A First Course in Probability
A First Course in Probability, Eighth Edition , features clear and intuitive explanations of the mathematics of probability theory, outstanding problem sets, and a variety of diverse examples and applications. This book is ideal for an upper-level undergraduate or graduate level introduction to probability for math, science, engineering and business students. It assumes a background in elementary calculus. -
Probability and Computing
Assuming only an elementary background in discrete mathematics, this textbook is an excellent introduction to the probabilistic techniques and paradigms used in the development of probabilistic algorithms and analyses. It includes random sampling, expectations, Markov's and Chevyshev's inequalities, Chernoff bounds, balls and bins models, the probabilistic method, Markov chains, MCMC, martingales, entropy, and other topics. The book is designed to accompany a one- or two-semester course for graduate students in computer science and applied mathematics. -
A Course in Probability Theory, Third Edition
在线阅读本书 Since the publication of the first edition of this classic textbook over thirty years ago, tens of thousands of students have used A Course in Probability Theory . New in this edition is an introduction to measure theory that expands the market, as this treatment is more consistent with current courses. While there are several books on probability, Chung's book is considered a classic, original work in probability theory due to its elite level of sophistication. -
《应用随机过程概率模型导论(英文版·第9版)》叙述深入浅出,涉及面广。主要内容有随机变量、条件概率及条件期望、离散及连续马尔可夫链、指数分布、泊松过程、布朗运动及平稳过程、更新理论及排队论等;也包括了随机过程在物理、生物、运筹、网络、遗传、经济、保险、金融及可靠性中的应用。特别是有关随机模拟的内容,给随机系统运行的模拟计算提供了有力的工具。除正文外,《应用随机过程概率模型导论(英文版·第9版)》有约700道习题,其中带星号的习题还提供了解答。 《应用随机过程概率模型导论(英文版·第9版)》可作为概率论与统计、计算机科学、保险学、物理学、社会科学、生命科学、管理科学与工程学等专业随机过程基础课教材。 -
《概率、随机变量与随机过程》是美国著名学者A·帕普里斯教授所著的一本经典教材。自1965年第1版问世以来至今已第4版,一直被美国多所大学用作相关专业的研究生教材。它的特点是将高深的理论恰当地应用于工程实际,因而深受工程界专业人士的青睐。本书(第4版)在保持前三版风格和精华的基础上作了大量的修订:更新了约三分之一的章节内容,包括几个新的专题和新增的第15、16章,增加了大量的新例子,进一步澄清了一些复杂的概念,使读者能更容易地理解它们。 本书可供无线电通信系统、信号处理、控制理论、优化、滤波等专业的研究生和本科高年级学生使用,也可供相关领域的科开人员和工程技术人员参考。 -
《概率导论(第2版)》是在MIT开设概率论入门课程的基础上编写的, 其内容全面, 例题和习题丰富, 结构层次性强, 能够满足不同读者的需求。书中介绍了概率模型、离散随机变量和连续随机变量、多元随机变量以及极限理论等概率论基本知识, 还介绍了矩母函数、条件概率的现代定义、独立随机变量的和、最小二乘估计等高级内容。 《概率导论(第2版)》可作为所有高等院校概率论入门的基础教程, 也可作为有关概率论方面的参考书。