The influence of Aristotle, the prince of philosophers, on the intellectual history of the West is second to none. In this book Jonathan Barnes examines Aristotle's scientific researches, his discoveries in logic and his metaphysical theories, his work in psychology and in ethics and politics, and his ideas about art and poetry, placing his teachings in their historical context. -
作为西方传统中最伟大的思想家之一,亚里士多德也是最难索解的一位思想家。《亚里士多德》一书的六位亚里士多德研究权威,抓住亚里士多德哲学的中心关怀,进行清晰的剖解;另一方面,本书的目的不是要确立某一种亚里士多德诠释,而是力图评述各家各派不同诠释路线及方法的正当性和根据。这本研究综述即使对于不谙希腊文的读者,也是一本牢靠而基本的权威指南。书后附有近百页的推荐书目和参考文献目录,另外包括非常有用的希腊术语、名词和主题索引。 -
Nicomachean Ethics
The most influential ethical treatise ever written, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics offers accounts of human happiness and welfare; the nature of a good person; the psychology of action and character; the virtues of character and intellect; praise, blame, and moral responsibility; practical reason; weakness of will; self-interest and the interests of others; the role of friendship in the good life; and the relation between pleasure and goodness. This edition offers more aids to the reader than are found in any other modern English translation. It includes an Introduction; headings to help the reader follow the argument; explanatory notes on difficult or important passages; and a full glossary explaining Aristotle's technical terms. For this edition, the translation has been revised, and the notes and glossary expanded. -
《城邦与自然:亚里士多德与现代性》内容简介:西方学界研究亚里士多德与现代性思想的关系大致有三种取向:要么援亚里士多德来修补现代性观念,要么辨明作为古典哲人的亚里士多德的思想与现代性思想从根本上讲不可通约,再就是追究亚童士多德思想对现代性思想兴起应负的责任——无论哪种途径,当然都得首先搞清楚亚里士多德思想中的诸多细节,而且得从亚里士多德与柏拉图的思想差异入手。 -