Spring in Action
Spring in Action, Third Edition has been completely revised to reflect the latest features, tools, practices Spring offers to java developers. It begins by introducing the core concepts of Spring and then quickly launches into a hands-on exploration of the framework. Combining short code snippets and an ongoing example developed throughout the book, it shows you how to build simple and efficient J2EE applications. The revised Third Edition explores the core Spring Framework issues, as well as the latest updates to other Spring portfolio projects such as Spring WebFlow and Spring Security. The result is a book that's both broader and deeper than previous editions. You'll learn the full range of new features available with Spring 4, including: More annotation-oriented options to reduce the amount of XML configuration Full-featured support for REST A new Spring Expression Language (SpEL) that makes short work of wiring complex values. Examples that illustrate the current best practices developed in the Spring community. This book assumes that you know your way around Java, but no previous experience with Spring is required. -
《Java语言的科学与艺术》简练清晰地介绍了传统CS1课程的内容,同时也包含了最近的Computing Curriculum 2001报告计算机科学卷中指定为CS1010或CSl110课程的全部主题。自1995年首次发布以来,Java编程语言作为一种教学语言变得日益重要,现在已经成为初级计算课程的标准语言。Java语言可以让学生编写高度交互式程序,这充分激发了他们的学习兴趣。但Java语言很复杂,老师和学生们在理解Java语言的结构时,复杂性成为了最大的障碍。 在《Java语言的科学与艺术》中,斯坦福大学教授、著名的计算机科学教育领导者Eric S.Roberts着重强调了更适合于初学者的友好讲解方式,使用ACM Java库简化编程。 -
A Little Java, A Few Patterns
Java is a new object-oriented programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems for programming the Internet and intelligent appliances. In a very short time it has become one of the most widely used programming languages for education as well as commercial applications.Design patterns, which have moved object-oriented programming to a new level, provide programmers with a language to communicate with others about their designs. As a result, programs become more readable, more reusable, and more easily extensible.In this book, Matthias Felleisen and Daniel Friedman use a small subset of Java to introduce pattern-directed program design. With their usual clarity and flair, they gently guide readers through the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and pattern-based design. Readers new to programming, as well as those with some background, will enjoy their learning experience as they work their way through Felleisen and Friedman's dialogue. -
A Little Java, A Few Patterns
Java is a new object-oriented programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems for programming the Internet and intelligent appliances. In a very short time it has become one of the most widely used programming languages for education as well as commercial applications.Design patterns, which have moved object-oriented programming to a new level, provide programmers with a language to communicate with others about their designs. As a result, programs become more readable, more reusable, and more easily extensible.In this book, Matthias Felleisen and Daniel Friedman use a small subset of Java to introduce pattern-directed program design. With their usual clarity and flair, they gently guide readers through the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and pattern-based design. Readers new to programming, as well as those with some background, will enjoy their learning experience as they work their way through Felleisen and Friedman's dialogue. -
J2EE反模式,ISBN:9787111177029,作者:(美)达得内(Dudney,B.) 等著,苏金国 等译;苏金国译 -
expert one-on-one J2EE Development without EJB 中文版
乍一看这本书的名字,Expert one on one J2EE development without EJB并没有给人带来太冲击。毕竟关于J2EE的书太多了,而without EJB看上去有点象是故意挑衅EJB的感觉。一本J2EE的书怎么可能会给人带来信念或思维的冲击呢?但是它做到了,它不仅使自己变成了不朽的经典,也使Rod Johnson成为了我最近一年的新偶像。 --xiecc 你的J2EE项目是否耗费了你太多的时间?它们是否难以调试?它们是否效率不彰?也许你还在使用传统的J2EE方案,然而这种主案太过复杂,而且并非真正面向对象。这里的很多问题都与EJB有关:EJB是一种复杂的技术,但它没有兑现自己曾经的承诺。 在这本实战手册中,你将看到另一种截然不同的方案:没有EJB,却可以创建质量更高的应用程序,所需的时间和成本则更低。你将学会如何充分利用各种实用的技巧和工具,包括时下流行的Spring框架和Hibernate两个开源工具。你将看到如何高效地解决企业级应用的核心问题,例如事务管理、持久化、远程调用和web设计。你将了解这种新的方案给可测试性、性能和可伸缩性带来怎样的影响,并亲身体验轻量级架构如何大幅降低项目开发所需的时间和工作量。 自从servlet、EJB、JSP等J2EE技术发布之初,本书作者Rod Johnson就一直在使用这些技术,他对于这些技术的优劣利弊了如指掌。现在,通过这本书,你将可以面对面地分享他的专家经验。 你将从本书学到…… 如何针对自己的应用程序找到最简单、最易维护的架构;在不使用EJB的情况下有效地管理事务;如何利用AOP和loC解决企业级软件开发中的常见问题;web层设计,以web层在设计良好的J2EE应用中的地位;J2EE应用中最有效的数据访问技术,包括JDBC、Hibernate和JDO;如何利用开源产品提升生产率、减少编码量;如何从设计层面上改善性能和可伸缩性。 “传统的J2EE设计思路尤其是EJB日益让架构师和开发者们灰心丧气,我这本书正是为这些人而写的。本书将告诉读者,如何从现在开始用更清晰、更高效的方案去替代EJB,并开始迈向web应用的新时代。” 这本书拥有一大堆“看点”。譬如说,它的作者Rod Johnson拥有10年编写Java程序的经验,目前是Servlet和JDO 2.0两个JSR专家组的成员;再譬如说,书中着力介绍的Spring、Hibernate、WebWork等都是时下流行的开源框架,IoC、AOP之类都是时下流行的概念词汇。而最大的看点就赫然摆在这本书的封面上:“without EJB”。我们曾经在无数的书籍和文章中看到,EJB是J2EE的核心技术之一;而Rod Johnson的这本书竟然宣称,绝大多数的J2EE应用根本不需要EJB。这种近乎挑衅的姿态令任何一个负责的J2EE架构师很难不萌生一探究竟的念头——不论你是打算赞同他还是打算驳斥他。 但所有这些尽皆不是本书最大的价值所在。选择一种架构、一种技术的依据是什么?Rod Johnson认为,应该是基于实践的证据、来自历史项目或亲自试验的经验,而不是任何形式的偶像崇拜或者门户之见。书中谈到了企业应用方方面面的问题和解决办法,而这些方案无一不是这种“循证方法”的产物。除了把这些方案交给读者,Rod Johnson通过这本书希望传达的、更为重要的信息正是“循证”的工作方式——那原本就应该是程序员的工作方式。