From Calculus to Cohomology
De Rham cohomology is the cohomology of differential forms. This book offers a self-contained exposition to this subject and to the theory of characteristic classes from the curvature point of view. It requires no prior knowledge of the concepts of algebraic topology or cohomology. The first 10 chapters study cohomology of open sets in Euclidean space, treat smooth manifolds and their cohomology and end with integration on manifolds. The last 11 chapters cover Morse theory, index of vector fields, Poincare duality, vector bundles, connections and curvature, Chern and Euler classes, and Thom isomorphism, and the book ends with the general Gauss-Bonnet theorem. The text includes well over 150 exercises, and gives the background necessary for the modern developments in gauge theory and geometry in four dimensions, but it also serves as an introductory course in algebraic topology. It will be invaluable to anyone who wishes to know about cohomology, curvature, and their applications. -
Basic Topology
In this broad introduction to topology, the author searches for topological invariants of spaces, together with techniques for their calculating. Students with knowledge of real analysis, elementary group theory, and linear algebra will quickly become familiar with a wide variety of techniques and applications involving point-set, geometric, and algebraic topology. Over 139 illustrations and more than 350 problems of various difficulties help students gain a thorough understanding of the subject. -
The Knot Book
Knots are familiar objects. We use them to moor our boats, to wrap our packages, to tie our shoes. Yet the mathematical theory of knots quickly leads to deep results in topology and geometry. "The Knot Book" is an introduction to this rich theory, starting with our familiar understanding of knots and a bit of college algebra and finishing with exciting topics of current research. "The Knot Book" is also about the excitement of doing mathematics. Colin Adams engages the reader with fascinating examples, superb figures, and thought-provoking ideas. He also presents the remarkable applications of knot theory to modern chemistry, biology, and physics. This is a compelling book that will comfortably escort you into the marvelous world of knot theory. Whether you are a mathematics student, someone working in a related field, or an amateur mathematician, you will find much of interest in "The Knot Book".Colin Adams received the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Award for Distinguished Teaching and has been an MAA Polya Lecturer and a Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer. Other key books of interest available from the "AMS" are "Knots and Links" and "The Shoelace Book: A Mathematical Guide to the Best (and Worst) Ways to Lace your Shoes". -
《几何与拓扑的概念导引》致力于对几何与拓扑的基本概念的解释及基本理论的综述,内容涉及古典几何、微分流形与李群、微分几何、拓扑学、代数曲线。《几何与拓扑的概念导引》叙述较为细致,语言较为通俗,需要的预备知识较少,特别注意从直观的几何现象入手讲解抽象的概念,尽量介绍本学科与其他学科的关系,以便照顾更多的读者群体。《几何与拓扑的概念导引》是了解近代几何与拓扑学的导引,可作为大学数学系及其他有关专业的研究生的公共课教材,也可以用作自学者的入门读物。 -
拓扑学的方法与结果在各个数学分支中有着广泛的应用,因此适当选择其中的内容供各个分支的研究者与教师之用是一个很重要的工作。本书作者以微分流形为中心写了这本书,涉及拓扑学的广泛的领域并在分析数学、几何学乃至理论物理学中均可得到重要的应用。本书的主要内容是:微分流形、示性类理论、表示论大意、Hodge理论、Hirzebruch指标定理、Riemann-Roch定理、Atiyah-Singer指标定理和Gauss-Bonnet定理等。 -