图根德哈特对现象学和分析哲学都有精深的研究,长期致力于以语言分析的方法解释基本的哲学问题,本书是他的最新著作。 全书分两部分,第一部分从人类语言的述谓结构出发,详细而富有启发性地阐释了说“我”、合理性、责任能力、好、看重自己、承认以及自我主动化等重要的人类学特征,充分说明了自我中心性以及各种情绪之间的关系。作者认为,从人类学的角度看,人总是看重自我,认为自己是世界的中心,从而必定是忍受它所带来的重负和痛苦。第二部分从自我中心性出发,重新解释了宗教和神秘主义。图根德哈特认为,神秘主义是通过面对世界放弃自我中心性,从而摆脱它所带来的痛苦。在这一部分里,作者对基督教神秘主义、印度宗教、道教、佛教做了大量细致的分析,并最终认为,大乘佛教慈悲的菩萨理想是神秘主义惟一稳固的形式。 导论 第一部分 面对自我 第一章 命题语言与说“我” 第二章 “好”与“重要” 第三章 在实践中的说“我”:自我主动化和责任能力 第四章 副词的、审慎的和道德的好;理智的诚实 第五章 面对生死 第二部分 放弃自然 第六章 宗教与神秘主义 第七章 惊奇 附录 论历史性与非历史性 -
奥斯汀是二战后英国著名的分析哲学家,是“牛津派日常语言哲学”公认的领袖之一,在英美哲学界有着很大的影响。《如何以言行事》一书提出的“施行话语”与“记述话语”区分学说和言语行为理论最具有建设性,是其对哲学和语言学的原创性、永久性的贡献。前者对真理理论、法哲学和伦理语言的研究有着重要影响。后者一方面经过赛尔和格赖斯等人的修正和发展,成为语言哲学最重要的意义理论之一;另一方面经过一些语言学者的细致阐发和发扬光大,成为语用学的重要组成部分,对文学研究、社会语言学、语言交际理论等领域有着经久不衰的影响。 -
该书从维特根斯坦的世界观、心灵观等个人观点出发,解读写作这本书的背景知识,并着重解读了语言和心灵的关系,以及《哲学研究》所涉及的所有命题。还介绍了维特根斯坦写作《哲学研究》的写作思路,出版情况等等。 -
Mind and World
Modern philosophy finds it difficult to give a satisfactory picture of the place of minds in the world. In "Mind and World", based on the 1991 John Locke Lectures, John McDowell offers his diagnosis of this difficulty and points to a cure. He illustrates a major problem of modern philosophy - the insidious persistence of dualism - in his discussion of empirical thought. Much as we would like to conceive empirical thought as rationally grounded in experience, pitfalls await anyone who tries to articulate this position, and McDowell exposes these traps by exploiting the work of contemporary philosophers from Wilfrid Sellars to Donald Davidson. These difficulties, he contends, reflect an understandable - but surmountable - failure to see how we might integrate what Sellars calls "the logical space of reasons" into the natural world. What underlies this impasse is a conception of nature that has certain attractions for the modern age, a conception that McDowell proposes to put aside, thus circumventing these philosophical difficulties. By returning to a pre-modern conception of nature but retaining the intellectual advance of modernity that has mistakenly been viewed as dislodging it, he makes room for a fully satisfying conception of experience as a rational openness to independent reality. This approach also overcomes other obstacles that impede a generally satisfying understanding of how we are placed in the world. -
《心灵哲学》从该学科的大量研究领域中挑选了最近研究较多、属前言和焦点问题的九大问题,内容全面丰富,理论鲜明,值得心理学研究者参考。 心灵哲学是现当代西方哲学中与语言哲学、科学哲学具有同等地位的哲学分支。心灵哲学主要研究的是心理现象的形式、范围、本质、特征、心身关系、心理 内容及其根源等,并对常识心理解释模式和心理学进行哲学反思。 -
The Conscious Mind
What is consciousness? How do physical processes in the brain give rise to the self-aware mind and to feelings as profoundly varied as love or hate, aesthetic pleasure or spiritual yearning? David J. Chalmers unveils a major new theory of consciousness, one that rejects the prevailing reductionist trend of science, while offering provocative insights into the relationship between mind and brain. Writing in a thought-provoking style, Chalmers proposes that conscious experience must be understood as an irreducible entity similar to such physical properties as time, mass, and space that exists at a fundamental level and cannot be understood as the sum of its parts. Engaging and penetrating, this book adds a fresh new perspective to the subject that is sure to spark debate about our understanding of the mind for years to come.