本书是国际著名算法专家李德财教授主编的系列丛书“Lecture Notes Series on Computing”中的一本。本书涵盖了绝大多数算法设计中的一般技术,在表达每一种技术时,阐述它的应用背景,注意用与其他技术比较的方法说明它的特征,并提供大量相应实际问题的例子。本书同时也强调了对每一种算法的详细的复杂性分析。全书分七部分19章,从算法设计和算法分析的基本概念和方法入手,先后介绍了递归技术、分治、动态规划、贪心算法、图的遍历等技术,对NP完全问题进行了基本但清楚的讨论。对概率算法、近似算法和计算几何这些近年来发展迅猛的领域也用一定的篇幅讲述了基本内容。书中每章后都附有大量的练习题,有利于读者对书中内容的理解和应用。 本书结构简明,内容丰富,适合于作为计算机学科以及相关学科算法课程的教材和参考书,尤其适宜于学过数据结构和离散数学课程之后的算法课教材。同时也可作为从事算法研究的一本好的入门书。 -
网络科学作为一门新兴的学科越来越引入瞩目。网络科学能帮助读者设计更快、更有弹性的通信网络;能用于调整电力网络、电信网络和飞行航线等基础设施系统;可以为市场动态建模;能帮助理解生物系统中的同步;能用于分析人们之间的社会互动…… 这是第一本全面审视新出现的网络科学的论著。书中研究了各种网络——规则网络、随机网络、小世界网络、影响网络、无标度网络和社会网络等,并将网络过程和行为应用于涌现、传染病、同步和风险方面。本书的独特之处在于将跨计算机科学、生物学、物理学、社会网络分析、经济学和市场营销等多学科的专业概念整合了起来。 本书为网络科学领域提供了全新的理解和阐释,是研究人员、专业人员以及工程、计算、生物领域的技术人员不可缺少的参考资料,也可以作为相关领域研究的高年级和研究生教材。 -
The P=NP Question and Gödels Lost Letter
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision
A basic problem in computer vision is to understand the structure of a real world scene given several images of it. Techniques for solving this problem are taken from projective geometry and photogrammetry. Here, the authors cover the geometric principles and their algebraic representation in terms of camera projection matrices, the fundamental matrix and the trifocal tensor. The theory and methods of computation of these entities are discussed with real examples, as is their use in the reconstruction of scenes from multiple images. The new edition features an extended introduction covering the key ideas in the book (which itself has been updated with additional examples and appendices) and significant new results which have appeared since the first edition. Comprehensive background material is provided, so readers familiar with linear algebra and basic numerical methods can understand the projective geometry and estimation algorithms presented, and implement the algorithms directly from the book. -
Approximation Algorithms
Covering the basic techniques used in the latest research work, the author consolidates progress made so far, including some very recent and promising results, and conveys the beauty and excitement of work in the field. He gives clear, lucid explanations of key results and ideas, with intuitive proofs, and provides critical examples and numerous illustrations to help elucidate the algorithms. Many of the results presented have been simplified and new insights provided. Of interest to theoretical computer scientists, operations researchers, and discrete mathematicians. -
本书由计算理论领域的知名权威Michael Sipser撰写。他以独特的视角,综合地描述了计算机科学理论,并以清新的笔触、生动的语言给出了宽泛的数学理论,而并非拘泥于某些低层次的技术细节。在证明之前,均有“证明思路”,帮助读者理解数学形式下蕴涵的概念。同样,对于算法描述,均以直观的文字,而非伪代码给出,从而将注意力集中于算法本身,而不是某些模型。本书的内容包括三个部分:自动机与语言、可计算性理论和