22 歲的班原本在人生谷底,對食物成癮的他重達 165 公斤。 他沒有自信,長期處於憂鬱的狀態,甚至不敢看鏡中的自己。 他結束了一段關係,很久沒有和朋友往來,和家人的關係疏遠。 面對一團亂的人生,他選擇否認和逃避,繼續往下墜落。 聖誕夜裡,一向疼愛他的奶奶輕聲問他:「你快樂嗎?」 這個尋常的問題,在他聽來卻刺耳極了,他突然發現自己一直在自欺欺人。 為了找回快樂,他決定開始跑步。起初他跑得很慢,每一步都痛苦無比。 但是他沒有放棄。他愈跑愈遠,愈跑愈快。 現在的他不但跑過 8 次馬拉松,完成 2 次超級鐵人賽,還減掉 55 公斤 (120磅)。 他將改變的歷程剪輯成影片放在網路上,引起廣大迴響: ‧他的故事讓奧運馬拉松選手結束撞牆期,再創運動佳績 ‧一群年齡背景不同的婦女組成跑步社群,總共減掉超過 227 公斤 ‧失去孩子的媽媽因為跑步走出低潮,重新找回人生意義 ‧癌症病友決定改變生活方式,開始為自己和癌症募款而跑 2011年的夏天,他和爸爸、哥哥三個人持續 40 天在 32 個城市,邀請人們和他們一起跑 5公里路跑。最後他們總共和 1600 個人在不同的地方一起跑步。 如果你採取積極的行動,你就能讓自己產生正面的想法。而跑步是一個改變的契機,你永遠不會知道,邁出的這一小步將把你帶到何處。班選擇奮力一搏,他的勇敢嘗試讓他拿回人生主控權,從此展開美好的新生活。 你想有所改變,卻又不知道怎麼做? 什麼都別想,穿上運動鞋,開始跑步吧! 本書特點 ◎ 仔細描繪跑步過程中會經歷的一切,例如:如何踏出第一步、遇到撞牆期時該怎麼辦、如 何持之以恆等等 ◎ 每一章都有關於跑步的小提醒,除了破解關於跑步的一些迷思,還提供實用的建議 ◎ 每一章都有跑步同好的親身實證,分享跑步如何改變他們的人生 ◎ 循序漸進的提供跑步練習計畫,給跑步新手明確且清楚的訓練指南 -
Did you know you can beat stress, lift your mood, fight memory loss, sharpen your intellect, and function better than ever simply by elevating your heart rate and breaking a sweat? The evidence is incontrovertible: aerobic exercise physically remodels our brains for peak performance. In SPARK, John Ratey, MD embarks upon a fascinating journey through the mind-body connection, illustrating that exercise is truly our best defense against everything from depression to ADD to addiction to menopause to Alzheimer's. Filled with amazing case studies (such as the revolutionary fitness program in Naperville, Illinois, that has put the local school district of 19,000 kids first in the world of science test scores), SPARK is the first book to explore comprehensively the connection between exercise and the brain. It will change forever the way you think about your morning run. -
《5公里的快活与智慧》内容简介:为什么有的人业绩好、人缘好?为什么有的人即会玩又会学?因为他们的大脑结构不同。你是不是总感到压力大、丢三落四、无法专注,请注意!这是你的脑细胞开始变少的征兆!开始有氧运动吧,锻炼的不只是你的肌肉,更是大脑!运动能刺激脑干,提供能量、热情和动力,让你变得更健康、聪明和快乐。 -
“每个人都有自己独有的节奏,有些人适合跨大步,有人喜欢碎步跑;有人抬头挺胸、有人低头冲刺;最重要的,是找出什么最适合自己,而我跟教练一起找出属于我的跑法:那就是在大自然里,跟着土地的脉络纹理奔跑。” 拥抱胜利、或者在奋斗中死去……让你的敌手受苦,击败他们!竞赛的本质就是自私,只有自私才能让你撑过那些艰难的时刻、知道如何对抗……初次阅读这样的句子,让人诧异这样强硬的句子出自于一个看似害羞寡言、出身乡村山林间的年轻选手。其实马拉松竞赛远比我们想的更具策略及心理战要素。除了体力的严苛要求,观察敌手动态、、选择何时加速杀出重围,能给竞争对手最大的心里震撼,让他们从此放弃夺冠的希望。有野蛮求胜的渴望、也有关怀人与自然的省思,这些冲突的面向让他的故事更加吸引人。 【编辑推荐】 小编身单力薄,从来没有跑过马拉松,甚至之前也并不了解Kilian 这个人,但却深深的被这本书里的故事吸引,被他的耐力震撼,被他的想法激励,对他的人格魅力着迷。 他对跑步的热爱,是一种生而带来的力量,就像这本书的英文原名那样简单而又直接:run or die 。他把比赛的过程写得那么的惊心动魄,让你跟着一起紧张起来。在那些耐力跑的漫长时间里,对心理素质的考验,却又非常的似曾相识。每个人都会有过那样的艰难时刻,贪恋温暖,想要放弃,承受不了压力和恐惧;而Kilian他的整个故事告诉你:你可以! 人生就像是一场马拉松,重点不在于瞬间的发力,是长久的坚持。真正的极限,让我们继续努力的,跨过那个临界点,真正让我们实现梦想的,不在于身体,而在于我们的内心,我们的动力,在于拼上性命都想把梦想变成现实的那份饥渴! 非常可贵的,Kilian也是一位非常好的作家。整本书的书写非常流畅,牵动着你的情绪跟着一起激涌奔突,也不时来点搞笑放松。 在忽然心生厌倦,想要犯懒的时候,看一段这本书,就仿佛跟着奔跑的Kilian一起,肾上腺激素袭来,为梦想进入战斗状态! -
The Sports Gene
