本书由Erlang之父Joe Armstrong编写,是毋庸置疑的经典著作。书中兼顾了顺序编程、并发编程和分布式编程,重点介绍如何编写并发和分布式的Erlang程序以及如何在多核CPU上自动加速程序,并深入地讨论了开发Erlang应用中至关重要的文件和网络编程、OTP、ETS和DETS等主题。第2版全新改写,反应了自第1版面世以来Erlang历经的所有变化,添加了大量针对初学者的内容,并在每章后都附上了练习题。 -
《haskell趣学指南》是一本讲解haskell这门函数式编程语言的入门指南,语言通俗易懂,插图生动幽默,示例短小清晰,结构安排合理。书中从haskell的基础知识讲起,涵盖了所有的基本概念和语法,内容涉及基本语法、递归、类型和类型类、函子、applicative 函子、monad、zipper及所有haskell重要特性和强大功能。 《haskell趣学指南》适合对函数式编程及haskell语言感兴趣的开发人员阅读。 -
Clojure是一门Lisp方言。它通过函数式编程技术,直接支持并发软件开发,得到众多开发人员的欢迎。 《Clojure编程乐趣》并非Clojure初学指南,也不是一本Clojure的编程操作手册,而是通过对Clojure详尽地探究,教授函数式的程序设计方式,帮助读者理解和体会Clojure编程的乐趣,进而开发出优美的软件。 全书分为5个部分共13章。第1部分是基础,包括第1章到第3章,从Clojure背后的思想开始,介绍了Clojure的基础知识,并带领读者初步尝试Clojure编程。第2部分包括第4章和第5章,介绍了Clojure的各种数据类型。第3部分是第6章和第7章,介绍了函数式编程的特性。第4部分包括第8章到第11章,分别介绍了宏、组合数据域代码、Clojure对Java的调用,以及并发编程等较为高级的话题。第5部分为第12章和第13章,探讨了Clojure的性能问题及其带给我们的思考。 《Clojure编程乐趣》适合有一定基础的Clojure程序员阅读,进而掌握函数编程的思考方法和程序设计方法,也可以作为读者学习函数式编程的参考资料。 -
Let Over Lambda
Let Over Lambda is one of the most hardcore computer programming books out there. Starting with the fundamentals, it describes the most advanced features of the most advanced language: Common Lisp. Only the top percentile of programmers use lisp and if you can understand this book you are in the top percentile of lisp programmers. If you are looking for a dry coding manual that re-hashes common-sense techniques in whatever langue du jour, this book is not for you. This book is about pushing the boundaries of what we know about programming. While this book teaches useful skills that can help solve your programming problems today and now, it has also been designed to be entertaining and inspiring. If you have ever wondered what lisp or even programming itself is really about, this is the book you have been looking for. -
Land of Lisp
Lisp is a uniquely powerful programming language that, despite its academic reputation, is actually very practical. Land of Lisp brings the language into the real world, teaching Lisp by showing readers how to write several complete Lisp-based games, including a text adventure, an evolution simulation, and a robot battle. While building these games, readers learn the core concepts of Lisp programming, such as data types, recursion, input/output, object-oriented programming, and macros. And thanks to the power of Lisp, the code is short. Rather than bogging things down with reference information that is easily found online, Land of Lisp focuses on using Lisp for real programming. The book is filled with the author Conrad Barski's famous Lisp cartoons, featuring the Lisp alien and other zany characters. -
实用Common Lisp编程
由塞贝尔编著的《实用Common Lisp编程》是一本不同寻常的Common Lisp入门书。《实用Common Lisp编程》首先从作者的学习经过及语言历史出发,随后用21个章节讲述了各种基础知识,主要包括:REPL及Common Lisp的各种实现、S-表达式、函数与变量、标准宏与自定义宏、数字与字符以及字符串、集合与向量、列表处理、文件与文件I/O处理、类、FORMAT格式、符号与包,等等。而接下来的9个章节则翔实地介绍了几个有代表性的实例,其中包含如何构建垃圾过滤器、解析二进制文件、构建ID3解析器,以及如何编写一个完整的MP3 Web应用程序等内容。最后还对一些未介绍内容加以延伸。 《实用Common Lisp编程》内容适合Common Lisp初学者及对之感兴趣的相关人士。