《见证奇迹!林书豪!》分为奇迹之路、见证奇迹、奇迹背后三部分,权威、独家解析了林书豪的球场传奇、赛场特色等内容,更对林书豪成功背后的励志色彩进行深度剖析,满足篮球迷、家长等各层次读者的需要,给读者以更深层面的启迪。 -
《笑侃NBA》赛场上风光无限的球星或教练,在赛场外总有许多不平凡的经历和不得不说的故事:天赋异禀的麦迪在火箭队为什么会沦落到众叛亲离的境地?“德国战车”诺维茨基是如何从一名房屋装修工成长为总冠军MVP的?“石佛”邓肯和波波维奇是如何成为生死相依的师徒的?“甜瓜”安东尼被交易到纽约的背后有着怎样的惊天密谋? -
Steve Nash: The Making of an MVP
In a country where many children dream of becoming professional hockey players, Victoria’s Steve Nash was an exception. When he was in grade eight, he told his mother that he would some day play in the National Basketball Association. Having already authored Long Shot: Steve Nash’s Journey to the NBA, Rud, a former sports columnist with the Victoria Times Colonist, was the natural person to continue Nash’s amazing success story. Readers need not worry if they have not read Rud’s earlier book about Nash as Rud utilizes an essentially chronological approach, one that begins when Nash is in grade 11 and concludes with the close of the 2005-2006 NBA season, the point at which Nash won his second NBA Most Valuable Player Award, doing so in back-to-back years. In many ways, Nash’s story is a double Cinderella tale. The first Cinderella tale involved Nash’s even making it to the NBA, and, as Rud pointed out via the title of his first book, that happening was truly a long shot. The normal route to the NBA is via playing American college basketball for a Division 1 team, but, because Nash had to sit out basketball for his grade 11 year as he had transferred high schools, he was essentially overlooked by American college scouts who principally recruit high school juniors. Additionally, Nash, who was not that tall, was Caucasian and was playing basketball in Canada, did not fit the stereotypic US college basketball prospect. Though Nash was eventually recruited by Santa Clara University, a Division 1 team, the school was not considered a top-ranked basketball powerhouse, and so Nash had to play extremely well to get himself noticed by the NBA scouts. That Cinderella tale concluded on January 26, 1996, when Nash was drafted by the Phoenix Suns. The last eight of the book’s 15 chapters tell the second Cinderella story. While Nash had achieved his goal of becoming a player in the NBA, he was essentially starting all over again and needing to prove to his coaches and teammates that he was going to be more than just a journeyman player. After two years with the Phoenix Suns, Nash found himself traded to the Dallas Mavericks where he received a six-year 33 million dollar contract, but when that contract expired and Nash was a free agent, he found that the Mavericks did not appear keen to resign him, and so he accepted a six-year 65 million dollar contract from his former team, the Phoenix Suns. It was with the Suns again that the second Cinderella story found its conclusion with Nash’s winning the league’s Most Valuable Player Award, not once, but twice and in consecutive years. Despite all of Nash’s individual recognition, Rud says that one goal still eludes Nash, and that is his being part of an NBA championship team. Possibly Rud will have yet a third book to write. The book contains a 16 page section of black and white photos that show Steve at various periods in his life, from being a toddler through the 2005-2006 NBA season. The closing two pages consist of a chart of Nash’s NBA career statistics and a listing of the NBA awards and recognitions he has received. Rud’s writing style will appeal to adolescents who want their nonfiction to read like a novel, and from the events in Nash’s life, Rud constructs a “storyline,” one which incorporates quotes from Nash, his friends, fellow players and coaches. Overall, Rud presents a most positive picture of a modest professional athlete who has selflessly represented his country in the Olympics and who has established a charitable foundation. Steve Nash: The Making of an MVP is a fine addition to the recreational reading section of school and public libraries. -
