Education and the Significance of Life
The teacher probes the Western problems of conformity and loss of personal values while offering a fresh approach to self-understanding and the meaning of personal freedom and mature love. -
Power of Play
Best-selling author and distinguished professor, David Elkind provides parents with an understanding of and appreciation for the powerful role of "play" in healthy emotional and academic development In modern childhood, free, unstructured play time is being replaced more and more by academics, lessons, competitive sports, and passive, electronic entertainment. While parents may worry that their children will be at a disadvantage if they are not engaged in constant, explicit learning or using the latest "educational" games, David Elkind's The Power of Play reassures us that unscheduled imaginative play goes far in preparing children for academic and social success. Through expert analysis of the research and powerful situational examples, Elkind shows that, indeed, creative spontaneous activity best sets the stage for academic learning in the first place: Children learn mutual respect and cooperation through role-playing and the negotiation of rules, which in turn prepare them for successful classroom learning; in simply playing with rocks, for example, a child could discover properties of counting and shapes that are the underpinnings of math; even a toddler's babbling is a necessary precursor to the acquisition of language. An important contribution to the literature about how children learn, The Power of Play suggests ways to restore play's respected place in children's lives, at home, at school, and in the larger community. In defense of unstructured "down time," it encourages parents to trust their instincts and resist the promise of the wide and dubious array of educational products on the market geared to youngsters. -
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
First published in Portuguese in 1968, Pedagogy of the Oppressed was translated and published in English in 1970. The methodology of the late Paulo Freire has helped to empower countless impoverished and illiterate people throughout the world. Freire's work has taken on especial urgency in the United States and Western Europe, where the creation of a permanent underclass among the underprivileged and minorities in cities and urban centers is increasingly accepted as the norm. With a substantive new introduction on Freire's life and the remarkable impact of this book by writer and Freire confidant and authority Donaldo Macedo, this anniversary edition of Pedagogy of the Oppressed will inspire a new generation of educators, students, and general readers for years to come.For more information, visit www.pedagogyoftheoppressed.com. -
Out of Our Minds
在线阅读本书 "This really is a remarkable book. It does for human resources what Rachel Carsons Silent Spring did for the environment. It makes you wonder why we insist on sustaining an education system that is narrow, partial, entirely inappropriate for the 21st century and deeply destructive of human potential when human beings have so much latent creative ability to offer. A brilliant analysis." Wally Olins, Founder, Wolff-Olins "Competitive advantage does not come from the Internet. It comes from leveraging creativity . All corporate leaders should read this book." Professor Richard Scase, author, Britain in 2010 "I thoroughly recommend this excellent book. Developing our latent creative ability is vital for personal and professional success. Ken Robinson gives us the signposts we need to achieve this." Sir John Harvey Jones "If you would like to start to unlock the inherent creativity that exists in every human being (including you), then start (you have to) by reading this book!" Simon Woodroffe, Founder, Yo Sushi, and former Entrepreneur of the Year "Ken Robinsons is an original and creative mind. I can think of no better spokesperson on creativity. His views are as much directed to learning institutions as they are to industry. Out of Our Minds is a genuine challenge to complacency." Ruth Spellman, Chief Executive of Investors in People, UK "Sometimes a writer has an uncanny knack of sharply focusing something which up until then you had not seen in all its simplicity and brilliance. This book does that but at the next moment it makes connections never before imaginedEven the most obstinately prosaic and safe thinkers will be tempted out of their box by Ken Robinsons ideas, theories and speculations. Whats more, he writes as he speaks, in a way that, magnetically and compulsively, is simply irresistible" Professor Tim Brighouse, Director of Education, Birmingham 点击链接进入中文版: 让思维自由起来 -
The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance
This 2006 book was the first handbook where the world's foremost 'experts on expertise' reviewed our scientific knowledge on expertise and expert performance and how experts may differ from non-experts in terms of their development, training, reasoning, knowledge, social support, and innate talent. Methods are described for the study of experts' knowledge and their performance of representative tasks from their domain of expertise. The development of expertise is also studied by retrospective interviews and the daily lives of experts are studied with diaries. In 15 major domains of expertise, the leading researchers summarize our knowledge on the structure and acquisition of expert skill and knowledge and discuss future prospects. General issues that cut across most domains are reviewed in chapters on various aspects of expertise such as general and practical intelligence, differences in brain activity, self-regulated learning, deliberate practice, aging, knowledge management, and creativity. -
本书作者亦庄亦谐的描述,将你带进了一个哲学的思考境界。美国大学管理,高深莫测。本书犹如开启了美国大学管理的一扇窗户,使我们窥见了大学管理者的智慧和尴尬、管理政治的奥妙和玄机、不同群体在大学中的利益摩擦、大学的理念与日益商业化的市侩之间的冲突。 本书也是一位先行者留给后来者的人生指南,从求学读书拿学位的每一个细节,从维持生计打工遭冷眼观人间万象,从立志奋斗寻找工作到处理人际关系,你都可以找到生涯规划的案例。总体上说,这是一本难得的好书,使我们认识了比较真实的美国大学;而且,这不是一本纯粹的学术著作,语言风趣幽默,具有很强的可读性,具有广泛的读者面,尤其是对于准备去美国留学的青年学子,更是值得一读。 作者是美国哥伦比亚大学本科生院助理院长,在美国大学里既有教学经历,也有行政管理经验,本书是作者多年对美国大学运行机制的观察、研究及亲身体验的文字表述,对国人真正了解美国的高等教育体制、大学生及研究生培养、大学与政府及家长关系等有较好的参考价值。书中的一篇篇短文,折射出作者阅历的广泛、人情世故的练达、对真的孜孜追求、对善的渴望。 目录 题记 第一辑 “书”海拾零 从美国的“高考”说起 民主社会中的贵族 常青藤的光环 “仓储式”的公立大学 “自由教育” 教授就是大学 大学的用人之道 为大学排名 评估大学春秋 大学里的民主 学术自由的代价 师生之间 网上的莎士比亚 第二辑 就事论事 师道之难 言论自由与“政治上的正确性” 大学校长的言论(不)自由 淘气、传统、淘气的传统 记忆的编码 没有落地的靴子 从知道分子到知识分子 大学不可承受之重 管理时尚与大学的效率 华尔街上的大学 浮想联翩说歧视 第三辑 人在“书”中 体验象牙之塔 来美国学什么? 自费生、公费生 宗教休克 留学打工记事 给教授打分写评语 当一回“钦差大臣” 附录 美国大学的分类与美新杂志的排名 美国高校的认证 哥伦比亚大学的核心课程 平等权利法案与美国大学招生 主要参考文献 后记