本书是最新的大众传播学教材,吸纳了国际传播学界最新的理论和研究成果,比以前的版本更加重视前沿问题,比如媒介角色研究、传播的全球化、受众接受问题、媒介行为的评价等。本书的最大特点是媒介理论放在大众传播理论的中心位置。它按照历史的线索对大众传播理论进行了权威的介绍,描述了大众传播理论两大主要流派——经验学派和文化批判学派的产生和发展过程,对这两种学术传统是如何支持媒介文化运动的发展进行了总结性陈述,同时提出了一种将二者结合起来的新的媒介传播理论。 本书的作者是两位很出色的美国传播学教授。巴兰(Stanley J.Baran)在广播电视和电影研究方面获过很多奖项。戴维斯(Dennis K.Davis)博士是媒体研究的教授,多次获美国的传播学教学奖。这本书的叙述方式和思维逻辑独到、内容表述上简单洁明晰、体例也很新颖,每一章都提供相关的“重要人物及其著作”介绍。 本书适合作为新闻传播专业的大众传播学课程的核心教材或参考书,对广大新闻从业人员也不失为一本很好的案头书。我们推出这套原版教材就是希望学习者能够原汗原味地去理解和把握西方传播学的精髓和妙处。 强力推荐:Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment, and Future 英文原版火热发售 -
All the News That's Fit to Sell
That market forces drive the news is not news. Whether a story appears in print, on television, or on the Internet depends on who is interested, its value to advertisers, the costs of assembling the details, and competitors' products. But in All the News That's Fit to Sell, economist James Hamilton shows just how this happens. Furthermore, many complaints about journalism--media bias, soft news, and pundits as celebrities--arise from the impact of this economic logic on news judgments. This is the first book to develop an economic theory of news, analyze evidence across a wide range of media markets on how incentives affect news content, and offer policy conclusions. Media bias, for instance, was long a staple of the news. Hamilton's analysis of newspapers from 1870 to 1900 reveals how nonpartisan reporting became the norm. A hundred years later, some partisan elements reemerged as, for example, evening news broadcasts tried to retain young female viewers with stories aimed at their (Democratic) political interests. Examination of story selection on the network evening news programs from 1969 to 1998 shows how cable competition, deregulation, and ownership changes encouraged a shift from hard news about politics toward more soft news about entertainers. -
《批判的传播理论:权力媒介社会性别和科技》着重关注在自由民主的政治体制中,美国主流意识形态在媒体中的形成及合法化的机制,分析了国际社会的传播资源和话语权,以专题形式探究了国际新闻、橄榄球运动、人工智能、科学、信息、新世界秩序等领域中彰显的社会性别不平等。 《批判的传播理论:权力媒介社会性别和科技》代表了当今国际传播学界的顶尖水准。作为受过极好德国古典哲学训练的思想者,作为一名女性主义研究者,詹森的睿智和洞见,她的质疑和批判,她追求社会公平和正义的立场,都使《批判的传播理论:权力媒介社会性别和科技》洋溢着浓厚的马克思主义色彩。也为传播学研究者提供了一个治学和做人的范本。 -
《信息社会理论(第3版)》坚持从梳理资本的历史脉络中洞察信息社会的本质,借助勾勒贝尔、吉登斯、哈贝马斯、卡斯特等重要信息社会理论家的论述优劣,敏锐揭示了信息社会成为当下资本主义的核心特征,展示出商业文明覆盖全球的所向披靡之势,而政治压力与商业、技术迷思经新自由主义经济的整合,严重消弱了公共服务与民主基础。 -
Communication in China
This authoritative study explores China's rapidly evolving polity, economy, and society through the prism of its communication system. Yuezhi Zhao offers a multifaceted, interdisciplinary analysis of communication in China and its central role in the struggle for control during the country's rise to global power. The industry in all its forms-ranging from the news media to entertainment outlets to the Internet-has been a critical battleground among different social forces in this period of wrenching change. The author explores alterations in the structure and content of Chinese communication in light of the rapid evolution of state-society relations to reveal the profoundly contradictory, conflicted, and uncertain nature of China's ongoing transformation. -
Our workdays are so filled with emails, instant messaging, and RSS feeds that we complain that there's not enough time to get our actual work done. At home, we are besieged by telephone calls on landlines and cell phones, the beeps that signal text messages, and work emails on our BlackBerrys. It's too much, we cry (or type) as we update our Facebook pages, compose a blog post, or check to see what Shaquille O'Neal has to say on Twitter. In Texture, Richard Harper asks why we seek out new ways of communicating even as we complain about communication overload. Harper describes the mistaken assumptions of developers that "more" is always better and argues that users prefer simpler technologies that allow them to create social bonds. Communication is not just the exchange of information. There is a texture to our communicative practices, manifest in the different means we choose to communicate (quick or slow, permanent or ephemeral).