该论丛是五十年来台湾学者在中国史领域的经典著述的汇编,共分十三个专题,十四册,分别是:史学方法与历史解释;制度与国家;政治与权力;思想与学术;社会变迁;经济脉动;城市与乡村;家族与社会;妇女与社会;生活与文化;礼俗与宗教;生命与医疗;美术与考古。 台湾中央研究院史语所黄宽重、邢义田教授、北京大学中古史中心邓小南教授担任总主编。每一专题均由在该领域有深厚造诣的台湾学者担任主编。每册书前附有总编所作的序和分册主编导言。各册导言的宗旨,在于综论台湾中国史研究在不同阶段的内外背景和发展大势,并介绍当册作者和论文的特色。有些偏重于介绍收录的论文和作者或收录的缘由,有些偏于介绍世界性史学研究的大趋势,有些又以分册主编对某一领域的看法为主轴,各俱特色。每篇文章之后,都附有简短的作者小传和本文的原刊数据,便于有兴趣的读者进行进一步的查考。 丛书汇集众多国际之名学者的名作。老一辈学者,如严耕望、劳?、傅乐成、戴炎辉等,当代史学名家,如余英时、许倬云、禄耀东、毛汉光等,还有深厚的西学背景的中青年知名学者,如陈弱水、颜娟英、李贞德等。云集了台湾半个世纪几代学者的代表著述,可谓名家荟萃,佳作琳琅。 本丛书的文章的总的选录原则是以近期出版者为主,以展现较新的趋势和成果。但各册也有不同。有的分册收录的几乎都是近十余年的论文,如《生活与文化》分册;有的则收入较多几十年前的旧作,如《制度与国家》,这恰恰反映了台湾中国史研究方向和中心的转移。 由于各种条件所限,海峡两岸学者的交流,资料信息的利用和相通,相关论文的查阅,都存在这一定的不便。国内学者和相关研究人员一直要求及时看到台湾学者的相关研究,这是促使本丛书出版的主要因素。台湾和内地在中国史研究领域存在着很大的差异。台湾学者一方面受西方汉学界影响很大,一方面又非常熟悉中国文化,有更多的创新和活力。在研究论题上,除了传统题目,台湾史学界树立了自己独特的议题,如医疗史、身体史,为国际史学界所注目。 “台湾学者中国史研究论丛”的出版,应会给国内史学界带来新的资料、新的信息和新的关注点,对于两岸学术的交流和互动,将产生非常积极的影响。 -
本卷继第4卷之后,主要探讨明台,大正时期财政,金融政策的实施,贸易发展与通讯网的形成,以及产业化进程的一个侧面,即城市化过程中的各个方面,共收入5章8篇。宠观经济与战后经营,该章的主题是日清,日俄的“战后经营”。作者的结论是,这个时期的财政出现了从“小政府”向“大政府”的转变。同时,作者对于既是这个转变的前提,又是这个转变的归结的战前、战时以及战后的景气与危机进行了细致的描述,从而补了以“历史的”常规性成长为重点的“概述”。 -
Governing the Market
Published originally in 1990 to critical acclaim, Robert Wade's "Governing the Market" quickly established itself as a standard in contemporary political economy. In it, Wade challenged claims both of those who saw the East Asian story as a vindication of free market principles and of those who attributed the success of Taiwan and other countries to government intervention. Instead, Wade turned attention to the way allocation decisions were divided between markets and public administration and the synergy between them. Now, in a new introduction to this paperback edition, Wade reviews the debate about industrial policy in East and Southeast Asia and chronicles the changing fortunes of these economies over the 1990s. He extends the original argument to explain the boom of the first half of the decade and the crash of the second, stressing the links between corporations, banks, governments, international capital markets, and the International Monetary Fund. From this, Wade goes on to outline a new agenda for national and international development policy. -
The Rise of Fiscal States
From the Netherlands to the Ottoman Empire, to Japan and India, this groundbreaking volume confronts the complex and diverse problem of the formation of fiscal states in Eurasia between 1500 and 1914. This series of country case studies from leading economic historians reveals that distinctive features of the fiscal state appeared across the region at different moments in time as a result of multiple independent but often interacting stimuli such as internal competition over resources, European expansion, international trade, globalisation and war. The essays offer a comparative framework for re-examining the causes of economic development across this period and show, for instance, the central role that the more effective fiscal systems of Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries played in the divergence of east and west as well as the very different paths to modernisation taken across the world.