Eleven Rings
During his storied career as head coach of the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers, Phil Jackson won more championships than any coach in the history of professional sports. Even more important, he succeeded in never wavering from coaching his way, from a place of deep values. Jackson was tagged as the “Zen master” half in jest by sportswriters, but the nickname speaks to an important truth: this is a coach who inspired, not goaded; who led by awakening and challenging the better angels of his players’ nature, not their egos, fear, or greed. This is the story of a preacher’s kid from North Dakota who grew up to be one of the most innovative leaders of our time. In his quest to reinvent himself, Jackson explored everything from humanistic psychology and Native American philosophy to Zen meditation. In the process, he developed a new approach to leadership based on freedom, authenticity, and selfless teamwork that turned the hypercompetitive world of professional sports on its head. In Eleven Rings, Jackson candidly describes how he: Learned the secrets of mindfulness and team chemistry while playing for the champion New York Knicks in the 1970s Managed Michael Jordan, the greatest player in the world, and got him to embrace selflessness, even if it meant losing a scoring title Forged successful teams out of players of varying abilities by getting them to trust one another and perform in sync Inspired Dennis Rodman and other “uncoachable” personalities to devote themselves to something larger than themselves Transformed Kobe Bryant from a rebellious teenager into a mature leader of a championship team. Eleven times, Jackson led his teams to the ultimate goal: the NBA championship—six times with the Chicago Bulls and five times with the Los Angeles Lakers. We all know the legendary stars on those teams, or think we do. What Eleven Rings shows us, however, is that when it comes to the most important lessons, we don’t know very much at all. This book is full of revelations: about fascinating personalities and their drive to win; about the wellsprings of motivation and competition at the highest levels; and about what it takes to bring out the best in ourselves and others. -
2009年1月,李元伟退休了。信兰成又上台了。信兰成带领的中国篮球,让球迷发出了这样的感慨: 这届亚锦赛,让小弟仿佛再次回到了2003年之前总是担心中国队在亚洲球队前担心阴沟翻船的状况。其实这种状况,从2004年起,也就在哈里斯、尤纳斯的执教时代,早就消失的无影无踪,不但能够放心的看着中国男篮轻松痛宰亚洲球队,甚至还产生了挑战世界强队的欲望,因为在那时,无论是有姚的中国男篮,还是无姚的中国男篮,都在朝着脱亚入欧的正确方向前进,球迷们也明显感觉到中国男篮进步的步伐。 可是现在,不仅中国篮协回到了信大人的时代,中国篮球的水平也重新脱欧入亚,回到了当初信大人执政的时代,中国篮球再次与世界强列拉开了距离,再次回到了亚洲篮球的泥潭中。 脱亚成可贵,入欧价更高,若为仕途故,两者皆可抛!复辟后的信大人为了仕途稳固,寻找向上爬的机会,全然不顾正在脱亚入欧的中国男篮和越来越成功的CBA,上台后就叫停“入欧”,重新睁开亚洲视野,痛批CBA,迎合体育总局的老子搞起“举果蹄子”。于是乎,篮球外行、玩弄权术内行的信大人使出了毁人不倦的“四大招”,让中国篮球彻底踏上了脱欧入亚的回头路。 李元伟虽退,但他在球迷心目中的位置,那是无可争议的。从他的视角看篮球发展史,更具可信度与公信力,满足两亿篮球迷的期待。 -
内容介绍 在美国中部,曾经的世界橡胶之都俄亥俄州阿克隆市,五名有着出色天赋和兄弟情谊的黑人少年,组成了一支叫做“流星”的球队,执著地追求着他们的篮球梦想。 贫穷、动荡和缺少父母的关爱,让这帮少年早早地就面临着人生的种种挑战。勒布朗、威利、德鲁、锡安和罗密欧视彼此为亲人,在一位严父般的教练带领下,历经磨练,并且收获友谊和荣耀。 在七年级结束后的夏天,“流星”获得了参加全国冠军赛的资格。但初尝荣耀让孩子们飘飘然,失去了在赛场上应有的专注,早早便铩羽而归。他们相互承诺,不离不弃,誓夺全国冠军。 他们不知道实现这一承诺会是何等艰辛。随后的几年里,随着詹姆斯声名日盛,他们不得不忍受嫉妒和敌意,商业的利用,以及黑人社区的憎恨。还要咽下他们自己骄傲自大的苦果。靠着团结一心和对梦想的专注,最终他们夺取了高中锦标赛的全国冠军。曾经的懵懂少年也成长为懂得爱、忠诚与尊重的男人。 ·相关推荐 第一次在职业篮球比赛中看到勒布朗·詹姆斯时,最令我震撼的就是他的无私。读罢《我的兄弟,我的篮球》,我明白了这是为什么。这本书讲述了五个男孩如何历经曲折起伏,而懂得了团队与友谊、忠诚与爱的真谛。字里行间激情洋溢,每个人物都鲜活难忘,动人心扉而又催人奋起。 ——Jay-Z 詹姆斯从孩童到成年的历程令我激动不已。《我的兄弟,我的篮球》讲述了一个令人入迷的非凡故事,充满了让我们受益无穷的人生智慧。 ——沃伦·巴菲特 在奥运会上,勒布朗是明星,是领袖,是出色的队友。他帮助球队成为一个家庭。《我的兄弟,我的篮球》教我懂得他为何会成为那样的队友,如何培养了他无私与忠诚的品德。这是一个令人惊叹的故事。 ——迈克·沙舍夫斯基 这本书充满着感人至深的故事:男孩如何成为男人,队友如何成为兄弟,球员如何成为冠军,透过一代巨星从稚嫩到成熟的双眼,为我们娓娓道来。 ——约翰·格里森姆