Machine Learning
This book covers the field of machine learning, which is the study of algorithms that allow computer programs to automatically improve through experience. The book is intended to support upper level undergraduate and introductory level graduate courses in machine learning. -
《统计学习方法》是计算机及其应用领域的一门重要的学科。《统计学习方法》全面系统地介绍了统计学习的主要方法,特别是监督学习方法,包括感知机、k近邻法、朴素贝叶斯法、决策树、逻辑斯谛回归与最大熵模型、支持向量机、提升方法、EM算法、隐马尔可夫模型和条件随机场等。除第1章概论和最后一章总结外,每章介绍一种方法。叙述从具体问题或实例入手,由浅入深,阐明思路,给出必要的数学推导,便于读者掌握统计学习方法的实质,学会运用。为满足读者进一步学习的需要,书中还介绍了一些相关研究,给出了少量习题,列出了主要参考文献。 -
Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
This book provides the first comprehensive treatment of feed-forward neural networks from the perspective of statistical pattern recognition. After introducing the basic concepts of pattern recognition, the book describes techniques for modelling probability density functions, and discusses the properties and relative merits of the multi-layer perceptron and radial basis function network models. It also motivates the use of various forms of error functions, and reviews the principal algorithms for error function minimization. As well as providing a detailed discussion of learning and generalization in neural networks, the book also covers the important topics of data processing, feature extraction, and prior knowledge. The book concludes with an extensive treatment of Bayesian techniques and their applications to neural networks. -
本书介绍了统计学习理论和支持向量机的关键思想、结论和方法,以及该领域的最新进展。统计学习理论是针对小样本情况研究统计学习规律的理论,是传统统计学的重要发展和补充。其核心思想是通过控制学习机器的容量实现对推广能力的控制。由Springer-Verlag出版社授权出版。 -
《人工智能:一种现代方法》(第2版中文版)以详尽和丰富的资料,从理性智能体的角度,全面阐述了人工智能领域的核心内容,并深入介绍了各个主要的研究方向,是一本难得的综合性教材。全书分为八大部分:第一部分“人工智能” ,第二部分“问题求解” ,第三部分“ 知识与推理” ,第四部分“规划” ,第五部分“不确定知识与推理” ,第六部分“学习” ,第七部分“通讯、感知与行动” ,第八部分“ 结论” 。