說到催眠治療,絕對要知道這個名字:米爾頓•艾瑞克森(Milton H. Erickson ,1901-1980)。 艾瑞克森是二十世紀催眠界的超級大師,他不但是「美國臨床催眠學會」及《美國臨床催眠期刊》的創辦人,一生更常遊歷各處講學,為專業人士提供催眠訓練的課程,希望可以在嚴肅的學術殿堂中,為催眠取得合法地位,因此被尊稱為「現代醫療催眠之父」。 他也是「短期策略取向心理治療之父」。他敢於顛覆傳統和理論,強調彈性、務實、結構取向的治療方式;他以創意來發展許多解決方案,誘發個案的自助潛能,恢復健康的生活。 他更以超強的毅力來克服身體的殘障及病痛。他十七歲時罹患小兒痲痹症,幾乎全身癱瘓,但他以超人的意志力活了下來,把握每個機會去鍛鍊肌力,學著用拐杖走路、學騎腳踏車、還獨力完成一趟驚險的獨木舟之旅;肌肉萎縮不但帶來長年的疼痛,更影響到他的脊椎、視力及聽力,並飽受關節炎、痛風和輕微的肺氣腫之苦,他還是天生的色盲。面對多重殘障和病痛的困境,他從未怨懟命運或自暴自棄;相反地,他卻是最懂得感謝生命的人,處處顯露出一種足智多謀、彈性、創意、運用自如和即席演出的獨特魅力,而成為一代宗師。 -
Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing
Statistical approaches to processing natural language text have become dominant in recent years. This foundational text is the first comprehensive introduction to statistical natural language processing (NLP) to appear. The book contains all the theory and algorithms needed for building NLP tools. It provides broad but rigorous coverage of mathematical and linguistic foundations, as well as detailed discussion of statistical methods, allowing students and researchers to construct their own implementations. The book covers collocation finding, word sense disambiguation, probabilistic parsing, information retrieval, and other applications. -
这本书提供了一个基础的循序渐进的课程,使读者通过赋予灵感和乐趣的轶事、例子和一步步扎实的策略,组成一个控制情绪和财政困难并获得巨人般灿烂生活的程序,用来帮助你发现真实目的,并控制你的生活,激发你控制命运的能力。 -
NLP has already helped millions of people overcome fears, increase confidence, enrich relationships, and achieve greater sucess. Now the NLP Comprehensive Training Team has written a book that reveals how to use this breakthrough technology to achieve whatever you want. Short for neuro-linguistic programming, NLP is a revolutionary approach to human communication and development. In NLP: The New Technology of Achievement, you'll be guided step-by-step through specific programs for learning the characeristics of top achievers and creating a blueprint for unlimited sucess. Plus, an all-new twenty-one-day program created especially for this book provides you with the essential skills you'll need to achieve peak performance in business and life. -
谁在我家:海灵格家庭系统排列,ISBN:9787506260763,作者:(德)伯特·海灵格(Bert Hellinger),(德)根达·韦伯(Gunthard Weber),(美)亨特·博蒙特(Hunter Beaumont)著;张虹桥译 -