The Girl Who Played with Fire
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
两名重伤病患搭载直升机被送入了约特堡索格恩斯卡医院,一位是头部中弹的莎兰德,另一位是被莎兰德用斧头重创的札拉千科。莎兰德在动过手术后性命暂时无虞,却仍被困在床上动弹不得,且受到警方严密监控,但当她得知札拉千科也住在同一层楼的加护病房后,立即神经紧绷,心理上又进入战备状态。 医院之外,布隆维斯特与欲置莎兰德于死地的秘密组织之间的对抗更是剑拔弩张。国安局内部的这一秘密小组没有名字,不为人知,也没有任何文件能证明其存在。为了维护自身安全同时避免引发宪政危机,他们必须确保继续将莎兰德判定为行为失能,并关押进精神病院。布隆维斯特找到一份被隐藏多年的档案,了解了到莎兰德十二岁被关进精神病院的真实缘由,他开始着手为《千禧年》杂志撰写长文,揭开秘密的核心,替莎兰德讨回公道。一旦发表,这篇文章很可能会撼动瑞典政府与国家根本…… -
來吧!歡迎進入「千禧三部曲」的真實世界! 全球最火紅的小說背後,比小說更精采的故事!最權威的全方位閱讀指南! 傳奇作家走了,但小說幕後的故事仍持續上演。 閱讀本書,將無限擴張「千禧」系列帶給你的美好感受! 關於《龍紋身的女孩》和傳奇作家史迪格•拉森, 你前所未聞,卻絕對不容錯過的一切,全在這裡! 本書由美國權威文學評論團隊,聯合史迪格•拉森30年摯友共同策畫,邀集知名文學評論家、《Expo》雜誌總編輯、專業犯罪記者和頂尖媒體人攜手打造。透過精準的分析評論與訪談、極少曝光的照片與書信,全面剖析拉森創造出這個奇特世界的過程、「千禧三部曲」暢銷的文化現象、莎蘭德和布隆維斯特等人物的雛形與內涵、拉森首度曝光的生涯實錄和身後留下的謎團,以及令人始料未及的瑞典黑暗面。 一旦踏入「千禧三部曲」的真實世界,你將迫不及待用嶄新的眼光,重新探索《龍紋身的女孩 》字裡行間的曲折與深意! ★千禧迷們,準備尖叫吧! 本書獨家收錄: ※莎蘭德帶路!精美斯德哥爾摩散步地圖,搭配深度文字導覽,小說景點一網打盡! ※超過30張全彩珍貴照片!包括:記者拉森的工作現場直擊、《龍紋身的女孩》舞台劇照、布隆維斯特家的窗景、莎蘭德豪宅的無敵夜景…… ※初曝光!拉森30年老友親撰的傳記,探索傳奇作家從啟蒙到成名,最罕為人知的生命歷程! ※拉森的正義課:看傳奇犯罪小說家如何以「手術刀」之筆剖開福利北歐的黑暗面! ※書迷必看!拉森本人、莎蘭德、布隆維斯特和其他角色的私房推薦書單、酒單…… ★書迷心中亟欲了解的疑惑,本書將完整解答! ※讀者品味各有不同,為何所有人卻一致愛上莎蘭德?她的角色靈感除了來自「長襪皮皮」,背後還有更多精采內幕! ※小說反映人生?故事預言現實?拉森在小說出版前夕意外身亡,為何一切充滿「巧合」,甚至極度神似《龍紋身的女孩》虛構劇情? ※《直搗蜂窩的女孩》之後,第四集《上帝的憤怒》即將出版?莎蘭德將在續集中逐一抹除身上的刺青?讓你一手掌握拉森早有布局的故事大綱! ※你日夜捧讀的小說可能不是拉森親筆寫的?!作者死後,出版社對劇情做了哪些修改?莎蘭德的刺青竟然變了!拉森的原版又是如何? ※「千禧三部曲」的靈感從何而來?絕對令你大呼意外!獨家收錄拉森生平最愛的科幻與犯罪小說書單,還有拉森在科幻雜誌連載的短篇作品! -
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest
Salander is plotting her revenge - against the man who tried to kill her, and against the government institutions that very nearly destroyed her life. But it is not going to be a straightforward campaign. After taking a bullet to the head, Salander is under close supervision in Intensive Care, and is set to face trial for three murders and one attempted murder on her eventual release. With the help of journalist Mikael Blomkvist and his researchers at Millennium magazine, Salander must not only prove her innocence, but identify and denounce the corrupt politicians that have allowed the vulnerable to become victims of abuse and violence. Once a victim herself, Salander is now ready to fight back. -
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
As the finale to Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest is not content to merely match the adrenaline-charged pace that made international bestsellers out of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played with Fire. Instead, it roars with an explosive storyline that blows the doors off the series and announces that the very best has been saved for last. A familiar evil lies in wait for Lisbeth Salander, but this time, she must do more than confront the miscreants of her past; she must destroy them. Much to her chagrin, survival requires her to place a great deal of faith in journalist Mikael Blomkvist and trust his judgment when the stakes are highest. To reveal more of the plot would be criminal, as Larsson's mastery of the unexpected is why millions have fallen hard for his work. But rest assured that the odds are again stacked, the challenges personal, and the action fraught with neck-snapping revelations in this snarling conclusion to a thrilling triad. This closing chapter to The Girl's pursuit of justice is guaranteed to leave readers both satisfied and saddened once the final page has been turned.