C++ Network Programming, Volume I
As networks, devices, and systems continue to evolve, software engineers face the unique challenge of creating reliable distributed applications within frequently changing environments. C++ Network Programming, Volume 1, provides practical solutions for developing and optimizing complex distributed systems using the ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE), a revolutionary open-source framework that runs on dozens of hardware platforms and operating systems. This book guides software professionals through the traps and pitfalls of developing efficient, portable, and flexible networked applications. It explores the inherent design complexities of concurrent networked applications and the tradeoffs that must be considered when working to master them. C++ Network Programming begins with an overview of the issues and tools involved in writing distributed concurrent applications. The book then provides the essential design dimensions, patterns, and principles needed to develop flexible and efficient concurrent networked applications. The book's expert author team shows you how to enhance design skills while applying C++ and patterns effectively to develop object-oriented networked applications. Readers will find coverage of: * C++ network programming, including an overview and strategies for addressing common development challenges The ACE Toolkit * Connection protocols, message exchange, and message-passing versus shared memory * Implementation methods for reusable networked application services * Concurrency in object-oriented network programming * Design principles and patterns for ACE wrapper facades With this book, C++ developers have at their disposal the most complete toolkit available for developing successful, multiplatform, concurrent networked applications with ease and efficiency. -
本书从科学社会学的角度,系统讲述了社会网络分析如何脱胎于不同的学科,经历了起伏的发展阶段,最后经过学科共同体的努力,会聚和融合成一个统一的。跨学科的、成为现代科学主流的研究领域。这是社会网络分析研究第一本最全面的学科发展史。 第一章 绪论 第二章 史前史:社会网络思想与实践的起源 第三章 社会网络分析的诞生(I):社会计量学 第四章 社会网络分析的诞生(II):哈佛大学的第一次推动 第五章 黑暗时代的社会网络分析(I):20世纪40年代 第六章 黑暗时代的社会网络分析(II):20世纪50年代 第七章 黑暗时期的社会网络分析(III):20世纪60年代 第八章 在哈佛的复兴 第九章 组织起来了 第十章 总结与发现 致谢 参考文献 索引 -
编写本书是为了向学生和专业人员提供在Linux内核中实现网络功能时所需的基础知识,本书也适合所有希望深入理解操作系统内部网络特定进程的人。本书介绍了Linux内核的关键网络组件及机制,同时也介绍了通信系统的设计。 本书详细地描述了新近Linux内核版本中的网络子系统。 这里解释了协议的工作方式,建立了Linux网络体系结构中的多种重要概念——从设备驱动程序概念一直到应用程序接口概念。 除了PPP、IP、防火墙、路由、TCP、NAT、UDP及套接字等核心问题外,本书还讨论了最新的协议及协议扩展,譬如各种DSL访问技术中用到的PPPoE协议、Bluetooth(蓝牙)?驱动程序及QoS(Quality-of-Service,服务质量)支持等。 -
用TCP/IP进行网际互联 第一卷:原理、协议与结构(第四版)
本书是一部关于计算机网络的经典教科书。它是目前美国大多数大学里所开设的计算机网络课程的主要参考书。目前国内外能见到的各种有关TCP/IP的书籍,其主要内容均出自本书。本书的特点是:强调原理、概念准确、深入浅出、内容丰富新颖。全书共分为三卷。第一卷从TCP/IP基本概念讲起,讨论了主要协议和结构,讲解了TCP/IP的各种具体应用,并阐述了其未来发展趋势:全书共33章,各章之后有许多习题。本书可供计算机和通信专业的研究生、高年级本科生作为教科书和学习参考书,也可供从事科研和技术开发的人员参考。 -
Networks, Crowds, and Markets
Are all film stars linked to Kevin Bacon? Why do the stock markets rise and fall sharply on the strength of a vague rumour? How does gossip spread so quickly? Are we all related through six degrees of separation? There is a growing awareness of the complex networks that pervade modern society. We see them in the rapid growth of the Internet, the ease of global communication, the swift spread of news and information, and in the way epidemics and financial crises develop with startling speed and intensity. This introductory book on the new science of networks takes an interdisciplinary approach, using economics, sociology, computing, information science and applied mathematics to address fundamental questions about the links that connect us, and the ways that our decisions can have consequences for others. -