Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals
Immanuel Kant's "Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals" is one of the most important texts in the history of ethics. In it Kant searches for the supreme principle of morality and argues for a conception of the moral life that has made this work a continuing source of controversy and an object of reinterpretation for over two centuries. This new edition of Kant's work provides a translation that seeks to be faithful to the German original and is fully annotated. There are also four essays by well-known scholars that discuss Kant's views and the philosophical issues raised by his work. J.B. Schneewind defends the continuing interest in Kantian ethics by examining its historical relation both to the ethical thought that preceded it and to its influence on the ethical theories that came after it; Marcia Baron sheds light on Kant's famous views about moral motivation; and Shelly Kagan and Allen W. Wood advocate contrasting interpretations of Kantian ethics and its practical implications. -
本书对康德美学体系的分解,提出了几个关节点:一是以审美心理结构(中介结构)去统辖“先天综合判断”(先验性存在),以见其历史生成与积淀;二是以康德理论框架中的二向性结构,揭示康德哲学美学中诸多的二元性现象;三是以康德“逻辑——心理”二重结构体来综合、囊括康德的独特的理论成果及其矛盾。康德美学说到底是围绕“想象力——判断力”(心理维度)所展开的理论,但其脉络又必须依附“逻辑”(质——量——关系——模态/感性——知性——理性)。心理依靠情感的深入体验,逻辑依靠概念的步步推演;“情感体验”与“概念推演”裹在一起,这是康德文本晦涩难解之谜但也是他的伟大创造,精妙也隐蕴其中。四是以中国心性哲学沟通康德哲学美学。“沟通”工作是牟宗三的毕生学术业绩,也是大陆学人难以企及的业绩。因而本书希望是承牟宗三的“接着说”。汉语世界欲深人研究康德,如果撇开牟宗三的成果,那是不堪设想的“坐井观天”。 -
Between Kant and Hegel
Electrifying when they were first delivered in 1973, becoming legendary in the years since, as transcripts passed from hand to hand, Dieter Henrich's lectures on German idealism were the first contact a major German philosopher had made with an American audience since the onset of World War II. They remain, to this day, one of the most eloquent interpretations of the central philosophical tradition of Germany and the way in which it relates to the concerns of contemporary philosophy. Thanks to the editorial work of David Pacini, one of the original auditors of Henrich's course, the lectures appear here with annotations that link them to the editions of the masterworks of German philosophy as they are now available. Henrich describes the movement that led from Kant to Hegel, beginning with an interpretation of the structure and tensions of Kant's system. He locates the Kantian movement and revival of Spinoza, as sketched by F. H. Jacobi, in the intellectual conditions of the time and in the philosophical motivations of modern thought. And he explains the motives behind Fichte's Doctrine of Science. Henrich connects this history to the poet Hölderlin's original philosophy and to the thought of the founders of Romanticism, Novalis and Friedrich Schlegel. He concludes with an interpretation of the basic design of Hegel's system. -
本书所着力强调的正是这样一种界限,每个观点和另一个观点这间的过渡和关联。当然,作为一本导读和入门性质的书,本书有些说法过于简单了,希望真正有心深研康德的读者开动自己的脑筋将其扩展和深化。也许我今后将要出版的另一个对《判断力批判》作更详细解读的书会在这方面对读者有所帮助。 康德的《判断力批判》做为前两个批判即《纯粹理性批判》和《实践理性批判》的调和,在美学思想方面产生巨大的历史影响,同时也可看作是人类学的巨著。本书简要介绍了康德的哲学思想,概括地阐释了《判断力批判》的要义。 -
当我们心中充满如此沉思和凝视宁静夜晚那遍布繁星的天穹时,我们自然产生一种只有高贵纯洁灵魂能够感受的欢愉。在自然的通常沉默和感觉的冷静中,不朽精神那潜藏的直观能力说着一种难以描绘的语言,以那些只能感受不能描述的尚未展开的观念给我们表现出来。 哲学上的迷狂,或者应该说,哲学,只要它不仅仅作为职业来干,而且也不仅是特定“行话”进行言说这种恶习所构成,可能就是对一种值得认真对待的心灵上的问题的表达。