The Woman That Never Evolved
This work argues that evolutionary theorists' emphasis on sexual competition among males for access to females overlooks selection pressures on females themselves. In an account of what female primates themselves actually do to secure their own reproductive advantage, Sarah Hrdy demolishes myths about sexually passive, "coy", compliant and exclusively nurturing females. Her account of the great range of behaviours in many species of primates, in many circumstances, expands the concept of female nature to include the range of selection pressures on females, and reminds the reader of the complexity and dynamism of the evolutionary story. -
《道德的动物(我们为什么如此)》以达尔文的生平及其作品为脉络,从一些非常有趣的社会问题出发,逐步深入到人类进化的生物学基础。 -
The Moral Animal
The Evolution of Cooperation
Updated for the first time, the classic book on why cooperation is not only natural but also the best survival strategy The Evolution of Cooperation addresses a simple yet age-old question: If living things evolve through competition, how can cooperation ever emerge? Despite the abundant evidence of cooperation all around us, there existed no purely naturalistic answer to this question until 1979, when Robert Axelrod famously ran a computer tournament featuring a standard game-theory exercise called The Prisoner's Dilemma. To everyone's surprise, the program that won the tournament, named Tit for Tat, was not only the simplest but the most "cooperative" entrant. This unexpected victory proved that cooperation--one might even say altruism--is mathematically possible and therefore needs no hidden hand or divine agent to create and sustain it. A great roadblock to the understanding of all sorts of behavior was at last removed. The updated edition includes an extensive new chapter on cooperation in cancer cells and among terrorist organizations. "This book, if read, grasped and applied, could have a profound effect." ( Wall Street Journal ) "A fascinating, provocative, and important book." (Douglas R. Hofstadter, author of Godel, Escher, Bach ) -
进化心理学从20世纪80年代开始逐渐形成,它以达尔文的进化论为指导,探讨人类心理的结构和起源。二十多年来,进化心理学的研究得到了很大发展,渗透到心理学的各个分支领域,形成了一些新的研究领域和成果。同时,进化心理学的理论和研究也对哲学、经济学、管理学、伦理学、法律学、政治学等社会科学的领域产生了强烈的冲击和影响。目前在学术界,对于进化心理学的评价可谓毁誉参半,推崇者认为它是心理学未来发展的方向,是整合心理学的元理论,批评者认为它只是“新瓶装旧酒”,只不过是社会生物学理论的“翻版”,没有任何新的东西。可以说,心理学中还没有任何一个学派在学术界引起过集并阅读了大量的文献和资料,本书只是自己学习和探讨进化心理学的一个阶段总结。由于进化心理学是一个存在巨大争论的新兴学科,许多思想和观点还有待实证研究来加以判定,因此,本书的立足点是介绍进化心理学的一些基本观点,尽量少作评判。 -