The late J.L.Austin's influence on contemporary philosophy,which ranked with that of Wittgenstein,was substantial during his lifetime and has grown greatly since his death.He was descrbed as'one of the most acute and original minds that England has producde'. His 1955 William James Lectures,delivered at Harvard University,were first published in 1962.For this second edition the editors returned to Austin's lecture notes and their revisions make this a clearer and more faithful record of Austin's works. The lectures set out Austin's conclusions in the field to which he directed his main efforts for at least the last ten years of his life.Starting from an exhaustive examination of his already well-known distinction of performative utterances from statements.Austin here finally abandons that distinction,replacing it by a more general theory of 'illocutionary forces' of utterances,which has important bearings of a wide variety of philosophical problems. -
本书是剑桥学派最重要的语言哲学家奥斯汀(John Langshaw Austin)为数不多的重要著述之一,是作者针对逻辑语言学领军人物艾耶尔的驳论。作者从艾耶尔等人的错误入手,逐一对其加以驳斥。奥斯汀认为,艾耶尔没有能够理解一些在他自己看来最重要术语的基本功能,如"幻想","期待","看上去像是"等。他认为,这些术语表示的是我们对自己所说的话的真实性有所保留;而艾耶尔却引进了所谓的"感觉与料",这个概念丝毫无助于增加我们的理解力,也不能帮助我们将我们所看到的说清楚。 本书中文版由我国当今最重要哲学家陈嘉映教授译出。译稿完成后,并在华东师范大学和首都师范大学多次开设专题讲座,以中英文对勘的形式讲授此书。此次出版,也采用中英文对照的形式。本书可作为高校哲学系的专业教材。 -
《汉译名著:感觉与可感物》写了:上世纪中叶,奥斯汀曾与赖尔并列为牛津哲学的主导人物。他逝世后一段时间里,其影响有增无减。此后,他的影响逐渐降低,不过,“日常语言学派”的一些主张和方法,仍然广有传人,并且程度不同地被其他倾向的哲学家接受。 奥斯汀的工作中,始终受到重视的是他关于记述式言语和施行式言语的研究;施太格缪勒那部广有影响的《当代哲学主流》,给了这个题目不少篇幅,此外几乎没有谈到奥斯汀的其他工作。我觉得这是件憾事,在我看,奥斯汀的哲学思想中还有很多宝藏未得到开发,他提出的很多问题,可以引导我们更深地运思。我打算和年轻学者合作,把他的三本书都译出来,杨玉成译《如何以言行事》,方旭东译《哲学论文集》,我来译这本《感觉与可感物》。 -
奥斯汀是二战后英国著名的分析哲学家,是“牛津派日常语言哲学”公认的领袖之一,在英美哲学界有着很大的影响。《如何以言行事》一书提出的“施行话语”与“记述话语”区分学说和言语行为理论最具有建设性,是其对哲学和语言学的原创性、永久性的贡献。前者对真理理论、法哲学和伦理语言的研究有着重要影响。后者一方面经过赛尔和格赖斯等人的修正和发展,成为语言哲学最重要的意义理论之一;另一方面经过一些语言学者的细致阐发和发扬光大,成为语用学的重要组成部分,对文学研究、社会语言学、语言交际理论等领域有着经久不衰的影响。 -
班纳特夫妇有五位女儿待字闺中,其中伊丽莎白是位既聪慧又有主见的女子。一位富有的单身贵族达西先生就住在附近。班纳特一家尤其是伊丽莎白,对骄傲的达西渐生厌恶。虽然达西和伊丽莎白分别因傲慢与偏见而冷落对方,浑然不知自己的真实心意,但是他们的确彼此吸引。最后,在伊丽莎白的妹妹丽迪雅与人私奔之后,是达西挽救了她的名声。自此达西和伊莎白渐渐消除了误解,他们尽释前嫌,终于订婚。 本书展示19世纪初英国优美恬静的乡村生活,对待嫁姑娘的心理描写级为丰富。作者表达了她的婚姻观:为了财产和地位结婚是错误的,但结婚而不考虑财产和地位也是愚蠢的。 -
Mansfield Park
In Mansfield Park, first published in 1814, when the author had reached her full maturity as a novelist, Jane Austen paints some of most witty and perceptive studies of character. Against a genteel country landscape of formal parks and stately homes, the gossipy Mrs Norris becomes a masterful comic creation; the fickle young suitor Henry Crawford provides an unequaled portrait of an unscruplous young man; and the complexy drawn Fanny Price emerges as one of Jane Austen's finest achievements--the poor cousin who comes to stay with her wealthy relatives at Mansfield Park and learns how the game of love can too easily turn to folly. More intricately plotted and wider in scope than Austen's earlier works, Mansfield Park continues to enchant and delight us as a superb example of a great author's craft.