In high school, I wondered whether the Jamaican Americans who made our track team so successful might carry some special speed gene from their tiny island. In college, I ran against Kenyans, and wondered whether endurance genes might have traveled with them from East Africa. At the same time, I began to notice that a training group on my team could consist of five men who run next to one another, stride for stride, day after day, and nonetheless turn out five entirely different runners. How could this be? We all knew a star athlete in high school. The one who made it look so easy. He was the starting quarterback and shortstop; she was the all-state point guard and high-jumper. Naturals. Or were they? The debate is as old as physical competition. Are stars like Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, and Serena Williams genetic freaks put on Earth to dominate their respective sports? Or are they simply normal people who overcame their biological limits through sheer force of will and obsessive training? The truth is far messier than a simple dichotomy between nature and nurture. In the decade since the sequencing of the human genome, researchers have slowly begun to uncover how the relationship between biological endowments and a competitor’s training environment affects athleticism. Sports scientists have gradually entered the era of modern genetic research. In this controversial and engaging exploration of athletic success, Sports Illustrated senior writer David Epstein tackles the great nature vs. nurture debate and traces how far science has come in solving this great riddle. He investigates the so-called 10,000-hour rule to uncover whether rigorous and consistent practice from a young age is the only route to athletic excellence. Along the way, Epstein dispels many of our perceptions about why top athletes excel. He shows why some skills that we assume are innate, like the bullet-fast reactions of a baseball or cricket batter, are not, and why other characteristics that we assume are entirely voluntary, like an athlete’s will to train, might in fact have important genetic components. This subject necessarily involves digging deep into sensitive topics like race and gender. Epstein explores controversial questions such as: Are black athletes genetically predetermined to dominate both sprinting and distance running, and are their abilities influenced by Africa’s geography? Are there genetic reasons to separate male and female athletes in competition? Should we test the genes of young children to determine if they are destined for stardom? Can genetic testing determine who is at risk of injury, brain damage, or even death on the field? Through on-the-ground reporting from below the equator and above the Arctic Circle, revealing conversations with leading scientists and Olympic champions, and interviews with athletes who have rare genetic mutations or physical traits, Epstein forces us to rethink the very nature of athleticism. -