不论你想写小说还是散文,亦或想提高诗歌或回忆录写作技巧,蒂贝尔吉安的12堂写作课都能够帮你找到并开发属于自己的独一无二的声音。书中每一种写作类型都配有充满创造性的练习,并提供了丰富的写作技巧,包括对话写作以及小小说创作。通过列举著名作家的例子,比如里尔克、加利亚诺、帕慕克等,本书提供了至关重要的写作指导,有练习,有写作建议,并为想要拥抱生活、让每一天都充满创造力的人们提供了的智慧之见。 -
《跟大师学语文:文章作法》辑录了夏丏尊先生讲授记叙文、说明文、议论文等类文章具体写作方法的讲义稿,并经刘薰宇先生整理修改而成为较系统完整的专著。解答了如何通过写作篇幅短小形式多样的小品文等方法迅速提高写作能力等实际问题,并通过对鲁迅、冰心等名家的名作,《左传》、《水浒》等名著中的名篇的简明评点,对写作中常遇到的问题给予了精辟独到的意见。 -
The Art of Fiction
John Gardner was famous for his generosity to young writers, and (this book) is his . . . gift to them. The Art of Fiction will fascinate anyone interested in how fiction gets put together. For the young writer, it will become a necessary handbook, a stern judge, an encouraging friend.--The New York Times Book Review. -
The Elements of Style
The only style manual ever to appear on bestseller lists has explained to millions of readers the basic principles of plain English. The book's mantra-make every word tell-is still on point. Whether seventeen or seventy, this much-loved classic, now in its fourth edition, will forever be the go-to guide when in need of a hint on how to make a turn of phrase clearer, or a reminder on how to enliven prose with the active voice. Kalman's exquisite illustrations give the revered work a jolt of new energy, making the learning experience more colorful and clear. The Elements of Style Illustrated will come to be known as the definitive, must-have edition. -
The Elements of Style
This classic reference is a must-have for any student or writer. In this brief handbook, Strunk identifies the principal requirements of proper American English style and concentrates on the most often violated rules of composition. Authoritative and engagingly written, this is simply the greatest book of its kind.