Bites XXL
Giovanni, renowned photographer in Milan’s fashion industry, felt the deep need to produce something lasting along side of his extremely short-lived and fleeting fashion photography. Since his first publication of Bites in 2005 his artworks – hyms to the male sex organ – have sold many thousands times. -
Homo Art
From phallic statues and racy antique urns to homoerotic etchings and orgiastic paintings, the pieces portrayed in this eclectic collection of images pay homage to men—and men on men—via a very special voyage through the history of art. -
Best Gay Romance
The Joy of Gay Sex
查理斯西弗史坦(Charles Silverstein) 是纽约市的私人执业心理医师,也是纽约大学医学院精神科的指导员,以及在‘Human Identity’学院(一家非营利的同志咨商中心)担任咨商师监督。他建立了两个非营利同志咨商机构,并为《同性恋日志》(Journal of Homosexuality)的首任编辑;他也对涉及同性恋主题的心理学文本有诸多贡献。 菲里斯皮卡诺(Felice Picano) 处女作入围海明威大奖的最后角逐名单,出版小说、诗作、传记二十册。他与‘紫色管毛笔’(Violet Quill)俱乐部成员被视作现代同性恋文学的创始者,创立了两家出版社:海马出版社(SeaHorse Press)、纽约同志出版社(Gay Press of New York)。得奖着作包括《Like People in History》、《The Book of Lies》、《Onyx》等小说。他改编自己的小说《An Asian Minor》、《One O'Clock Jump》和喜剧作品《The Bombay Trunk》成为戏剧‘Immortal’,经常被搬上舞台演出。皮卡诺居住洛杉矶,将着作《Late in the Season》拍成了电影。 但唐谟 台大戏剧研究所毕业,发表诸多艺评、影评、文评,散见于各大媒体。译有《已婚男人》、《纽约—都市空间与建筑》(木马)、《猛男情结》(性林)、《网路猎杀》(远流)、《认识卢恩符文的第一堂课》(尖端),以及《搞定男人》、《啊!好屌》、《天天好体位》、《简明性爱辞典》(大辣)。