本书对乌托邦实践所造成的奇特颠倒做了哲学分析,并总结了反乌托邦思想的四大特点。在此基础上,本书对当代乌托邦运动的具体特点做了描述。本书认为,囿于天人合一的思维方式,古代中国只有桃花源而没有乌托邦。本书内容包括:乌托邦与反乌托邦,反绝对理性主义及实体史观,反人为秩序及社会正义,反一元论及解放政治,反信仰政治等。本书内容丰富,论述透彻,具有很强的可读性。 -
格拉斯是德国当代最杰出的文学家,他的撼世之作《铁皮鼓》被译成数十种文字,销售了近500册;根据它改编的电影分别于1979年和1980年获得戛纳电影节金棕榈奖和奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。他创作的《狗年月》、《猫与鼠》、《相聚在特尔格特》、《母鼠》、《蟹行》等小说,脍炙人口,享誉世界;他获得的桂冠如落英缤纷,除最耀眼的诺贝尔文学奖外,还有四七社奖、不来梅奖、汉堡自由艺术科学院奖章、巴伐利亚艺术科学文学大奖、毕希纳奖、冯塔纳奖、托马斯·曼奖、德国图书和平奖、法国最佳图书奖、意大利蒙德罗国际文学奖、波兰亚历山大—马亚可夫斯基金质奖章、罗马国际安东尼奥—费特利内里小说奖、西班牙希达尔戈奖、捷克卡雷尔—卡佩克奖、丹麦索宁奖等数十种德国和国际有影响的奖项;格拉斯多才多艺,他不仅写小说,还创作了许多诗歌和剧本;他还是一个雕塑家和版画家。鉴于他在文学艺术领域做出的贡献,德国授予他柏林科学艺术院院士,美国、波兰等许多国家的大学授予他荣誉博士和荣誉教授的称号。 格拉斯获得如此多的殊荣,除其作品外,其人品也是主要因素。他为普通人立言,他的行为举止也一如普通人,他的人格魅力在于光明磊落,敢于直言,他对现代社会中的种种弊端,无论是国内的还是国际的,有机会都要仗义执言,口诛笔伐。为此,我们在出版了他的九部长篇小说的基础上,再从他三大卷浩瀚的《言论随笔集》中选出作者40年来最为精彩的56篇演讲和随笔。这些文章表露了作者对当今社会政治、军事、经济、科技、教育、文化以及文学艺术等领域一系列重大问题的观点和见解;可以说,它们是格拉斯这位德国当代最杰出的文学家的思想精髓,相信它们也能对我们了解和探索格拉斯独特的艺术创作思想轨迹及其脉络带来帮助。 -
《我们》针对的是极权主义的种种弊端。全书采用笔记形式,假借生活在未来世界中的一个模范公民之口,戏拟了一个高度数字化、采用集中统一管理的“联众国”中各色人等的生活和心态。 在这个攀上了“人类文明的最高峰”的联众国,所有公民一律被冠以数字为名。 -
Animal Farm
ANIMAL FARM was George Orwell's satirical shot at the then-new totalitarianism of the left. It is so accurate that no one has been able to do it better or more effectively, or even come close. Who can forget "All Animals Are Created Equal, But Some Are More Equal Than Others." By putting wisdom in the mouths of animals, Orwell uses an age-old artifice and proves again how the pen can be mightier than the sword. -
Available for the first time in trade paperback--this provocative book is "an anthem sung in praise of man's ego"--from the legendary author Ayn Rand Anthem has long been hailed as one of Ayn Rand's classic novels, and a clear predecessor to her later masterpieces, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. In Anthem, Rand examines a frightening future in which individuals have no name, no independence, and no values. Equality 7-2521 lives in the dark ages of the future where all decisions are made by committee, all people live in collectives, and all traces of individualism have been wiped out. Despite such a restrictive environment, the spark of individual thought and freedom still burns in him--a passion which he has been taught to call sinful. In a purely egalitarian world, Equality 7-2521 dares to stand apart from the herd--to think and choose for himself, to discover electricity, and to love the woman of his choice. Now he has been marked for death for committing the ultimate sin. In a world where the great "we" reign supreme, he has rediscovered the lost and holy word--"I." -
Fahrenheit 451
Ray Bradbury’s internationally acclaimed novel Fahrenheit 451 is a masterwork of twentieth-century literature set in a bleak, dystopian future. Guy Montag is a fireman. In his world, where television rules and literature is on the brink of extinction, firemen start fires rather than put them out. His job is to destroy the most illegal of commodities, the printed book, along with the houses in which they are hidden. Montag never questions the destruction and ruin his actions produce, returning each day to his bland life and wife, Mildred, who spends all day with her television "family." But then he meets an eccentric young neighbor, Clarisse, who introduces him to a past where people didn’t live in fear, and to a present where one sees the world through the ideas in books instead of the mindless chatter of television. When Mildred attempts suicide, and Clarisse suddenly disappears, Montag begins to question everything he has ever known. He starts hiding books in his home, and when his pilfering is discovered, the fireman has to run for his life.