本书全面介绍了数据挖掘,涵盖了五个主题:数据、分类、关联分析、聚类和异常检测。除异常检测外,每个主题都有两章。前一章涵盖基本概念、代表性算法和评估技术,而后一章讨论高级概念和算法。这样读者在透彻地理解数据挖掘的基础的同时,还能够了解更多重要的高级主题。 本书是明尼苏达大学和密歇根州立大学数据挖掘课程的教材,由于独具特色,正式出版之前就已经被斯坦福大学、得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校等众多名校采用。 本书特色 与许多其他同类图书不同,本书将重点放在如何用数据挖掘知识解决各种实际问题。 只要求具备很少的预备知识——不需要数据库背景,只需要很少的统计学或数学背景知识。 书中包含大量的图表、综合示例和丰富的习题,并且使用示例、关键算法的简洁描述和习题,尽可能直接地聚焦于数据挖掘的主要概念。 教辅内容极为丰富,包括课程幻灯片、学生课题建议、数据挖掘资源(如数据挖掘算法和数据集)、联机指南(使用实际的数据集和数据分析软件,为本书介绍的部分数据挖掘技术提供例子讲解)。 向采用本书作为教材的教师提供习题解答。 -
Music Recommendation and Discovery
With so much more music available these days, traditional ways of finding music have diminished. Today radio shows are often programmed by large corporations that create playlists drawn from a limited pool of tracks. Similarly, record stores have been replaced by big-box retailers that have ever-shrinking music departments. Instead of relying on DJs, record-store clerks or their friends for music recommendations, listeners are turning to machines to guide them to new music. In this book, Òscar Celma guides us through the world of automatic music recommendation. He describes how music recommenders work, explores some of the limitations seen in current recommenders, offers techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of music recommendations and demonstrates how to build effective recommenders by offering two real-world recommender examples. He emphasizes the user's perceived quality, rather than the system's predictive accuracy when providing recommendations, thus allowing users to discover new music by exploiting the long tail of popularity and promoting novel and relevant material ("non-obvious recommendations"). In order to reach out into the long tail, he needs to weave techniques from complex network analysis and music information retrieval. Aimed at final-year-undergraduate and graduate students working on recommender systems or music information retrieval, this book presents the state of the art of all the different techniques used to recommend items, focusing on the music domain as the underlying application. -
Pattern Classification
The first edition, published in 1973, has become a classic reference in the field. Now with the second edition, readers will find information on key new topics such as neural networks and statistical pattern recognition, the theory of machine learning, and the theory of invariances. Also included are worked examples, comparisons between different methods, extensive graphics, expanded exercises and computer project topics. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department. -
Prediction, Learning, and Games
This important new text and reference for researchers and students in machine learning, game theory, statistics and information theory offers the first comprehensive treatment of the problem of predicting individual sequences. Unlike standard statistical approaches to forecasting, prediction of individual sequences does not impose any probabilistic assumption on the data-generating mechanism. Yet, prediction algorithms can be constructed that work well for all possible sequences, in the sense that their performance is always nearly as good as the best forecasting strategy in a given reference class. The central theme is the model of prediction using expert advice, a general framework within which many related problems can be cast and discussed. Repeated game playing, adaptive data compression, sequential investment in the stock market, sequential pattern analysis, and several other problems are viewed as instances of the experts' framework and analyzed from a common nonstochastic standpoint that often reveals new and intriguing connections. Old and new forecasting methods are described in a mathematically precise way in order to characterize their theoretical limitations and possibilities. -
北京机器学习是计算机科学和人工智能中非常重要的一个研究领域,近年来,机器学习不但在计算机科学的众多领域中大显身手,而且成为一些交叉学科的重要支撑技术。本书邀请国内外相关领域的专家撰文,以综述的形式介绍机器学习中不同领域的研究进展。全书共分13章。第1章是关于机器学习的一个全局性综述。第2至第6章分别对统计学习、非监督学习、符号学习、强化学习和流形学习进行了综述,并穿插了作者的一些精彩工作。第7和第8章分别介绍了作者在集成学习和进化学习中某一具体话题上的研究成果。第9和第10章对数据挖掘中的一些问题进行了介绍和讨论。第11至第13章则对机器学习在模式识别、视频信息处理等领域的应用做了介绍。 本书可供计算机、自动化及相关专业的学生、教师、研究生和工程技术人员参考。 -
An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory
Authors introduce a number of central topics in computational learning theory for researchers and students in artificial intelligence, neural networks, theoretical computer science, and statistics. DLC: Machine learning.