《MATLAB与科学计算》从高校数学课程的教学出发,结合了科学研究和工程计算的实际,系统详细地介绍了MATLAB语言的强大功能及其在科学计算各领域中的应用。《MATLAB与科学计算》第1版出版之后受到了广大读者的一致好评,应热心读者的要求,第2版增加了动画处理、创建独立应用程序以及建模仿真等新内容,同时增加了一些例题,以适应读者的不同需求。 -
《MATLAB语言常用算法程序集》适用于初、中、高级MATLAB用户,既可以作为使用MATLAB的高等院校师生的教学用书或参考书,又可以供广大科研人员和工程技术人员参考。 -
MATLAB Programming for Engineers
Emphasizing problem-solving skills throughout this very successful book, Stephen Chapman introduces the MATLAB language and shows how to use it to solve typical technical problems. The book teaches MATLAB as a technical programming language, showing students how to write clean, efficient, and well-documented programs. It makes no pretense at being a complete description of all of MATLAB's hundreds of functions. Instead, it teaches students how to locate any desired function with MATLAB's extensive online help facilities. Overall, students develop problem-solving skills and are equipped for future courses and careers with the power of MATLAB. -
MATLAB 7.0从入门到精通,ISBN:9787115143273,作者:求是科技编著 -
《问道量化投资:用MATLAB来敲门》主要讲述以MATLAB为分析工具的量化投资,由“MATLAB入门”、“MATLAB量化投资基础”和“MATLAB量化投资相关函数详解”3篇组成。入门篇让零编程基础的读者快速掌握强大的数值计算和模拟分析工具MATLAB;量化投资基础篇简要介绍相关的投资策略及模型,重点讲述MATLAB中的模型实现及应用;函数详解篇对MATLAB的金融工具箱、衍生品工具箱和固定收益工具箱中的全部函数一一进行详解,以帮助读者快速掌握这些函数。 -
MATLAB for Engineers
MATLAB for Engineers, 3e, is ideal for Freshman or Introductory courses in Engineering and Computer Science. With a hands-on approach and focus on problem solving, this introduction to the powerful MATLAB computing language is designed for students with only a basic college algebra background. Numerous examples are drawn from a range of engineering disciplines, demonstrating MATLAB’s applications to a broad variety of problems. This book is included in Prentice Hall’s ESource series. ESource allows professors to select the content appropriate for their freshman/first-year engineering course. Professors can adopt the published manuals as is or use ESource’swebsite www.prenhall.com/esource to view and select the chapters they need, in the sequence they want.The option to add their own material or copyrighted material fromother publishers also exists.