Chaos of Disciplines
In this new study, Andrew Abbott presents a fresh and daring analysis of the evolution and development of the social sciences. "Chaos of Disciplines" reconsiders how knowledge actually changes and advances. Challenging the accepted belief that social sciences are in a perpetual state of progress, Abbott contends that disciplines instead cycle around an inevitable pattern of core principles. New schools of thought, then, are less a reaction to an established order than they are a reinvention of fundamental concepts. "Chaos of Disciplines" uses fractals to explain the patterns of disciplines, and then applies them to key debates that surround the social sciences. Abbott argues that knowledge in different disciplines is organized by common oppositions that function at any level of theoretical or methodological scale. Opposing perspectives of thought and method, then, in fields ranging from history, sociology and literature, become radically similar, much like fractals, they are each mutual reflections of their own distinctions. -
Flexible Citizenship
Few recent phenomena have proved as emblematic of our era, and as little understood, as globalisation. Are nation-states being transformed by globalisation into a single globalised economy? Do global cultural forces herald a postnational millennium? Tying ethnography to structural analysis, "Flexible Citizenship" explores such questions with a focus on the links between the cultural logics of human action and on economic and political processes within the Asia-Pacific, including the impact of these forces on women and family life.Explaining how intensified travel, communications, and mass media have created a trans-national Chinese public, Aihwa Ong argues that previous studies have mistakenly viewed trans-nationality as necessarily detrimental to the nation-state and have ignored individual agency in the large-scale flow of people, images, and cultural forces across borders. She describes how political upheavals and global markets have induced Asian investors, in particular, to blend strategies of migration and of capital accumulation and how these trans-national subjects have come to symbolise both the fluidity of capital and the tension between national and personal identities.Refuting claims about the end of the nation-state and about 'the clash of civilizations', Ong presents a clear account of the cultural logics of globalisation and an incisive contribution to the anthropology of Asia-Pacific modernity and its links to global social change. This pioneering investigation of trans-national cultural forms will appeal to those in anthropology, globalisation studies, postcolonial studies, history, Asian studies, Marxist theory, and cultural studies. -
這是本講香港的書,講述者是不是香港人?他們自己也不知道答案。這是部紙上的紀錄片,記錄下十個在香港生活的內地人的聲音。他們大多是從香港的大學畢業,又以專才身份留下工作,然後展開生活。漂在香港,他們有的紮下了根,有的還在逐波而行,各有喜與愁。 他們有人第一眼就愛上香港,視香港為家;有人狠狠打拚,白手起家拚出一間自己的公司;有人經逢歧視,發現與香港保持距離更好一些;也有人看到香港發展的瓶頸,最終選擇帶著在香港練就的本領北上施展抱負。身份、機遇、家庭、生活壓力,他們一關關渡過,成為十個真實故事,十段香港生活,十種滋味。 他們講普通話,他們來自內地,他們生活在香港,他們都是普通人。 -
本书为各篇独立文章汇编,体例原本不尽相同,英文本中沿袭原文而未作统一,这也体现在读者面前的这本书中,另外,限于篇幅,辑录文章时作了必要的处理,格伦斯基在英文本前言中有所交待,译成中文时,为保持学术文章完整性,除对个别观点进行了删节外,基本保留原有内容,对原书中一些观点偏颇处,请读者本着批判吸收的态度甄别借鉴。 本书收录均为著名学者关于西方社会分层理论的代表性文章,具体问题情境不同,希望它能够对中国的社会学家有所启发,以发展更切合国情的社会学方法和理论。从经典的基础的教材做起,而渐渐创造社会学教学研究的新局面,这是编选这套社会学教材经典译丛的初衷和夙愿。 本书既收录马克思、韦伯、涂尔干等经典理论家的文章,也囊括贝尔、吉登斯、希尔斯等现代名家的作品,是社会分层理论的权威汇编,也是国外高校深受欢迎的社会分层教材。 本书吸收最新社会分层理论研究成果,从经济、族群、性别等角度探讨社会分层的成因、特征、应对和未来,向我们展示了社会分层研究的完整图谱,对于中国社会分层研究具有重要参考意义。 -
哪些作品能被称作艺术品而哪些不能,由谁来评判? 艺术品都是艺术家独立完成的吗? 艺术家是否像人们想象中的那样特立独行? 艺术家、评论家、艺术品商人、收藏家之间有着怎么样的关系? 贝克尔的艺术社会学经典著作《艺术界》为这些问题提供了答案。 对艺术的传统分析往往局限于艺术家和艺术品,而贝克尔则以社会学之眼审视艺术,将艺术看作一种集体活动,对“艺术界”这一概念进行了丰富而精微的阐发。在贝克尔看来,艺术界通常与它试图与之划清界限的世界有着千丝万缕的联系,因此,本书的每一章都从一个略有不同的视角窥探艺术界,讨论了艺术品创作进程及其参与者之间的合作与冲突,艺术活动中的特殊惯例,新的艺术家分类,艺术与国家的关系,以及艺术的名声问题等等,展现了一幅艺术界运作与变化的生动全景图。 -
The Practice of Everyday Life
In this incisive book, Michel de Certeau considers the uses to which social representation and modes of social behavior are put by individuals and groups, describing the tactics available to the common man for reclaiming his own autonomy from the all-pervasive forces of commerce, politics, and culture. In exploring the public meaning of ingeniously defended private meanings, de Certeau draws brilliantly on an immense theoretical literature to speak of an apposite use of imaginative literature.