Effective Java
Effective Java Programming Language Guide distills the hard-won wisdom of today's best Java programmers into 50 techniques for designing and constructing more robust, high-performance software. Josh Bloch, one of Sun's most widely respected Java developers, focuses on the practical problems virtually every Java developer encounters, offering specific solutions and top-notch code examples. Josh Bloch identifies 50 practices that lead directly to better code -- including better alternatives for common practices that have proven undesirable in real-world development. The techniques are specific, thoroughly explained, and supported by top-notch code examples. Among the highlights: why developers should avoid finalizers; when to use delegation instead of inheritance; and how to make the most of Java's powerful typesafe enum pattern. Nearly all 50 practices relate to the "core" of the Java platform -- the language itself -- making the book relevant to virtually every Java developer. -
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Effective Objective-C 2.0
Write Truly Great iOS and OS X Code with Objective-C 2.0! Effective Objective-C 2.0 will help you harness all of Objective-C's expressive power to write OS X or iOS code that works superbly well in production environments. Using the concise, scenario-driven style pioneered in Scott Meyers' best-selling Effective C++, Matt Galloway brings together 52 Objective-C best practices, tips, shortcuts, and realistic code examples that are available nowhere else. Through real-world examples, Galloway uncovers little-known Objective-C quirks, pitfalls, and intricacies that powerfully impact code behavior and performance. You'll learn how to choose the most efficient and effective way to accomplish key tasks when multiple options exist, and how to write code that's easier to understand, maintain, and improve. Galloway goes far beyond the core language, helping you integrate and leverage key Foundation framework classes and modern system libraries, such as Grand Central Dispatch. Coverage includes * Optimizing interactions and relationships between Objective-C objects* Mastering interface and API design: writing classes that feel "right at home"* Using protocols and categories to write maintainable, bug-resistant code* Avoiding memory leaks that can still occur even with Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)* Writing modular, powerful code with Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch* Leveraging differences between Objective-C protocols and multiple inheritance in other languages* Improving code by more effectively using arrays, dictionaries, and sets* Uncovering surprising power in the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks -
Effective Modern C++
Learn how to program expertly with C++ with this practical book from Scott Meyers, one of the world's foremost authorities on this systems programming language. Scott Meyers takes some of the most difficult pieces of C++ code and unfurls them so that you can see how to manipulate your own project code. This is the first book to contain content written with the C++14 standard. Tackle 42 separate C++ problems and solutions Learn critical techniques for success on topics from smart pointers to lambda expressions Understand key concepts by taking the C++ 98 standard to C++ 11 and then to C++ 14 -
Effective C++
“c++程序员可以分成两类,读过effective c++的和没读过的。”世界顶级c++大师scott meyers这部成名之作,与这句话一道在全球无数读者间广为传颂。几乎所有c++书籍推荐名单上﹐《effective c++:改善程序与设计的55个具体做法:第3版》都会位列三甲。作者高超的技术把握力、独特的视角﹑诙谐轻松的写作风格﹑独具匠心的内容组织﹐都受到极大的推崇和仿效。 对于国外技术图书,选择翻译版还是影印版,常让人陷入两难。本评注版力邀国内资深专家执笔,在英文原著基础上增加中文点评与注释,旨在融合二者之长,既保留经典的原创文字与味道,又以先行者的学研心得与实践感悟,对读者阅读与学习加以点拨、指明捷径。 经过评注的版本,更值得反复阅读与体会。希望这《effective c++:改善程序与设计的55个具体做法:第3版》能够帮助您跨越c++的重重险阻,领略高处才有的壮美风光,做一个成功而快乐的c++程序员。 -
More Effective C++中文版
本书所给出的建议都是源于日常编程实践的一些真知灼见。和它的姊妹篇《Effective C++》一样,本书是每个C++开发者必不可少的书籍。 作者Meyers在本书中为我们呈现了35种用于提升程序和设计的新方法。根据多年的经验,Meyers解释了如何才能编写更高效的C++软件:运行效率更高、更为健壮、更为稳定、更容易移植以及更易于重用。简而言之,就是如何编写更好的C++软件。 一些经过实践检验的用来改善程序效率的方法,包括检验C++语言特性所带来的时间和空间上的开销。 全面地描述了C++专家所使用的高级技术,包括placement new、虚构造函数、智能指针、引用计数、代理类和双重分派等。 本书主要特点:以实例说明异常处理从结构上及行为上给C++类和函数带来的巨大影响。 从实用的角度介绍新的语言特性,包括bool、mutable、explicit、namespaces、成员模板以及标准模板库等。如果你的编译器还不支持这些新特性,Meyers会告诉你如何使用其他的方法来达到同样的效果。