1925年,巴西的可可之乡伊列乌斯市迎来了又一个丰收之年。丰年带来的富庶和繁荣背后演绎着激烈的斗争。局面一时纷乱错综,一系列冲突和事件过后,文明风尚渐渐取代了拓荒时代的野蛮习俗,来自里约的革新派也最终战胜了阻挡进步的当地保守势力。伊列乌斯市赢得了一个更可期待的未来。小说的一条辅线是饭店老板纳西布先生和美丽热情的外乡女孩加布里埃拉曲折动人,散发着热带气息的爱情故事。斗争与爱情两条线索穿插进行,全面又细致地展示了巴西二三十年代一个新兴城市的社会风俗画卷。 -
The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho's enchanting novel has inspired a devoted following around the world, and this tenth anniversary edition, with a new introduction from the author, will only increase that following. This story, dazzling in its powerful simplicity and inspiring wisdom, is about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids. Along the way he meets a Gypsy woman, a man who calls himself king, and an alchemist, all of whom point Santiago in the direction of his quest. No one knows what the treasure is, or if Santiago will be able to surmount the obstacles along the way. But what starts out as a journey to find worldly goods turns into a discovery of the treasures found within. Lush, evocative, and deeply humane, the story of Santiago is an eternal testament to the transforming power of our dreams and the importance of listening to our hearts. -
我親愛的甜橙樹 Meu Pe de Laranja Lima
人的心是很大的,放得下我們喜歡的每一樣東西。 當你停止喜歡一個人,他就會在你心裡慢慢死去。澤澤是一個敏感、早熟的小男生;有時頑皮如惡魔,有時善良如天使。他有一個很受他疼愛的小弟弟、兩個姊姊一個哥哥——還有一個姊姊生下來就送給親戚撫養了。爸爸失業後工作遲遲無著,聖誕夜的晚餐桌上只有土司和咖啡,上學時書包裡沒有午餐。 大人們忙於生計,能給澤澤的愛是那麼少,他只能藉著惡作劇,聊以增添貧乏生活的樂趣並引起大人們的注意——往往是一陣好打。鞭打與斥喝一次次摧折他稚嫩的身心,如是循環往復。五歲那年,澤澤在後院「馴養」了一棵小小的甜橙樹,小樹成為最願意傾聽他的快樂與煩惱的密友。同一年夏天,澤澤認識了街頭走唱人和待他如子的葡萄牙人,使他的小世界中有了音樂、溫暖與愛。就在他快樂地大口啜飲愛的蜜汁時,一場意外迎面襲來,逼著澤澤在一夕之間長大…… 作者在四十八歲時以溫情之筆寫下這個自傳性質的故事,宛如寄了一封信給五歲澤澤——以及許多和澤澤一樣經歷過敏銳少年時的人;信紙微微泛黃,回憶有些氤氳。 -
By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
Book Description What happens when shyness prevents an adolescent love affair from developing? And what happens when, 11 years later, destiny brings the lovers together again? Pilar is now an independent and strong young woman who has learnt to bury her feelings. She is studying at a small-town university when she receives an unexpected call from her old childhood sweetheart. He is now a handsome spritual teacher - with a reputation for performing miracles - who has turned to religion as a refuge from his inner conflicts. Together they take a journey that is initially fraught with difficulty as blame and resentment resurface after years of being hidden. But by the River Piedra, in a small village in the French Pyreness, they find a way to discuss many of life's bie questions and re-evaluate their own special relationship. By the River Piedra is a wonderful novel, with a poetic and transcendent narrative, that reflects all the mysteries of love and life. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.8 width:(cm)11.1 -
The Zahir
Set in Paris and in the enchanting landscape of central Asia, this new novel by the author of the international bestsellers The Alchemist and Eleven Minutes follows the journey of a man obsessed with finding the wife who left him without an explanation. The narrator of The Zahir is a bestselling novelist who lives in Paris and enjoys all the privileges that money and celebrity bring. His wife of ten years, Esther, is a war correspondent who, despite her professional success and freedom from the conventional constraints of marriage, is facing an existential crisis. When she disappears along with a friend, Mikhail, who may or may not be her lover, the authorities question the narrator. Was Esther kidnapped, killed, or did she simply abandon a marriage that left her unfulfilled? The narrator doesn't have any answers but he has plenty of questions of his own. Then one day Mikhail, the man with whom Esther was last seen, finds the narrator and promises to take him to his wife. In his attempt to recapture a love lost, the narrator discovers something unexpected about himself. A haunting and redemptive story about the dark side of obsession, The Zahir explores its potential to both fulfill our dreams and to destroy them. It is also a thoughtful meditation on faith, celebrity, marriage -- and their relationships to freedom and creativity. -
他是巴西主教练斯科拉里最爱的球员,是罗纳尔多口中不可思议的足球天才。 10岁时,他就可以在球场上连过七人;19岁,他一人独揽“南美足球先生”、“巴西联赛最佳球员、最佳射手”;20岁,他在早于梅西和C罗的年纪打入第100个职业进球。 从有天赋到受人瞩目,这一切来得并不容易。他来自巴西一个地位低下的家庭,小时候穷到没有办法获得真正的训练。在他童年居住的大普拉亚,到处充斥着犯罪、吸毒和谋杀,在这个贫贱之地,有天赋并不一定就能出人头地。因为出众,从很小的时候开始,他就受到挑衅,招对手仇恨,被人质疑。但即便如此,他还是把成功和希望带给了那些信任他的人。 我们熟知他标志性的莫希干发型,他华丽的巴西球风,但在镜头之外,真实的他是什么样子?是谁成就了他?他还能走多远? 从陪伴他一路走来的家人和教练,到济科、罗纳尔多等巴西球坛的传奇人物,从他们的口中,我们读出他骨子里的严肃和敬业,他对足球的热爱,他性格的坚韧和耐心,他对友情的重视,他的开朗和嬉闹。40余次面访,让你读到真实的内马尔。