*英国文豪、《霍比特人》作者托尔金经典亲子绘本故事 *萌娃多多的睡前枕边书,多爸黄磊带多多及小闺蜜共同翻译,导演赖声川悉心英文指导 *带给孩子所有属于圣诞的快乐、无邪与甜蜜,今年最好的亲子礼物 近100年前的圣诞节,一位父亲在壁炉旁,看着渴望听故事的孩子,冒出了一个想法,用圣诞老爸的口吻给他的孩子写信。这一写就是二十余年。第一封信带着亲手绘制的图画,和父亲精心挑选的礼物一起被放在圣诞袜里,来到了三岁的最大的孩子手中。从此,一个由满满父爱、纯真之心描绘的北极生活在孩子们心中发芽、生长……那个世界里有会说话的北极熊,有多才多艺的精灵。 近100年后,这本充满父爱的绘本,连同北极圣诞老爸的故事和图画,成为了中国小女孩多多的睡前枕边书。她的老爸黄磊,陪着她和她的小伙伴,一起将它翻译成中文,进入那个快乐无邪甜蜜的世界。更多的中国小朋友,能够在父爱的陪伴下,在心中种下纯真的种子,伴随他们成长一生。 每年十二月,托尔金家的孩子们会收到一个盖着北极邮戳的信封。信封里装着圣诞老爸写给孩子们的信,以及画给他们的画。每一封信都是圣诞老爸用冻得抖抖抖的手亲手写下画下的。孩子们超爱圣诞老爸在信里讲的故事——他在北极老家的朋友、房子,以及许多或滑稽或奇妙的事儿:驯鹿把缰绳扯断了,搞得礼物四散到处都是;爱唱反调的北极熊爬上了北极柱,却从圣诞老人的房顶摔进了他的客厅;北极熊还把月亮摔成了四瓣儿,让住在里面的人掉到了后花园里;还有他们与住在圣诞老爸屋底洞穴里的半兽人部落之间的“战争”……北极熊偶尔会潦草地留个便条,精灵伊尔贝斯有时也会用他优雅飘逸的笔迹写上一些北极生活的细节。 写信的圣诞老爸其实就是托尔金老爸自己。第一封信写于1920年,当时最大的孩子约翰只有三岁。圣诞老爸的来信一写就是22年,托尔金的几位孩子都曾为之深深着迷,给圣诞老爸回信交流。最期盼圣诞老爸来信的小儿子克里斯托弗•托尔金,至今仍在守护父亲创造的中洲传奇。 和孩子一起读这本书,一个由满满父爱、纯真之心描绘的圣诞老爸的无邪甜蜜北极童话在孩子们心中发芽、生长…… -
The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit (BOX SET)
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The Hobbit
The classic story of Bilbo Baggins and his adventures through Rivendell, Mirkwood, and Erebor; released in a new paperback format. Easily one of the most famous children's books of modern times, "The Hobbit" is a must read and this edition will bring it to life for a whole new generation of readers. Bilbo Baggins enjoys a quiet and contented life, with no desire to travel far from the comforts of home. Then, one day, the wizard Gandalf and a band of dwarves arrive unexpectedly and enlist his services - as a burglar - on a dangerous expedition to raid the treasure-hoard of Smaug the dragon. Bilbo's life is never to be the same again. "The Hobbit" became an instant success when it was first published in 1937, and nearly 70 years later, Tolkien's epic tale of elves, dwarves, trolls, goblins, myth, magic and adventure, with its reluctant hero Bilbo Baggins, has become a timeless classic. This new children's edition of "The Hobbit", with a refreshed cover, will bring this classic story to a whole new generation of readers. -
J.R.R. Tolkien
Children of Húrin
The first complete book by J.R.R. Tolkien in three decades -- since the publication of The Silmarillion in 1977 -- The Children of Hurin reunites fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with Elves and Men, dragons and Dwarves, Eagles and Orcs. Presented for the first time as a complete, standalone story, this stirring narrative will appeal to casual fans and expert readers alike, returning them to the rich landscape and characters unique to Tolkien. The Children of Hurin, begun in 1918, was one of three 'Great Tales' J.R.R. Tolkien worked on throughout his life, though he never realized his ambition to see it published. Though familiar to many fans from extracts and references within other Tolkien books, it has long been assumed that the story would forever remain an unfinished tale. Now reconstructed by Christopher Tolkien, painstakingly editing together the complete work from his father's many drafts, this book is the culmination of a tireless thirty-year endeavor by him to bring J.R.R.Tolkien's vast body of unpublished work to a wide audience. Having drawn the distinctive maps for the original The Lord of the Rings more than 50 years ago, Christopher has also created a detailed new map for this book. In addition, it will include a jacket and color paintings by Alan Lee, illustrator of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Centenary Edition and Academy Award-winning designer of the film trilogy.