Python Tutorial
最权威的 Python 教程,由 Python 作者 Guido van Rossum 主笔,有少许学院味道。中文电子版由刘鑫、李梦夷翻译。英文原稿网址:http://docs.python.org/tut/简体中文版网址:http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin/March_Liu/PyTutorial -
本书从为什么学习程序设计语言入手,深入细致地讲解了命令式语言的主要结构及其设计与实现,内容涉及变量、数据类型、表达式和赋值语句、控制语句、子程序、数据抽象机制、支持面向对象程序设计(继承和动态方法绑定)、并发和异常处理等方面。最后两章介绍了函数式程序设计语言和逻辑程序设计语言。 本书内容丰富,剖析透彻,被美国和加拿大多所高等院校采用作为教材。本书既可用做高等院校计算机及相关专业本科生程序设计语言课程的教材和参考书,也可供程序设计人员参考。 -
实用Common Lisp编程
由塞贝尔编著的《实用Common Lisp编程》是一本不同寻常的Common Lisp入门书。《实用Common Lisp编程》首先从作者的学习经过及语言历史出发,随后用21个章节讲述了各种基础知识,主要包括:REPL及Common Lisp的各种实现、S-表达式、函数与变量、标准宏与自定义宏、数字与字符以及字符串、集合与向量、列表处理、文件与文件I/O处理、类、FORMAT格式、符号与包,等等。而接下来的9个章节则翔实地介绍了几个有代表性的实例,其中包含如何构建垃圾过滤器、解析二进制文件、构建ID3解析器,以及如何编写一个完整的MP3 Web应用程序等内容。最后还对一些未介绍内容加以延伸。 《实用Common Lisp编程》内容适合Common Lisp初学者及对之感兴趣的相关人士。 -
本书赢得了全球程序员的广泛赞誉,即使是最晦涩的概念,在Bruce Eckel的文字亲和力和小而直接的编程示例面前也会化解于无形。从Java的基础语法到最高级特性,本书能逐步指导你轻松掌握。 本书经典的Java介绍,完全针对Java1.4版本更新,并增加了许多新主题。350多个可运行的Java程序,15000多行代码。讲述Java的同时着得阐释面向对象原理。支持网站包括所有源代码、带注释的解决方案指南、评论以及其他资源。随书光盘包括可用于Windows、Linux和Mac的完整的Fundations for Java多媒体研讨教材。本书的全面性,适用于初学者;本书的深入性,适用于专家。随书光盘含有15个小时的Bruce Eckel演讲课程。 -
Programming in Lua, Second Edition
Lua is the language of choice for anyone who needs a scripting language that is simple, efficient, extensible, portable, and free. Currently, Lua is being used in areas ranging from embedded systems to Web development and is widely spread in the game industry, where knowledge of Lua is an indisputable asset. "Programming in Lua" is the official book about the language, giving a solid base for any programmer who wants to use Lua. Authored by Roberto Ierusalimschy, the chief architect of the language, it covers all aspects of Lua 5---from the basics to its API with C---explaining how to make good use of its features and giving numerous code examples. "Programming in Lua" is targeted at people with some programming background, but does not assume any prior knowledge about Lua or other scripting languages. This Second Edition updates the text to Lua 5.1 and brings substantial new material, including numerous new examples, a detailed explanation of the new module system, and two new chapters centered on multiple states and garbage collection. -
Types and Programming Languages
A type system is a syntactic method for automatically checking the absence of certain erroneous behaviors by classifying program phrases according to the kinds of values they compute. The study of type systems--and of programming languages from a type-theoretic perspective -- -has important applications in software engineering, language design, high-performance compilers, and security.This text provides a comprehensive introduction both to type systems in computer science and to the basic theory of programming languages. The approach is pragmatic and operational; each new concept is motivated by programming examples and the more theoretical sections are driven by the needs of implementations. Each chapter is accompanied by numerous exercises and solutions, as well as a running implementation, available via the Web. Dependencies between chapters are explicitly identified, allowing readers to choose a variety of paths through the material.The core topics include the untyped lambda-calculus, simple type systems, type reconstruction, universal and existential polymorphism, subtyping, bounded quantification, recursive types, kinds, and type operators. Extended case studies develop a variety of approaches to modeling the features of object-oriented languages.