Linux C编程一站式学习
本书有两条线索,一条线索是以Linux平台为载体全面深入地介绍C语言的语法和程序的工作原理,另一条线索是介绍程序设计的基本思想和开发调试方法。本书分为两部分:第一部分讲解编程语言和程序设计的基本思想方法,让读者从概念上认识C语言;第二部分结合操作系统和体系结构的知识讲解程序的工作原理,让读者从本质上认识C语言。. 本书适合做零基础的初学者学习C语言的第一本教材,帮助读者打下牢固的基础。有一定的编程经验但知识体系不够完整的读者也可以对照本书查缺补漏,从而更深入地理解程序的工作原理。本书最初是为北京亚嵌教育研究中心的嵌入式Linux系统工程师就业班课程量身定做的教材之一,也适合作为高等院校程序设计基础课程的教材。本书对于C语言的语法介绍得非常全面,对C99标准做了很多解读,因此也可以作为一本精简的C语言语法参考书。... -
C语言是每一位程序员都应该掌握的基础语言。C语言是微软。NET编程中使用的C#语言的基础;C语言是iPhone、iPad和其他苹果设备编程中使用的Objective-C语言的基础;C语言是在很多环境中(包括GNU项目)被广泛使用的C++语言的基础。C语言也是Linux操作系统及其很多功能的基础。学习C语言可以给编程职业生涯提供牢固的基础,也有助于更好地理解更为现代的语言(如Java)。《C语言入门经典(第5版)》主要介绍最基础的计算机语言之一——C语言。《C语言入门经典(第5版)》从最基础的内容开始,步步深入讲解作为一位称职的C语言程序员应该具备的知识和技能。 主要内容 ◆ 阐述C语言的核心特征,例如循环和分支 ◆ 如何使用指针和指令动态管理内存 ◆ 如何使用头文件和函数模块化代码 ◆ 程序如何通过键盘、显示器和数据文件读写数据 ◆ 如何通过预处理命令在编译时优化代码 ◆ 如何使用结构有效地管理输入数据 《C语言入门经典(第5版)》完整地介绍了一个C应用程序的开发过程,这样你在阅读过程中可以结合实际的应用场景提高编程技能。书中的样例提供了实验的基础,可以通过修改其中的部分代码来对比前后程序运行的结果。后面的练习题用来测试对新知识、新技能的掌握情况,如果需要练习题答案,可以网上下载。 阅读完本书,你应该有能力和信心开发自己的C应用程序,并且具备在大型项目中应用C语言思想的技能。第5版详细介绍了C语言的最新国际标准,并且修订涵盖了语言编译器新支持的C11功能。 -
本书概念清晰、内容新颖、实例详尽,是一本有关设计、实现和有效使用C语言库函数,掌握创建可重用C语言软件模块技术的参考指南。本书倡导基于接口的C语言设计理念及其实现技术,深入详细地描述了24个C语言接口及其实现。 本书通过叙述如何用一种与语言无关的方法将接口的设计与实现独立开来,从而形成一种基于接口的设计途径来创建可重用的API,本书是一本针对 C语言程序员的不可多得的好书,也是值得所有希望掌握可重用软件模块技术的读者阅读的参考书籍。 关于如何设计、实现和有效使用库函数的指南少之又少(如果说还有的话)。这本力作填补了这 个空白。它可以作为下一代软件的工具书.所有的C语言程序员都应该阅读。 -
C Interfaces and Implementations
Every programmer and software project manager must master the art of creating reusable software modules; they are the building blocks of large, reliable applications. Unlike some modern object-oriented languages, C provides little linguistic support or motivation for creating reusable application programming interfaces (APIs). While most C programmers use APIs and the libraries that implement them in almost every application they write, relatively few programmers create and disseminate new, widely applicable APIs. C Interfaces and Implementations shows how to create reusable APIs using interface-based design, a language-independent methodology that separates interfaces from their implementations. This methodology is explained by example. The author describes in detail 24 interfaces and their implementations, providing the reader with a thorough understanding of this design approach. -
The Standard C Library
Prentice Hall's most important C programming title in years. A companion volume to Kernighan & Ritchie's C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. A collection of reusable functions (code for building data structures, code for performing math functions and scientific calculations, etc.) which will save C programmers time and money especially when working on large programming projects. The C Library is part of the ANSI (American National Standard Institute) for the C Language. This new book contains the complete code for the library. It covers elements of the library with which even the most experienced C programmers are not familiar such as internationalization (the ability to write programs that can adapt to different cultural locales, for example, using the C library, programmers can write software that manipulates large character sets such as Kanji). Structured like the Standard C Library, it contains 15 headers declaring or defining all of the names in the library. A separate chapter covers each header, including excerpts from relevant portions of the C Standard showing all codes needed to implement each portion of the library and explaining why it is necessary. The book teaches readers the concepts and design issues associated with library building. Using this book, programemrs will be less likely to re-code something that already exists in a given program. Plauger is one of the world's leading experts on C and the C Library. -
C Traps and Pitfalls
Even C experts come across problems that require days ofdebugging to fix. This book helps to prevent such problems byshowing how C programmers get themselves into trouble. Each ofthe book's many examples has trapped a professional programmer. In addition to its examples, C Traps and Pitfalls offers adviceon: *avoiding off-by-one errors *understanding and constructing function declarations *understanding the subtle relationship between pointers andarrays Distilled from the author's experience over a decade ofprogramming in C, this book is an ideal resource for anyone,novice or expert, who has ever written a C program. 0201179288B04062001