始于2008年的金融与经济危机因其惊人的蔓延速度而成为这代美国人一生中最为危急的事件。危机是怎么发生的,尤其在已经吸取了1930年代经济大萧条的教训之后?为什么人们事先没有预测出来,以采取挽救措施避免其发生或减轻其危害?可以用什么对策来阻止经济陷入深度萧条?为什么政府和经济学界到目前为止的应对举措如此乏善可陈?所有金融灾难事件及迄今所做的捉襟见肘的挽救努力的根源何在?理查德·波斯纳对这些问题给出了简明的、非技术化的解释。本书并不要求读者预先具备宏观经济学或者金融理论知识。这是一本写给涉猎广博的智识读者的书,它同时也会令专业人士感兴趣。 波斯纳在本书中阐明的事实与缘由包括:从亚洲流入美国的过剩资本以及美联储粗率执行的低利息率政策;企业经理人薪酬、短期收益目标和高风险借贷之间的关系;由低利息率、积极的抵押贷款营销和松懈的监管共同推波助澜吹起的房地产泡沫;美国人的低储蓄率;还有大型金融机构很高的负债资产比率。本书分析了两种基本的危机拯救方案,分别对应于解释1930年代经济大萧条成因的两种理论:货币主义理论,认为美联储放任了货币供给的收缩,因而未能阻止灾难性的通货紧缩;以及凯恩斯主义理论,认为经济萧条是1920年代信贷盛宴、股市暴跌以及随之而来的经济活力螺旋下降的产物。波斯纳结论认为,经济之摆摇动得太远了,应该较为严密地监管美国金融市场。这场灾难的根本原因在于自由市场的系统风险,因此,它可以说是资本主义制度的一次失败。 -
On the Brink
When Hank Paulson, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, was appointed in 2006 to become the nation's next Secretary of the Treasury, he knew that his move from Wall Street to Washington would be daunting and challenging. But Paulson had no idea that a year later, he would find himself at the very epicenter of the world's most cataclysmic financial crisis since the Great Depression. Major institutions including Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill Lynch, and Citigroup, among others-all steeped in rich, longstanding tradition-literally teetered at the edge of collapse. Panic ensnared international markets. Worst of all, the credit crisis spread to all parts of the U.S. economy and grew more ominous with each passing day, destroying jobs across America and undermining the financial security millions of families had spent their lifetimes building. This was truly a once-in-a-lifetime economic nightmare. Events no one had thought possible were happening in quick succession, and people all over the globe were terrified that the continuing downward spiral would bring unprecedented chaos. All eyes turned to the United States Treasury Secretary to avert the disaster. This, then, is Hank Paulson's first-person account. From the man who was in the very middle of this perfect economic storm, ON THE BRINK is Paulson's fast-paced retelling of the key decisions that had to be made with lightning speed. Paulson puts the reader in the room for all the intense moments as he addressed urgent market conditions, weighed critical decisions, and debated policy and economic considerations with of all the notable players-including the CEOs of top Wall Street firms as well as Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner, Sheila Bair, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain, and then-President George W. Bush. More than an account about numbers and credit risks gone bad, ON THE BRINK is an extraordinary story about people and politics-all brought together during the world's impending financial Armageddon. -
Manias, Panics and Crashes
This sixth edition has been revised and expanded to bring the history of financial crisis up to date, covering such topics as speculative manias, the lender of last resort and the case of Lehman Brothers. This highly anticipated volume has been hailed as 'a true classic...both timely and timeless.' -
但凡思考过20世纪30年代“大萧条”问题的经济学家,大都认为那是一场无妄之灾,而不是无法避免的悲剧。他们认为,假如当年赫伯特•胡佛没有在经济萧条迫在眉睫时还试图保持预算平衡,假如当年美联储没有以牺牲国内经济为代价来维护金本位,假如当年政府官员迅速向境况不妙的银行注资,以平复1930~1931年间蔓延开来的银行恐慌,那么1929年的股市崩溃将只会引发一场普普通通的、很快被人遗忘的经济衰退。他们还认为,经济学家和决策者已经汲取了教训。真的是这样吗? 1929年股市大崩盘,拉开20世纪大萧条序幕;1982年债务危机,第三世界国家遭遇危机后的萧条;1991年日本经济泡沫破裂,至今仍在萧条中徘徊;1997年亚洲金融危机爆发,诸多经济体深陷衰退;2007年美国次贷风波愈演愈烈,经济萧条再度袭来;在诺贝尔经济学奖颁奖前夕,克鲁格曼再次预言,21世纪严重经济衰退无法避免,世界或将遭遇“失去的十年”。 经济萧条从未远离我们,萧条经济学重返历史舞台 -