《如何做综述性研究》内容简介:在科学研究中,孤立的研究者注定要重复前辈们所犯的错误。研究者对以往研究中感兴趣的主题领域所做的分析,是每一项科学研究的起点。没有这一步,研究者就不可能综合、全面地了解这个世界,他们也不可能在前人努力的基础上取得成就。《如何做综述性研究》将有效地指导人们怎样做综述研究——如何发现、评估及综合以前的研究,帮助那些具有基本研究方法和统计知识背景的社会科学家、行为科学家和医学科学家更好地从事研究。《如何做综述性研究》试图形成这样一种研究综述:它可以被其他人重复使用,能够得到学者们一致认可,并在一个具有建设性的模式中聚焦争议。最重要的是,在完成研究综述时,这种方法的使用者会感到他们的研究中包含的知识比较丰富,并相信他们的原始研究今后会对该领域有所贡献。 -
繼全球暢銷150萬本、譯成14種文字的《心靈寫作:創造你的異想世界》之後,娜妲莉.高柏再次傳授四十年靈修與教學所累積的終極寫作祕密。 娜妲莉發現,要得到真正的平靜和療癒,光靠冥想、靜坐是不夠的。飛揚的思緒需要出口,需要被認可,需要你好好面對、讓它們參與人生。而書寫,可以滿足這一切。於是她開辦「真正的祕密」避靜寫作營,一教三十餘年,啟發無數人。這原本只在美國鄉村舉辦的禁語寫作課程,將在本書中公開,成為你生活的一部分。 娜妲莉說,書寫適合任何人,不僅像吃、睡一樣自然,更能通往內心深處,挖掘豐富覺知。生命奧義就隱藏在生活大小事中,透過筆尖去勾勒它們吧!你的鬱悶心情、人際困境、生命兩難、生老病死之大惑,都將變得澄澈清明。 在摸索過程中,娜塔莉有幾位良師,教導她如何連結生命與寫作。他們是中國的王維、美國的海明威、日本的一休和尚……。本書中,娜塔莉如實分享了良師給她的感動啟示。 娜妲莉總是告訴學生:「閉上嘴,開始寫」。在禁語的靜默中,提筆深耕自我吧。 「我們要一直寫,至死方休。這是我們對自己的承諾。」 -
本书是关于如何准备稿件和如何投稿的说明,每一章的内容都有质的不同,内容是按照人们撰写稿件时考虑问题的通常顺序安排的,从最初的某个概念始,以最后的论文出版发表终。虽然每一章都是独立的,但是,对于那些不熟 悉学术出版发表过程的读者,如果能从头到尾先通读一遍,了解全书的梗概,或许会有更多的益处。 本书分为8章,主要内容包括:行为科学和社会科学写作;稿件的结构和内容;使文章意义清楚、语言简练;APA格式中的硬规则等。 -
How to Write a Lot
All students and professors need to write, and many struggle to finish their stalled dissertations, journal articles, book chapters, or grant proposals. Writing is hard work and can be difficult to wedge into a frenetic academic schedule. In this practical, light-hearted, and encouraging book, Paul Silvia explains that writing productively does not require innate skills or special traits but specific tactics and actions. Drawing examples from his own field of psychology, he shows readers how to overcome motivational roadblocks and become prolific without sacrificing evenings, weekends, and vacations. After describing strategies for writing productively, the author gives detailed advice from the trenches on how to write, submit, revise, and resubmit articles, how to improve writing quality, and how to write and publish academic work. -
Notebooks of the Mind
How do creative people think? Do great works of the imagination originate in words or in images? Is there a rational explanation for the sudden appearance of geniuses like Mozart or Einstein? Such questions have fascinated people for centuries; only in recent years, however, has cognitive psychology been able to provide some clues to the mysterious process of creativity. In this revised edition of Notebooks of the Mind, Vera John-Steiner combines imaginative insight with scientific precision to produce a startling account of the human mind working at its highest potential. To approach her subject John-Steiner goes directly to the source, assembling the thoughts of "experienced thinkers"--artists, philosophers, writers, and scientists able to reflect on their own imaginative patterns. More than fifty interviews (with figures ranging from Jessica Mitford to Aaron Copland), along with excerpts from the diaries, letters, and autobiographies of such gifted giants as Leo Tolstoy, Marie Curie, and Diego Rivera, among others, provide illuminating insights into creative activity. We read, for example, of Darwin's preoccupation with the image of nature as a branched tree while working on his concept of evolution. Mozart testifies to the vital influence on his mature art of the wondrous "bag of memories" he retained from childhood. Anais Nin describes her sense of words as oppressive, explaining how imagistic free association freed her as a writer. Adding these personal accounts to laboratory studies of thought process, John-Steiner takes a refreshingly holistic approach to the question of creativity. What emerges is an intriguing demonstration of how specific socio-cultural circumstances interact with certain personality traits to encourage the creative mind. Among the topics examined here are the importance of childhood mentor figures; the lengthy apprenticeship of the talented person; and the development of self- expression through highly individualistic languages, whether in images, movement or inner speech. Now, with a new introduction, this award-winning book provides an uniquely broad-based study of the origins, development and fruits of human inspiration. -
本書對電影編劇、拍電影的人、電影分析者,以及電影和心理學的學生而言,是一本必讀的書。本書的目的就是要成為那些渴望寫出成功的劇本,或拍出成功電影之人的寶典。尹迪克博士對那些複雜的心理學概念、角色特徵,以及情節線的敘述,是清晰而且直接的。他的書直接對角色發展、塑造與劇本分析,提供了具體的幫助。 要使你的故事生動起來,編劇們必須瞭解人類行為。運用這本書,編劇可以讓西格蒙‧佛洛伊德、卡爾‧容格、艾爾弗列德‧阿德勒、艾里克‧艾瑞克森和約瑟夫‧坎伯成為他們的寫作伙伴。《編劇心理學》以具心理衝擊的角色和衝突,協助你書寫的技巧,你將學習到如何創造有說服力的動機,令人信服的認同發展,以及能產生逼真銀幕光影的原型。