Globalizing Capital
The importance of the international monetary system is clearly evident in daily news stories about fluctuating currencies and in dramatic events such as the recent reversals in the Mexican economy. It has become increasingly apparent that one cannot understand the international economy without knowing how its monetary system operates. Now Barry Eichengreen presents a brief, lucid book that tells the story of the international financial system over the past 150 years. Globalizing Capital is intended not only for economists but also for a general audience of historians, political scientists, professionals in government and business, and anyone with a broad interest in international economic and political relations. Eichengreen's work demonstrates that insights into the international monetary system and effective principles for governing it can result only if it is seen a historical phenomenon extending from the gold standard period to interwar instability, then to Bretton Woods, and finally to the post-1973 period of fluctuating currencies. Eichengreen analyzes the shift from pegged to floating exchange rates in the 1970s and ascribes that change to the growing capital mobility that has made pegged rates difficult to maintain. However, he shows that capital mobility was also high prior to World War I, yet this did not prevent the maintenance of fixed exchange rates. What was critical for the successful maintenance of fixed exchange rates during that period was the fact that governments were relatively insulated from democratic politics and thus from pressure to trade off exchange rate stability for other goals, such as the reduction of unemployment. Today pegging exchange rates would require very radical reforms of a sort that governments are understandably reluctant to embrace. The implication seems undeniable: floating rates are here to stay. -
The Economic History of China
China's extraordinary rise as an economic powerhouse in the past two decades poses a challenge to many long-held assumptions about the relationship between political institutions and economic development. Economic prosperity also was vitally important to the longevity of the Chinese Empire throughout the preindustrial era. Before the eighteenth century, China's economy shared some of the features, such as highly productive agriculture and sophisticated markets, found in the most advanced regions of Europe. But in many respects, from the central importance of irrigated rice farming to family structure, property rights, the status of merchants, the monetary system, and the imperial state's fiscal and economic policies, China's preindustrial economy diverged from the Western path of development. In this comprehensive but accessible study, Richard von Glahn examines the institutional foundations, continuities and discontinuities in China's economic development over three millennia, from the Bronze Age to the early twentieth century. -
"《规模与范围:工业资本主义的原动力》极为重要。它描绘了与我们的生活信息相关的经济环境的进化,使我们避免被某种主义或教条蒙蔽了双眼……是基于国家、产业和企业基础之上的详尽彻底的调查……钱德勒的作品处处充满智慧。""这是一部不朽的著作,推动我们深化对现代工业社会的成功理解和解释。"《规模和范围》是钱德勒自普利获奖作品《看得见的手》之后的又一巨作,凝聚了作者研究企业管理体系10年的成果。该书聚焦于美国、德国和英国的竞争性的增长模式,追溯了大型企业演化成为国际巨人的历程,为20年世纪末期最重大的发展指引了方向。“19世纪20年代到20世纪70年代、全世界范围内有关产业化的众多研究无不受恩于钱德勒……全用了一生的时间来研究和探索产业历史的规则和可预测的程序……洞悉了大型产业化企业增长所引发的资本主义企业的变革……他的威信和实力在短期内无人超越。” -
美国总统经济史:从罗斯福到克林顿,ISBN:9787206026805,作者:(美)赫伯特·斯坦(Herbert Stein)著;金清,郝黎莉译 -
中国在制高点时代非常具有代表性。所谓“制高点”,是对政府直接控制经济中具有战略意义的领域――甚至更多的领域――这种体系的简称。今天,中国正在生机盎然、信心百倍地从一个国家曾试图控制经济制高点的时代迈向一个新纪元――发展民营企业、放松监管、提倡市场和竞争将逐步占领世界经济观念的制高点。从各个方面看,其结果都不失革命性,曾一度固步自封、因循守旧的中国现在已经一跃成为世界经济最重要的参与者和缔造者。 但在这历史性变革之际,中国也面临着沉重的问题。如何开展国有经济领域的改革,如何建立起适合于市场经济的“游戏规则”――这里指的是机构和法制基础,中国应该如何并以多快的速度融人世界经济大家庭中去,如何应付转制过程中出现的失业、创造就业机会和社会责任等庞大的负担和艰巨的挑战等等。本书通过把这些问题放到世界思潮转变的历史背 景中,为问题的解答提供一定帮助,世界上总有国家在以某些形式为同样的问题寻找着答案,《制高点》讲述的是关于政治和商业的故事,关于一些沉浮于历史旋涡中的人的故事,也是关于思维进化观念纷争纠葛的故事。 -
《保护主义:美国经济崛起的秘诀(1815-1914)》内容简介:在美国通过实施保护主义政策而崛起为全球工农业强国的过程中,一种举世无双的被称作美国学派的经济学说发挥着重要的指导作用。美国出于推行自由贸易帝国主义和金融帝国主义的目的,刻意地隐瞒了美国保护主义的历史以及指导美国经济崛起的工业化逻辑,从而使保护主义、美国学派与美国经济崛起的历史成为经济学和历史研究的“黑洞”。 《保护主义:美国经济崛起的秘诀(1815-1914)》揭秘了这段鲜为人知的历史和美国经济崛起的秘诀,叙述了从《根特条约》签订后到1914年期间,美国学派经济学的发展及其与政治斗争之间错综复杂的历史,展现了美国民族主义政治家和经济学家在塑造美国独立自主的内向型工业化模式上所发挥的重要作用。《保护主义:美国经济崛起的秘诀(1815-1914)》对我国启动内需、提高人民生活水平和呼唤经济发展战略大转型具有重要借鉴价值。 《保护主义:美国经济崛起的秘诀(1815-1914)》的中文版与英文版在2010年同步出版,英文版书名为《美国保护主义的兴起:1815-1914年的经济理论与政治》。