《超常增长:1979-2049年的中国经济》以1979-2049年的中国经济为研究对象,围绕基于超常投资力与超常购买力之上的超常增长,对中国过去30多年经济高增长与低波动进行了系统分析,认为中国经济超常增长的根本原因在于通过改革开放与自主创新,形成了独具特色的三维市场体制;《超常增长:1979-2049年的中国经济》还研究预测了中国至21世纪中叶的经济高速增长趋势,提出了深化体制改革、打造国家发展战略基金、建立国家理财体系等建议和构想。 作为国内第一部系统分析至2049年中国经济长期发展前景的原创著作,《超常增长:1979-2049年的中国经济》对于解答中国发展的种种疑问,进一步推动改革发展,坚定对中国特色社会主义的道路自信、理论自信、制度自信,具有重要参考价值。 -
State and Economy in Republican China
This manual for students focuses on archival research in the economic and business history of the Republican era (1911–1949). Following a general discussion of archival research and research aids for the Republican period, the handbook introduces the collections of archives in the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China on Taiwan that contain materials in the areas of economics and business, with data on the history of the archives, descriptions of their holdings, and publications on their collections. The second half of the work consists of guided readings in Republican-era documents, such as government decrees, regulations, and business letters, with complete vocabulary lists and explanations of terms. Also included with the handbook are facsimile reproductions of these documents. -
本册系《傅衣凌著作集》之一,半个世纪以来,傅衣凌先生为探讨中国封建社会的长期迟滞问题,曾着力把社会经济构成和阶级构成、阶级斗争联系起来考察,从社会经济结构探讨社会变革和动乱,从阶级结构、阶级斗争说明它如何受社会经济发展程度的制约,而又如何反作用于经济基础。《明清封建土地所有制论纲》一书,便是傅先生在这方面努力尝试的一个结果。 -
Golden Fetters
This is a reassessment of the international monetary crises of the post-World War I period, that led to the Great Depression of the 1930s. It also analyzes the responses of the world's economic powers to the Depression and how new monetary policies set the stage for the watershed post-World War II system established at Bretton Woods. It offers new theories of what effect the Great Depression had on the collapse of the world monetary system, and what effect the collapse had on deepening and prolonging the Depression, by exploring the link between global economic crises and the the gold standard (the framework for international monetary affairs until 1931).