Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight
Note-for-note transcriptions of all 12 tracks from LP's 2007 chart-topping release. Includes: Bleed It Out * Given Up * Hands Held High * In Between * In Pieces * Leave Out All the Rest * The Little Things Give You Away * No More Sorrow * Shadow of the Day * Valentine's Day * Wake * What I've Done. PARENTAL ADVISORY: EXPLICIT CONTENT. -
Micronations: The Lonely Planet Guide to Home-Made Nations is a travel guidebook published by Lonely Planet. It has also been published under the name Micronations: The Lonely Planet Guide to Self-Proclaimed Nations. Though it is conceived as a non-fiction guidebook to places that readers can potentially actually visit, and includes fact-checked data on both the micronations themselves and nearby commercial hotel, restaurant and transport establishments and facilities, it is written in a reasonably light-hearted and entertaining tone. --from wikipedia -
澳大利亚如此博大广袤而缤纷多彩,绝非光凭一些标志性地点就能概括。悉尼歌剧院那巧夺天工的叠贝建筑,落日披洒在乌鲁鲁(艾尔斯岩)上那梦幻般的耀眼光芒,鳄鱼猛地合上巨嘴时撕裂空气的那一道声音,绽放在绚丽无比的珊瑚海上的那一朵浪花……你的体验将远不止于此。那就带上这本背包客为背包客所写的旅游指南去——游览吧,它将使你走得更远,玩得更好,而花的钱却更少。走自己的路一创意独特的路线设计和数以百计的出行地图可以帮你轻松做出澳大利亚观光旅行计划。 -
北欧,包括斯堪的纳维亚、冰岛。有北极熊在这里漫步,有挪威和瑞典的雄伟高山,也有丹麦优雅的田园牧歌,有冰岛由火山和冰河造就的奇景,也有繁华的哥本哈根和历史悠久的赫尔辛基这样的国际都市……您可以从奥斯陆到卑尔根之间乘火车旅行,将看到世界上最壮丽的风景,可以在赫尔辛基和斯德哥尔摩或塔林之间乘船巡游。如果您想玩遍北欧的话,您需要乘坐的交通工具绝对要比“80天环地球”的福格先生还要多——从现代化的飞机、汽车、豪华火车、雪上汽车,到自行车、狗拉雪橇、降落伞和皮艇。当然,本书不只是为您介绍当地美景、美食,更重要的是为您安排一个令您满意的旅行,提供最新的旅行资讯,且事无巨细。 -
Lonely Planet Iran
If travel is most rewarding when it surprises, then Iran might be the most rewarding destination on Earth. If you fancy traveling somewhere neither East nor West, and exotic and fascinating, read on Andrew Burke, Lonely Planet Writer Our Promise You can trust our travel information because Lonely Planet authors visit the places we write about, each and every edition. We never accept freebies for positive coverage so you can rely on us to tell it like it is. Inside This Book 14 clamorous bazaars 20 Persian Palaces 25+ atmospheric teahouses 100s of Persian architectural treasures Inspirational photos Clear, easy-to-use maps At-a-glance practical info Carpets, Art & Crafts feature Comprehensive planning tools In-depth background -