Buddhist Art and Architecture
Buddhism is the single common thread uniting the Asian world, from India to South-East Asia and through Central Asia to China, Korea and Japan. To guide and inspire believers, innumerable symbols and images were made, beginning in India in the 3rd century BC. This phenomenally diverse tradition includes not only frescoes, relief carvings, colossal statues, silk embroideries and bronze ritual objects but also rock-cut shrines with a thousand Buddhas, the glorious stupas of South-East Asia and the pagodas of the Far East, the massive "mandala in stone" of Borobudur in Java and entire 13th-century temple complexes at Angkor in Cambodia. The author describes all the Buddhist schools and cultures, and explains their imagery, from Tibetan cosmic diagrams and Korean folk art to early Sri Lankan sites and Japanese Zen gardens. -
Other Criteria
Leo Steinberg's classic "Other Criteria" comprises eighteen essays on topics ranging from "Contemporary Art and the Plight of Its Public" and the "flat-bed picture plane" to reflections on Picasso, Rauschenberg, Rodin, de Kooning, Pollock, Guston, and Jasper Johns. The last, which Francine du Plessix Gray called "a tour de force of critical method," is widely regarded as the most eye-opening analysis of Johns' work ever written. This edition includes a new preface and a handful of additional illustrations. -
《1979年以来的中国艺术史》是在1990年完成的《中国现代艺术史1979-1989》(1992年出版)和2000年完成的《中国当代艺术史:1990-1999》(2000年出版)两部书的基础上改写、修订而成的。将这两部书合二为一重新编辑出版出自以下的原因。 我们是1979年至1999年这20年中国改革历程的见证人,也是中国前卫艺术在这20年中发生和演变过程的亲历者。在这20年中,前卫艺术自身的成长,如同中国政治经济改革一样,总是显得脚步匆忙。我们用“进步”这样一个概念来描述这20年中国前卫艺术的状态也许有些笼统和不适当,但我们却应该承认,在这20年中发生的一切,其丰富性和多样性的却远远超过了此前的时代。 当我们站在了另一个世纪的岸边,回过头来观望身后的风景,我们才发现,时间的忘川是如此之深,以至于每一个涉过这条河流的人都有忘却的危险,哪怕我们对曾经发生的一切有着亲切而生动的感性常识。把写作和出版于两个十年的艺术史合并起来,出自一种方便:是为了给今后的人们,尤其是学习艺术的学生们,提供一个建立自1979年以来中国新艺术发展逻辑的材料背景。这两部书写自不同的时间,而有不同时间里的判断,好在这二十年的发展关系是如此的密不可分,也就很容易构成一个新的历史整体。 -
现代艺术是指兴起于西方20世纪初发展起来的新的、非传统的艺术,由于其体现的变革性理念,它常常为大众所费解。本书是第一本写给大众看的现代艺术入门书。本书用最浅显的方法,以及最具亲和力的图文说明,介绍现代艺术的发展,让读者找到欣赏的方法和乐趣。本书让读者认识30个1870年迄今最关键的艺术流派,例如野兽派、未来派、达达派、表现派、超现实主义、波普艺术、装置艺术等,鉴赏85幅选自世界顶尖艺术美术馆珍藏的经典杰作,认识110位重要的现代艺术大师。其中既包括作为现代艺术诞生之初的印象派作品,比如莫奈与毕加索等人的画作,也包括后来发展过程中出现的以杜尚等人为代表的先锋艺术作品,还包括了一些21世纪前后以新媒材为表现手段的作品。为了进一步方便读者学习现代艺术,追踪进展,本书还提供了丰富全面的全球艺术网站链接。 -
《希腊的雕塑(彩图本艺术哲学)》除了同为公元七十九年埋在地下的古城——庞贝(Pompei)与赫库兰尼姆(Herculanum),被发掘了一些宝石镶嵌画和小型壁画以外,占代绘画巨制基本都已毁灭,只有希腊这个人类历史中最悠久的占国之一,还为我们保留并展示了古代人类淳朴的艺术,即“希腊的雕塑”。 《希腊的雕塑(彩图本艺术哲学)》分“种族、时代、制度”三个部分,为我们讲解了这一远古的艺术瑰宝。希腊大量雕塑的内容是美好的人体,是古代希腊神话中的神灵,这些雕塑是一种全民性的艺术体现,是一种风俗习惯与民族精神的艺术体现。 -
How to Understand a Painting
Choosing ten symbols from the natural world (the sun, the shell, the bird) and ten man-made (the window, the book, the mirror), Françoise Barbe-Gall illuminates our understanding of how these have been used and developed in art from the fifteenth to the twenty-first century, with sixty-eight wonderfully vivid examples. Painting has always made abundant use of forms and objects to convey abstract ideas: love, hope for eternal life, loyalty or betrayal. These recurring motifs, which were familiar to many in the past, have mostly become mysterious to the audiences of today. Today's art-lover will have to learn to look out for all the small things that can so easily seem like unimportant details, or simply decoration. But a flower, a reflection in a mirror or a bird in flight nearly always mean more than they first appear to. From Holbein's apple of knowledge to the black cat at the foot of Manet's Olympia, from Magritte's mysterious candles to Georgia O'Keeffe's flowers, this book shows how each work makes use of the language of symbols in an original and more meaningful way.