本书是介绍当代计算机体系主流技术和最新技术的优秀教材,以Intel x86和ARM两个处理器系列为例,深入讨论了计算机组成与体系结构的基本原理和概念,并将它们运用到当代计算机系统设计的问题中。 自第7版出版以来,计算机组成与体系结构领域又有了不少革新和进展。第8版坚持全面覆盖整个领域,并在此基础上尽量跟上新技术的步伐。 新增内容 交互式模拟工具:提供了20个基于Web的交互式模拟工具,为理解现代处理器的复杂机制提供了有力的支持。 嵌入式处理器:以ARM体系结构为例,介绍嵌入式处理器以及它们提供的独特的设计问题。 多核处理器:阐述计算机体系结构最流行的新进展——单个芯片上多处理器的使用。 高速缓存:对高速缓存内容进行了全面的修订、更新和扩充,涵盖了更宽泛的技术领域。 性能评估:扩充了对性能评估的讨论,增加了对基准程序和阿姆达尔定律的分析。 汇编语言:增加了一个关于汇编语言和汇编器的新附录。 -
D is for Digital
This book explains how today's computing and communications world operates, from hardware through software to the Internet and the web. It includes enough detail that you can understand how these systems work, no matter what your technical background. The social, political and legal issues that new technology creates are discussed as well, so you can understand the difficult issues we face and appreciate the tradeoffs that have to be made to resolve them. -
Parallel Computer Architecture
Memory Systems
在线阅读本书 Is your memory hierarchy stopping your microprocessor from performing at the high level it should be? Memory Systems: Cache, DRAM, Disk shows you how to resolve this problem. The book tells you everything you need to know about the logical design and operation, physical design and operation, performance characteristics and resulting design trade-offs, and the energy consumption of modern memory hierarchies. You learn how to to tackle the challenging optimization problems that result from the side-effects that can appear at any point in the entire hierarchy. As a result you will be able to design and emulate the entire memory hierarchy. . Understand all levels of the system hierarchy -Xcache, DRAM, and disk. . Evaluate the system-level effects of all design choices. . Model performance and energy consumption for each component in the memory hierarchy. -
Computer Architecture
是否真正理解汇编语言,常常是普通程序员和优秀程序员的分水岭。《深入理解程序设计:使用Linux汇编语言》介绍了Linux平台下的汇编语言编程,教你从计算机的角度看问题,从而了解汇编语言及计算机的工作方式,为成就自己的优秀程序员之梦夯实基础。 很多人都认为汇编语言晦涩难懂,但New Medio技术总监Jonathan Bartlett的这本书将改变人们的看法。本书首先介绍计算机的体系结构,然后从编写简单程序开始,一步一步扩充函数、文件、读写处理等知识,并平滑过渡到程序共享、存储与优化,由浅入深地介绍了Linux汇编语言编程。作者不仅会带你了解向计算机传递信息的方式方法,还让你学会向修改和使用程序的人传递信息,并最终用自己的规则构建“世界”,按自己对问题的理解和解决方案创造“世界”。 主要内容: 计算机体系结构(详解内存及寻址方式); 编程初体验; 函数使用及复杂度处理; 文件处理及缓冲区分析; 记录读写及修改; 通过测试及错误处理打造健壮程序; 程序共享; 内存布局及处理; 计算机的计数原理; 程序优化(时机、位置及方式)。