Sarcasm aside, Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street is an interesting read for any Holmes aficionado, and if one can overlook Baring-Gould's attempts to sensationalise, he has done an excellent job of detailing Holmes' life and sorting out the often-confusing dates and time lines of the Holmesian Canon. It's simply fan fiction in its highest form, and as such I can't knock it. from amazon.com -
Sayers on Holmes
★想看懂《盗梦空间》,请先研究福尔摩斯! ★剖析福尔摩斯的大脑,探寻贝克街的规则 ★这是一本福尔摩斯探案方法速成手册,看了这本书,你心中的福尔摩斯才是完整。 福尔摩斯侦探第一次冒险是在1887年,然而一个半世纪后的今天比以往任何时候都更需要他! 在这本书里,作者营造了一种逼真的“福尔摩斯的世界”:怎样才是真正的苏格兰场组织?那时候的人们真的在柜台购买可卡因吗?又为何英国人如此害怕澳大利亚发音?书中充满了迷人的小故事,插图,以及经典的维多利亚式设计。《福尔摩斯探案手记》将呼吁不分年龄的人共享“贝克街规则”。 虽然,福尔摩斯的创造者——柯南•道尔曾想亲手“杀了”他,却又不得不让他起死回生。因为福尔摩斯这个人物已经成为一项标准,他曾经被模仿但是从未被超越,他传奇般的推理方法和逻辑推论直到现在仍在被真实世界的侦探们学习着。 ★如果你是福尔摩斯的忠实粉丝,你不能错过这本书。 ★如果你是推理小说的发烧友,你也不能错过这本书。 ★如果你没有看过福尔摩斯全集,请你先看《福尔摩斯探案手记》。 -
《福尔摩斯探案:四签名》故事作为推理小说中的《圣经》,也是每一个推理迷必备的案头书籍。他塑造的侦探形象福尔摩斯更是家喻户晓。从《血字的研究》诞生,至今一百多年间,福尔摩斯的影响力早已越过推理一隅,成为人们心中“ 神探”及“智慧”的代名词。无数人因了福尔摩斯,而迷上了推理小说。 《福尔摩斯探案:四签名》故事中最为人称道的是《四签名》、《巴斯克维尔猎犬》、《波希米亚丑闻》等。福尔摩斯的魅力在于,百看不厌,越看越迷恋。 -
福尔摩斯探案系列,情节曲折离奇,结构严密完整,故事一波三折,扣人心弦,让人读来有如身临其境,爱不释手。该书精心挑选了其中最精彩的几个故事,具有很强的代表性。而且,每本书都尽量使语言符合青少年的阅读习惯,使读者能够很轻松地进入福尔摩斯的惊险、刺激的世界。本书为英文版,提供原汁原味的西方名著,让读者昙花一现自由地阅读、想像和发挥。无形中,你会发现,自己的英语水平已经有了大幅度的提高。 The worldwide literature masterpieces usually embody the cultural form of a specific time.By reading them,we cannot only enjoy the author’S fluent writing style,vivid depiction and detailed description,but can also experience that period of history and feel that period of culture that the author described.Therefore we de.vote this series of classic world literature masterpieces to the public. On this purpose,we have consulted some professional literature translators and experts majoring in western history and western culture.According to their sugges.tion,we selected these novels that can represent the western culture,and edited them completely in accord with the original works.No noting,no abridging and no changing,we attempt to m~ntain the original style and language,attempt to offer the readers a series of most native English novels in order that they could close to the pure English masterpieces directly and enjoy the original writing style,depiction and language out—and—out.In the meantime,these novels can help you understand western history and western culture more thoroughly and deep.Your English level will improve a lot before you realize it as well. A classic series in hand,a wonderful English world will be in mind.