原稿是作者为英国广播公司撰写的、一部介绍现代主义艺术兴衰的电视系列片说词、电视片播出后,引起西方社会公众的注意,认为是美术界的“第三次浪潮”。成书时又增加了五倍于解说词的内容,既有电视片的普及作用,又具有一定的学术价值,编排论述方法亦不同于一般的美术史,现已成为西方研究现代主义艺术的重要参考书之一。 -
本书由我国著名文物鉴定家杨仁恺所著,书中还对书画鉴定的使用方法,书画鉴定学形成的过程以及书画的作伪和历代公私鉴藏所用铃押印记等都作了较为详细的论述。全书具有较强的系统性,科学性及知识性,书中附有大量的图片,使全书图文并茂,是一本较权威的书画鉴不定期论著,适合于书画收藏者以及各博物馆进行书画鉴定时的参考使用。 -
本书主要论述了唐代和南北朝时期以长安爲中心的陕西及中原地区美术遗迹,内容包括佛教图像和道教图像等。作者立足于实地考察和实证的方法,围绕著艺术作品的行程与内容,不同艺术之间的相互联系与影响,中国本土艺术与外来艺术的交融等不同角度进行了深入分析。随文约三百幅插图,从而使该书具有了图文并茂的效果。 -
Meaning in the Visual Arts
Since its original publication, Erwin Panofsky's Meaning in the Visual Arts has been standard reading for students of art history. It is both an introduction to the study of art and, for those with more specialized interests, a profound discussion of art and life in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Panofsky's historical technique reveals an abundance of detail, detail he skillfully relates to the life and work of individual painters and their times. The papers in this volume represent a cross-section of Panofsky's major work. Included are selections from his well-known Studies in Iconology and The Life and Art of Albrecht Dürer, plus an introduction and an epilogue—"The History of Art as a Humanistic Discipline" and "Three Decades of Art History in the United States: Impressions of a Transplanted European"—as well as pieces written especially for this collection. All display Panofsky's vast erudition and deep commitment to a humanistic conception of art and art history. -
Principles of Art History
Seminal modern study explains ideas beyond superficial changes. Analyzes over 150 works by masters. 121 illus. -