《进化论与伦理学(全译本)(彩色插图·超值珍藏)(附 )》是一部为达尔文进化论广泛传播扫清道路的伟大著作!这是一部影响了维新思想家、辛亥志士和文化运动领袖的旷世奇书!康有为、梁启超、孙申山、陈独秀、鲁迅、毛泽东无一不受其惠泽! 然而,《进化论与伦理学》和《天演论》在根本旨趣上却完全相反—— 赫胥黎梦想一个更加“和谐”的英格兰,严复则梦想一个“强大”的中国, 赫胥黎梦想一个更加“仁慈”的社会,严复则梦想一个“尚武”的社会有机体! -
一部《物种起源》当时何以会引起轩然大波,且时至今日仍有怀疑与非议存在?性格平和、谦虚谨慎、彬彬有礼的达尔文又遭到了当时相信“神创论”、“物种不变”的神学界怎样的非难和攻击?本书可以让我们了解进化论观点的形成、《物种起源》的诞生以及达尔文主义传播过程中的精彩故事。 -
The Extended Phenotype
This is a revised edition with a new afterword by Daniel Dennett. The Extended Phenotype carries on from where The Selfish Gene takes off. It is a fascinating look at the evolution of life and natural selection. Dawkins's theory is that individual organisms are replicators that have extended phenotypic effects on society and the world at large, thus our genes have the ability to manipulate other individuals. A worldwide bestseller, this book has become a classic in popular science writing. -
在这本令人称奇、诙谐幽默且极具教育意义的书中,科学作家汉娜·霍姆斯熟练地将个人的经历和思考与最新的科学理论和研究成果相结合,把自己打造成为一名见闻广博的科学导游,引领读者了解灵长类动物中最怪异且最迷人的一种,即人类自己。作者比较了人类与其他动物的生物性和行为,说明人类同其他动物一样,来自并遵从相同的进化过程。人类不仅是动物,在某些重要方面(如嗅觉和视觉),甚至远不如其他很多动物。因此,这样的动物能生存下来的可能性原本很小,而其生存和繁衍,更是一个非凡的奇迹。同时,作者也揭示出,尽管人类与其他动物具有很多共同点, 但是,没有其他哪种动物具有像人类那样的自我思考能力,能够面对自然界的挑战,制造出无数工具,改变自身或其环境,给地球村带来了翻天覆地的变化。读完这本书,你便会明了身为人类的意义。 -
本书是一部全面、系统介绍进化生物学的教科书。本书涵盖了进化生物学的产生和发展的历史,从西方早期的自然神学到达尔文的进化论。本书介绍了进化生物学的重要科学问题和相应的研究领域,如生命的起源、物种形成与生命多样性产生的机制、体制发育的进化、突变和遗传重组、DNA和蛋白质的变异、生命复杂性状的遗传基础、自然选择在分子水平的作用机制、进化中的冲突与合作、进化中新性状的产生以及人类起源和进化的历史等。 -
Climbing Mount Improbable
A brilliant book celebrating improbability as the engine that drives life, by the acclaimed author of The Selfish Gene and The Blind Watchmaker. The human eye is so complex and works so precisely that surely, one might believe, its current shape and function must be the product of design. How could such an intricate object have come about by chance? Tackling this subject--in writing that the New York Times called "a masterpiece"--Richard Dawkins builds a carefully reasoned and lovingly illustrated argument for evolutionary adaptation as the mechanism for life on earth. The metaphor of Mount Improbable represents the combination of perfection and improbability that is epitomized in the seemingly "designed" complexity of living things. Dawkins skillfully guides the reader on a breathtaking journey through the mountain's passes and up its many peaks to demonstrate that following the improbable path to perfection takes time. Evocative illustrations accompany Dawkins's eloquent descriptions of extraordinary adaptations such as the teeming populations of figs, the intricate silken world of spiders, and the evolution of wings on the bodies of flightless animals. And through it all runs the thread of DNA, the molecule of life, responsible for its own destiny on an unending pilgrimage through time. Climbing Mount Improbable is a book of great impact and skill, written by the most prominent Darwinian of our age.