《西方历史学名著提要》内容简介:比起“西方”概念来,“历史学”概念要复杂得多。“历史”和“历史学”是不可分的。前者指自然界和社会中任何一种发展过程,如地球的历史,社会的历史,或个别学科(如物理学、哲学)的历史等。早在古代,已经有了描述自然的"自然史"的术语(historia naturalis)。后者主要指研究人类社会的发展及其全部复杂性和多样性的学科,它既指一种知识,又指一种类型的研究活动。历史学和"历史学"概念在西方有个发展过程,在各个时期是有变化的。这点我们在下面会谈到,这里就不多说。在当代,对历史学的理解,或者说对"历史学"概念的解释,依然存在歧义。 面对浩如烟海的西方学术经典,任何人竭毕生之力也无法读尽。由各学科权威学者主编的西方学术名著提要丛书,为读者铺就了通向西方学术殿堂的捷径。《西方管理学名著提要》被中央党校及多所地方党校选为辅助教材,发行量超过5万;《西方心理学名著提要》《西方教育学名著提要》也已被华东师范大学、湖南师范大学等院校选为素质教育教程的参考教材,初版发行即逾万册。李银河主编的《西方性学名著提要》一出版,即引起书界关注。 -
《历史社会学的兴起》选择了18位历史社会学家或历史学家为主角来搭台,基本上展现了历史社会学丰富多姿的面貌;还对历史社会学作了一番历史社会学的历史分析,用“问题意识”来考察战后历史社会学的发展演变。 -
History and Popular Memory
When people experience a traumatic event, such as war or the threat of annihilation, they often turn to history for stories that promise a positive outcome to their suffering. During World War II, the French took comfort in the story of Joan of Arc and her heroic efforts to rid France of foreign occupation. To bring the Joan narrative more into line with current circumstances, popular retellings modified the original story so that what people believed took place in the past was often quite different from what actually occurred. Paul A. Cohen believes this interplay between story and history is a worldwide phenomenon found in countries of radically different cultural, religious, and social character. He focuses on Serbia, Israel, the Soviet Union, China, Great Britain, and France, all of which experienced severe crises in the twentieth century and, in response, appropriated age-old historical narratives that resonated with what was happening in the present to serve a unifying, restorative purpose. A central theme in the book is the distinction between popular memory and history. Although vitally important to historians, this distinction is routinely blurred in people's minds, and the historian's truth often cannot compete with the power of a compelling story from the past, even when it has been seriously distorted by myth or political manipulation. Cohen concludes by suggesting that the patterns of interaction he probes, given their near universality, may well be rooted in certain human propensities that transcend cultural difference. -
本書主旨在利用宋代至清代幼科醫籍資料,逐項分析曾困擾近世中國兒童的幾類最主要疾病,並從疾病的演變面貌中一窺此期間幼齡人口群一般健康變化之大勢。 全書結構依循傳統醫籍中藥科四大症(驚、疳、吐、瀉,或驚、疳、痘、疹)或六大症(驚、疳、吐、瀉、痘、疹)說法為指引,作系統而個別之追蹤,並附錄同時間士人筆下所見的兒童健康問題,以專家與技術人員之經驗與載記,佐以平常人之側寫,顯示此千年間兒童健康或安或恙的若干梗概,除提供了中國幼齡人口疾病與健康變化的詳情,也讓中國歷史上身體經驗、物質文化與生態環境作一突破性展現。 本書研究方法嚴謹,並事事詳注出處,觀點均有憑有據,為當代有志於我國古往今來兒童保健者極具價值之入門專著,亦足以帶動相關的專業性學術研究與發展。 -
That Noble Dream
The aspiration to relate the past 'as it really happened' has been the central goal of American professional historians since the late nineteenth century. In this remarkable history of the profession, Peter Novick shows how the idea and ideal of objectivity were elaborated, challenged, modified, and defended over the last century. Drawing on the unpublished correspondence as well as the published writings of hundreds of American historians from J. Franklin Jameson and Charles Beard to Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and Eugene Genovese, That Noble Dream is a richly textured account of what American historians have thought they were doing, or ought to be doing, when they wrote history - how their principles influenced their practice and practical exigencies influenced their principles. -
Mao Zedong and China in the Twentieth-Century World