C Programming
The first edition of C Programming: A Modern Approach was popular with students and faculty alike because of its clarity and comprehensiveness as well as its trademark Q&A sections. Professor King's spiral approach made it accessible to a broad range of readers, from beginners to more advanced students. With adoptions at over 225 colleges, the first edition was one of the leading C textbooks of the last ten years. The second edition maintains all the book's popular features and brings it up to date with coverage of the C99 standard. The new edition also adds a significant number of exercises and longer programming projects, and includes extensive revisions and updates. -
《C语言程序设计现代方法》最主要的一个目的就是通过一种“现代方法”来介绍C语言,实现客观评价C语言、强调标准化C语言、强调软件工程、不再强调“手工优化”、强调与c++语言的兼容性的目标。《C语言程序设计现代方法》分为C语言的基础特性。C语言的高级特性、C语言标准库和参考资料4个部分。每章都有“问与答”小节,给出一系列与本章内容相关的问题及其答案,此外还包含适量的习题。 -
Object-Oriented Programming With ANSI-C
Object-oriented programming is the current cure-all — although it has been around for much more then ten years. At the core, there is little more to it then finally applying the good programming principles which we have been taught for more then twenty years. C++ (Eiffel, Oberon-2, Smalltalk ... take your pick) is the New Language (ed: this book was published in 1993) because it is object-oriented — although you need not use it that way if you do not want to (or know how to), and it turns out that you can do just as well with plain ANSI-C. Only object-orientation permits code reuse between projects — although the idea of subroutines is as old as computers and good programmers always carried their toolkits and libraries with them. This book is not going to praise object-oriented programming or condemn the Old Way. We are simply going to use ANSI-C to discover how object-oriented programming is done, what its techniques are, why they help us solve bigger problems, and how we harness generality and program to catch mistakes earlier. Along the way we encounter all the jargon — classes, inheritance, instances, linkage, methods, objects, polymorphisms, and more — but we take it out of the realm of magic and see how it translates into the things we have known and done all along. Intended Audience: I had fun discovering that ANSI-C is a full-scale object-oriented language. To share this fun you need to be reasonably fluent in ANSI-C to begin with — feeling comfortable with structures, pointers, prototypes, and function pointers is a must. Working through the book you will encounter all the newspeak — according to Orwell and Webster a language "designed to diminish the range of thought" — and I will try to demonstrate how it merely combines all the good programming principles that you always wanted to employ into a coherent approach. As a result, you may well become a more proficient ANSI-C programmer. -
C程序员在编写程序时手头一定要有这本书。在这本书中,C 语言专家 Peter Prinz和Tony Crawford为你提供大量的编程参考信息。全书叙述清晰,语句简洁,分析深刻。本书主题包括: C 语言的语法、GNU编译器选项、标准链接库函数、GDB和make、预处理指令、C99特色和扩充。 本书内容丰富,总共包含21章,能够让你深刻了解C 语言关键概念,比如类型转换、动态内存管理、指针处理等。想知道 GNU make 或 GNU 调试器的细节吗?本书开辟专门的章节来讲解。一书在手,程序开发会更加顺利!Peter 和 Tony 所编写的这本书会成为C语言程序员必备的工作利器! 作者简介: Peter Prinz是积极的研讨会组织者和关键课程开发者,向成百上千的Unix和windows系统开发者授课。作为德国IT公司Authensis AG的主要开发者和合伙人,他拥有计算机电话通信软件的丰富开发经验。Peter也是多本有关c/c++软件开发图书的合著者,其中大多数图书是与Ulla Kirch-Prinz合著的,其中就包括0'Reilly出版的《C Pocket Reference》。 -
C程序员在编写程序时手头一定要有这本书。在这本书中,C 语言专家 Peter Prinz和Tony Crawford为你提供大量的编程参考信息。全书叙述清晰,语句简洁,分析深刻。本书主题包括: C 语言的语法、GNU编译器选项、标准链接库函数、GDB和make、预处理指令、C99特色和扩充。 本书内容丰富,总共包含21章,能够让你深刻了解C 语言关键概念,比如类型转换、动态内存管理、指针处理等。想知道 GNU make 或 GNU 调试器的细节吗?本书开辟专门的章节来讲解。一书在手,程序开发会更加顺利!Peter 和 Tony 所编写的这本书会成为C语言程序员必备的工作利器! 作者简介: Peter Prinz是积极的研讨会组织者和关键课程开发者,向成百上千的Unix和windows系统开发者授课。作为德国IT公司Authensis AG的主要开发者和合伙人,他拥有计算机电话通信软件的丰富开发经验。Peter也是多本有关c/c++软件开发图书的合著者,其中大多数图书是与Ulla Kirch-Prinz合著的,其中就包括0'Reilly出版的《C Pocket Reference》。 -
Beginning Linux Programming 3rd Edition
What is this book about? If you have some programming experience and are ready to venture into Linux programming, this updated edition of the bestselling entry-level book takes you there. The authors guide you step by step, using construction of a CD database application to give you hands-on experience as you progress from the basic to the complex. You’ll start with fundamental concepts like writing Unix programs in C. You’ll learn basic system calls, file I/O, interprocess communication, and shell programming. You’ll become skilled with the toolkits and libraries for working with user interfaces. The book starts from the basics, explaining how to compile and run your first program. New to this edition are chapters on MySQL® access and administration; programming GNOME and KDE; and Linux standards for portable applications. Coverage of kernel programming, device drivers, CVS, grep, and GUI development environments has expanded. This book gives you practical knowledge for real wor ld application. What does this book cover? In this book, you will learn how to * Develop programs to access files and the Linux environment * Use the GNU compiler, debugger and other development tools * Program data storage aapplications for MySQL and DBM database systems * Write programs that take advantage of signals, processes and threads * Build graphical user interfaces using both the GTK (for GNOME) and Qt (for KDE) libraries * Write device drivers that can be loaded into the Linux kernel * Access the network using TCP/IP sockets * Write scripts that use grep, regular expressions and other Linux facilities Who is this book for? This book is for programmers with some C or C++ experience, who want to take advantage of the Linux development environment. You should have enough Linux familiarity to have installed and configured users on Linux.