本书是罗素诺贝尔文学奖的获奖作品。一本跨学科的专著。罗素以他一贯清新睿智流畅简洁的语言,从令人叹服的跨学科的角度,考察了个体、家庭和社会对婚姻与性的观点,还考察了人类婚姻的角色变化以及性伦理,他的洞察力和观点在很大程度上改变了社会对婚姻和性的看法,从而使其成为一部有价值的经典。 -
《怎可以一生一世》内容简介:面对情系一生一世的盟约,多少人总是抹不去心头的向往,却无奈心底最深深的怀疑和无力。人的问题、人性的问题、人间情爱的起伏和创伤叫人沉思,无所适从。究竟谁替我们写下爱的定义? 谁来决定我们怎样与爱侣相处相爱? 一生一世的执手之约是否真的已在风中老去? 作者集多年婚姻辅导和家庭治疗经验,将个人反思与心理学结合,从中国传统文化出发,深入剖析不同文化中的流行爱情观,探索男女之间错综复杂的关系,从而引领读者寻索爱情的真貌。最后,作者倡导了一种基于真理的情和爱的教育,将读者带入充满盼望的爱的关系和崭新的家庭文化之中。 《怎可以一生一世》可作为即将进入恋爱和婚姻者的辅导,帮助他们厘清对爱情和婚姻的认识谬误,真正认识自己,带着清醒和盼望启程;《怎可以一生一世》也可成为已婚人士的加油站,帮助彼此互相解读,让婚姻连接于爱的根源,以至可以再出发去享受情系一生的细水长流。 -
在西方,与性有关的论争常常围绕着正确与错误,正常与反常,善行与罪恶而展开;在中国,与性的地位有关的却是重大与渺小,崇高与羞耻,上流与下流的问题。在西方社会中,性处于对抗之中——压制与反抗,正常与病态,罪与非罪的对抗;在中国社会中,性被忽视,性在重要与不重要,崇高与低下,浩然正气与鬼魅邪气之间属于后者。…… -
The Love Dare
Too many marriages end when someone says "I've fallen out of love with you" or "I don't love you anymore." The Love Dare discusses how these statements reveal a lack of understanding about the fundamental nature of true love. As featured in the popular new movie Fireproof, from the team that brought us the #1 best selling DVD Facing the Giants, The Love Dare is a 40-day guided devotional experience that will lead your heart back to truly loving your spouse while learning more about the design, nature, and source of true love. Each reading includes Scripture, a statement of principle, the day's "dare," and a journaling area and check box to chart progress. Dare to take The Love Dare , and see your marriage change forever. -
The Meaning of Marriage
Based on his most popular sermon series, "New York Times" bestselling author Timothy Keller delivers an extraordinarily insightful look at the keys to happiness in marriage. Few subjects are as compelling-or as endlessly variable-as love and marriage. The Bible is filled with references to husbands and wives, from the story of Adam and Eve to advice in the New Testament, each open to interpretation. In "The Meaning of Marriage," Timothy Keller, pastor of New York's Redeemer Presbyterian Church and bestselling author of "The Reason for God," uses the scriptures as his guide to show readers what God's call to marriage is, and why this is such a powerful call. He talks in frank terms about the difficulties that couples have and how they can best work them out while keeping their faith in God intact. "The Meaning of Marriage" showcases Keller's vast understanding of the Bible and how it can not only be relevant to relationships today but also form the foundation of a modern, healthy, loving, and long- lasting marriage.