翻开此书的你,也许是JavaScript的崇拜者,正想摩拳擦掌地想尝试下学一学这一精巧的语言;也许是80后,90后的程序员或者前端架构师,正被 JavaScript魔幻般的魅力所吸引,所困惑,已经徘徊许久……那么本书正是你所需要的!通过本书,您可以独辟蹊径学习、理解和运用 JavaScript;通过本书,您可以更轻松地编写动态网页;通过本书,您可以更深入地理解AJAX技术;通过本书,您可以在学习技术本身的同时,领悟到编程的境界;通过本书,您可以更多地享受到读书的快乐和程序的魅力……. 您能快乐地享用本书,是我们最大的期盼!... -
你手中的这本《JavaScript王者归来》不仅是一本传播知识的书,更是一本求道的书。 本书分为五个部分循序渐进地与读者讨论了JavaScript的方方面面,从简单的语言基础到丰富的实际应用再到深入剖析语言本质的高级话题,字里行间包含着作者多年工作中对JavaScript实践乃至程序设计思想的深入思考和总结。 本书揭开了JavaScript的面纱,绕过误解和虚幻的表象,引领你探索程序王国的奥妙。它既是一本为初学者准备的入门级教程,又是一本探寻程序设计思想本源的“魔法典籍”,也是一本Web开发工程师们需要的案头参考书。 本书是你进入脚本王国的一把钥匙,引导你领略脚本魔法的神奇魅力。它还是一本着眼于未来改变互联网的启蒙读物,在它的引领下,你将在互联网的世界里获得你所希望得到的知识、智慧、成就和快乐。 专题页: http://labs.aoao.org.cn/akira/ -
你手中的这本《JavaScript王者归来》不仅是一本传播知识的书,更是一本求道的书。 本书分为五个部分循序渐进地与读者讨论了JavaScript的方方面面,从简单的语言基础到丰富的实际应用再到深入剖析语言本质的高级话题,字里行间包含着作者多年工作中对JavaScript实践乃至程序设计思想的深入思考和总结。 本书揭开了JavaScript的面纱,绕过误解和虚幻的表象,引领你探索程序王国的奥妙。它既是一本为初学者准备的入门级教程,又是一本探寻程序设计思想本源的“魔法典籍”,也是一本Web开发工程师们需要的案头参考书。 本书是你进入脚本王国的一把钥匙,引导你领略脚本魔法的神奇魅力。它还是一本着眼于未来改变互联网的启蒙读物,在它的引领下,你将在互联网的世界里获得你所希望得到的知识、智慧、成就和快乐。 专题页: http://labs.aoao.org.cn/akira/ -
Pro JavaScript Design Patterns
As a web developer, you’ll already know that JavaScript™ is a powerful language, allowing you to add an impressive array of dynamic functionality to otherwise static web sites. But there is more power waiting to be unlocked--JavaScript is capable of full object-oriented capabilities, and by applying OOP principles, best practices, and design patterns to your code, you can make it more powerful, more efficient, and easier to work with alone or as part of a team. With Pro JavaScript Design Patterns, you’ll start with the basics of object-oriented programming in JavaScript applicable to design patterns, including making JavaScript more expressive, inheritance, encapsulation, information hiding, and more. With that covered, you can kick-start your JavaScript development in the second part of the book, where you’ll find detail on how to implement and take advantage of several design patterns in JavaScript, including composites, decorators, façades, adapters, and many more. Each chapter is packed with real-world examples of how the design patterns are best used and expert advice on writing better code, as well as what to watch out for. Along the way you’ll discover how to create your own libraries and APIs for even more efficient coding. * Master the basics of object-oriented programming in JavaScript, as they apply to design patterns. * Apply design patterns to your kick-start your JavaScript development. * Work through several real-world examples. -
Pro JavaScript Design Patterns
As a web developer, you’ll already know that JavaScript™ is a powerful language, allowing you to add an impressive array of dynamic functionality to otherwise static web sites. But there is more power waiting to be unlocked--JavaScript is capable of full object-oriented capabilities, and by applying OOP principles, best practices, and design patterns to your code, you can make it more powerful, more efficient, and easier to work with alone or as part of a team. With Pro JavaScript Design Patterns, you’ll start with the basics of object-oriented programming in JavaScript applicable to design patterns, including making JavaScript more expressive, inheritance, encapsulation, information hiding, and more. With that covered, you can kick-start your JavaScript development in the second part of the book, where you’ll find detail on how to implement and take advantage of several design patterns in JavaScript, including composites, decorators, façades, adapters, and many more. Each chapter is packed with real-world examples of how the design patterns are best used and expert advice on writing better code, as well as what to watch out for. Along the way you’ll discover how to create your own libraries and APIs for even more efficient coding. * Master the basics of object-oriented programming in JavaScript, as they apply to design patterns. * Apply design patterns to your kick-start your JavaScript development. * Work through several real-world examples. -