《从微分观点看拓扑(双语版)》由菲尔兹奖和沃尔夫奖得主J.W.Milnor所著,是一本蜚声国际数学界的经典之作。内容涉及光滑流形和光滑映射,Sard定理和Brown定理,映射的模2度,定向流形,向量场与Euler数,标架式协边,Pontryagin构造等。全书内容简要,短小精悍。 -
Differential Topology
Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint
This elegant book by distinguished mathematician John Milnor, provides a clear and succinct introduction to one of the most important subjects in modern mathematics. Beginning with basic concepts such as diffeomorphisms and smooth manifolds, he goes on to examine tangent spaces, oriented manifolds, and vector fields. Key concepts such as homotopy, the index number of a map, and the Pontryagin construction are discussed. The author presents proofs of Sard's theorem and the Hopf theorem. -
This book presents some of the basic topological ideas used in studying differentiable manifolds and maps. Mathematical prerequisites have been kept to a minimum; the standard course in analysis and general topology is adequate preparation. An appendix briefly summarizes some of the background material. In order to emphasize the geometrical and intuitive aspects of differential topology, I have avoided the use of algebraic topology, except in a few isolated places that can easily be skipped. For the same reason I make no use of differential forms or tensors. 本书为英文版。