本书阐明了经济学中最为核心和本质的分析方法。作者在宏观经济学的教学和研究实践的基础上,结合精心挑选的案例,详尽说明了如何应用这些分析方法。在总体把握经济学分析方法的基础上,作者先后探讨了非线性规划、不确定性、最优控制理论等内容。本书更多强调“为什么”的问题,而非“怎么做”的问题,注重分析方法的解释和经济学理论的应用,因而能使经济学研究者、研究生和高年级本科生在很大程度上提高应用经济学分析方法的能力。 -
The Structure of Economics
This text combines mathematical economics with microeconomic theory and can be required or recommended as part of a course in graduate microeconomic theory, advanced undergraduate or graduate-level mathematical economics, or any advanced topics course. It also has reference value for international, library, professional and reference markets. This revision addresses significant new topics--the theory of contracts and markets with imperfect information--that have recently become prominent in the microeconomics literature. -
Optimization in Economic Theory
In the new edition of this student text, the author has made substantial revisions and additions to enhance the book's usefulness without destroying its character as a lucid and readable text. Most economics courses separate the teaching of the mathematics of constrained maximization from its economic applications. The aim of this book is to provide an integrated treatment of optimization that relates mathematics to economics from the outset, thus facilitating a quicker and deeper understanding. Proofs of the mathematical therorems are structured to bring out points of economic interest and to enable economic applications. The illustrative examples are also chosen for their economic interest and usefulness and suggestions for further reading are provided at the end of each chapter. This new edition has been revised to accommodate the siginificant changes the subject has undergone since the publication of the first edition. A chapter on uncertainty has been added with treatment of topics such as finance and asymmetric information, and the chapter on dynamic programmming has been expanded. -
本书自第一版发行以来,20多年来在美国非常畅销(第一版名为《经济数学》,《数理经济学引论》是其第三版).本书为经济学家、社会科学家及商业专业学生提供了大量所需的数学内容. 本书强调的是概念的实际背景及在经济、金融和社会中的应用,为读者学习数学及如何在实际中使用数学指明了方向。全书共分21章,对微积分、微分方程、矩阵代数、线形规划的基本原理及其在经济中的应用进行了介绍,书中还涉及对数微分、 -