The Functional Art
Unlike any time before in our lives, we have access to vast amounts of free information. With the right tools, we can start to make sense of all this data to see patterns and trends that would otherwise be invisible to us. By transforming numbers into graphical shapes, we allow readers to understand the stories those numbers hide. In this practical introduction to understanding and using information graphics, you'll learn how to use data visualizations as tools to see beyond lists of numbers and variables and achieve new insights into the complex world around us. Regardless of the kind of data you're working with-business, science, politics, sports, or even your own personal finances-this book will show you how to use statistical charts, maps, and explanation diagrams to spot the stories in the data and learn new things from it. You'll also get to peek into the creative process of some of the world's most talented designers and visual journalists, including Conde Nast Traveler's John Grimwade, National Geographic Magazine's Fernando Baptista, The New York Times' Steve Duenes, The Washington Post's Hannah Fairfield, Hans Rosling of the Gapminder Foundation, Stanford's Geoff McGhee, and European superstars Moritz Stefaner, Jan Willem Tulp, Stefanie Posavec, and Gregor Aisch. The book also includes a DVD-ROM containing over 90 minutes of video lessons that expand on core concepts explained within the book and includes even more inspirational information graphics from the world's leading designers. The first book to offer a broad, hands-on introduction to information graphics and visualization, The Functional Art reveals: * Why data visualization should be thought of as "functional art" rather than fine art * How to use color, type, and other graphic tools to make your information graphics more effective, not just better looking * The science of how our brains perceive and remember information * Best practices for creating interactive information graphics * A comprehensive look at the creative process behind successful information graphics * An extensive gallery of inspirational work from the world's top designers and visual artists On the DVD-ROM: In this introductory video course on information graphics, Alberto Cairo goes into greater detail with even more visual examples of how to create effective information graphics that function as practical tools for aiding perception. You'll learn how to: incorporate basic design principles in your visualizations, create simple interfaces for interactive graphics, and choose the appropriate type of graphic forms for your data. Cairo also deconstructs successful information graphics from The New York Times and National Geographic magazine with sketches and images not shown in the book.
Designing Data Visualizations
Data visualization is an efficient and effective medium for communicating large amounts of information. But the design process can often seem like an unexplainable creative endeavor. This book aims to demystify the design process for those who are already comfortable with data analysis, showing the reader how to encode information visually via a linear process of decision-making. -
Beautiful Visualization
Visualization is the graphic presentation of data -- portrayals meant to reveal complex information at a glance. Think of the familiar map of the New York City subway system, or a diagram of the human brain. Successful visualizations are beautiful not only for their aesthetic design, but also for elegant layers of detail that efficiently generate insight and new understanding. This book examines the methods of two dozen visualization experts who approach their projects from a variety of perspectives -- as artists, designers, commentators, scientists, analysts, statisticians, and more. Together they demonstrate how visualization can help us make sense of the world. Explore the importance of storytelling with a simple visualization exercise Learn how color conveys information that our brains recognize before we're fully aware of it Discover how the books we buy and the people we associate with reveal clues to our deeper selves Recognize a method to the madness of air travel with a visualization of civilian air traffic Find out how researchers investigate unknown phenomena, from initial sketches to published papers Contributors include: Nick Bilton, Michael E. Driscoll, Jonathan Feinberg, Danyel Fisher, Jessica Hagy, Gregor Hochmuth, Todd Holloway, Noah Iliinsky, Eddie Jabbour, Valdean Klump, Aaron Koblin, Robert Kosara, Valdis Krebs, JoAnn Kuchera-Morin et al., Andrew Odewahn, Adam Perer, Anders Persson, Maximilian Schich, Matthias Shapiro, Julie Steele, Moritz Stefaner, Jer Thorp, Fernanda Viegas, Martin Wattenberg, and Michael Young. -
本书是英国《卫报》数据新闻实践的最佳蓝本,数据新闻和数据可视化领域的代表性著作, 由现Google趋势数据主编分析师,《卫报》“数据博客”前任主编西蒙·罗杰斯撰写。罗杰斯亲述数据新闻一线工作者从业经验,并将《卫报》2006年-2012年制作的众多经典案例汇入其中,全方位展现了数据新闻媒体、数据新闻记者的工作状态,可谓是“媒体人必读的数据新闻领域的巅峰之作”。 通过书中生动、美丽的数据可视化作品,你能看到《卫报》是如何解读英国政府的财政开支,如何与维基解密合作解读阿富汗、伊拉克战争日志,如何以创新性的角度报道伦敦奥运会……你能看到数据新闻让我们开始以全新的方式看待世界,而它也终将改变世界。 -
在生活中,数据几乎无处不在,任我们取用。然而,同样的数据给人的感觉可能会千差万别:或冰冷枯燥,让人望而生畏、百思不解其意;或生动有趣,让人一目了然、豁然开朗。为了达到后一种效果,我们需要采用一种特别的方式来展示数据,来解释、分析和应用它。这就是数据可视化技术。Nath an Yau是这一创新领域的先锋。在本书中,他根据数据可视化的工作流程,先后介绍了如何获取数据,将数据格式化,用可视化工具(如R)生成图表,以及在图形编辑软件(如Illustrator)中修改以使图表达到最佳效果。本书介绍了数十种方法(如柱形图、饼图、折线图和散点图等),以创造性的视觉方式生动讲述了有关数据的故事。 -