《当我谈跑步时,我谈些什么》是村上春树最受欢迎的随笔集。开始作家生涯之际,村上春树也开始长跑。从夏威夷的考爱岛,到马萨诸塞的剑桥;从村上市的铁人三项赛,到希腊马拉松长跑古道,他永远在奔跑。 “痛楚难以避免,而磨难可以选择。”每当村上长跑时,脑海里就反复出现这句话。积极地选择磨难,就是将人生的主动权握在自己手中。他将这些年来在路上一面奔跑,一面思索的东西集结成书,诚实地书写跑步,诚实地书写人生。 《当我谈跑步时,我谈些什么》(2015典藏版)收入14幅珍贵写真,记录村上春树25年跑步与人生历程,全新设计,精致装帧,带你进入村上春树的跑者世界。 -
十多年前,村上春树在接连读了威廉•特雷弗《蒂莫西的生日》和拉塞尔•班克斯《摩尔人》这两个以生日为主题的精彩故事后,萌生了一个奇妙的想法:从近十年发表的当代英语短篇小说中,搜集以生日为主题的故事编一个选集,并翻译成日文出版。 于是他把手头有的短篇小说“全部翻出重新读了一遍。又四处搜寻尚未读过的短篇小说和‘精选集’那样的东西,天天乐此不疲”。然而令他吃惊的是,生日主题的短篇小说乍看很多,实际上却很少。最终,他搜集到十二位当代英语文坛著名作家的作品,自己也写了一个故事《生日女郎》,参与这场特别的“生日聚会”。 中文版《生日故事集》中,村上春树所撰写的序言、评论和《生日女郎》由林少华译自日文版,其余作家的短篇小说由孔亚雷译自英文版。 -
前所未有的“狂野村上”的新鲜感 《眠》《袭击面包店》系列第三部,村上春树联手著名画家卡特•曼施克,将神秘的小说世界引入艺术圣境 少年为了弄清奥斯曼土耳其帝国的征税方式,决定去图书馆寻找答案。依照指引,他走向地下的107室。眼前是一扇奇特的门,敲上去令人毛骨悚然。 门开了,一位长相诡异的老人找来三本书,但只能在阅览室里读。少年跟着老人走进漆黑的阅览室,他发现,他似乎永生都将囚禁于此…… 著名画家卡特•曼施克继《眠》《袭击面包店》之后,再次为村上春树绘制20幅超现实插画,以6色工艺精致印刷,更添狂野氛围。如果说《眠》描写了因失眠产生的种种奇异感受,《袭击面包店》展示出对饥饿的挣扎与反思,《图书馆奇谈》则是充满荒谬的大人童话,在黑暗中复活重生。 -
Sputnik Sweetheart
Twenty two year old, Sumire is in love for the first time with a woman seventeen years her senior. But, whereas Miu is a glamorous and successful older woman with a taste for classical music and fine wine, Sumire is an aspiring writer who dresses in an oversized second hand coat and heavy boots like a character in a Jack Kerouac novel. Surprised that she might, after all, be a lesbian, Sumire spends hours on the phone talking to her best friend, K about the big questions in life: what is sexual desire and should she ever tell Miu how she feels about her? K, a primary school teacher, is used to answering questions, but what he most wants to say to Sumire is "I love you." He consoles himself by having an affair with the mother of one of his pupils. But, when a desperate Miu calls him out of the blue from a sunny Greek island and asks for his help, he soon discovers that all is not as it seems and something very strange has happened to Sumire. -
The Elephant Vanishes
When a man's favourite elephant vanishes, the balance of his whole life is subtly upset; a couple's midnight hunger pangs drive them to hold up a McDonald's; a woman finds she is irresistible to a small green monster that burrows through her front garden; an insomniac wife wakes up to a twilight world of semi-consciousness in which anything seems possible - even death. In every one of the stories that make up The Elephant Vanishes, Murakami makes a determined assault on the normal. He has a deadpan genius for dislocating realities to uncover the surreal in the everyday, the extraordinary in the ordinary. (20021018) -