In the twenty-third century pioneers have escaped the crowded earth for life in self-sustaining orbital colonies. One of the colonies, Rotor, has broken away from the solar system to create its own renegade utopia around an unknown red star two light-years from Earth: a star named Nemesis. Now a fifteen-year-old Rotorian girl has learned of the dire threat that nemesis poses to Earth's people--but she is prevented from warning them. Soon she will realize that Nemesis endangers Rotor as well. And so it will be up to her alone to save both Earth and Rotor as--drawn inexorably by Nemesis, the death star--they hurtle toward certain disaster. -
The Naked Sun
A millennium into the future, two advancements have altered the course of human history: the colonization of the Galaxy and the creation of the positronic brain. On the beautiful Outer World planet of Solaria, a handful of human colonists lead a hermit-like existence, their every need attended to by their faithful robot servants. To this strange and provocative planet comes Detective Elijah Baley, sent from the streets of New York with his positronic partner, the robot R. Daneel Olivaw, to solve an incredible murder that has rocked Solaria to its foundations. The victim had been so reclusive that he appeared to his associates only through holographic projection. Yet someone had gotten close enough to bludgeon him to death while robots looked on. Now Baley and Olivaw are faced with two clear impossibilities: Either the Solarian was killed by one of his robots--unthinkable under the laws of Robotics--or he was killed by the woman who loved him so much that she never came into his presence! -
一九六六年在美國克里夫蘭舉行的世界科幻大會雨果獎(Hugo Award)--科幻界至高無上的獎項中,「基地三部曲」擊敗了「魔戒之王」(The Lord Of The Rings)系列,奪得了「永遠的最佳系列小說」( The Best Series Of All Times )的美名。經過近二百年勵精圖治,「基地」憑藉優越的科技,征服了星際間眾多政治勢力,儼然成為銀河一方的霸主。為了實現「基地之父」哈里•謝頓的千年大計,基地繼續不斷開疆拓土,終於與銀河帝國產生正面衝突。 帝國雖已江河日下,仍舊擁有銀河中最強大的武力。為了恢復昔日的光榮,一位驍勇善戰的將軍奉命遠征。他所率領的星際艦隊勢如破竹,令基地大軍毫無招架之力。只剩下謝頓當年的預言,成了基地最後的一線希望。 然而,縱使是具有神鬼莫測之機的謝頓,也無法預料到由於一個人的崛起,銀河的歷史會因而改寫。那個自稱「騾」的突變異種,憑一己之力便能戰勝百萬雄師;即使是意志最堅強的敵人,也會毫無例外屈服在他腳下。決心征服銀河的騾,早已將基地視為首要目標...... -
These two renowned writers have invented a world not unlike our own--a world on the edge of chaos, torn between the madness of religious fanaticism and the stubborn denial of scientists. Only a handful of people on the planet Lagash are prepared to face the truth--that their six suns are setting all at once for the first time in 2,000 years, signaling the end of civilization!. -
Prelude to Foundation
It is the year 12,020 G.E. and Emperor Cleon I sits uneasily on the Imperial throne of Trantor. Here in the great multidomed capital of the Galactic Empire, forty billion people have created a civilization of unimaginable technological and cultural complexity. Yet Cleon knows there are those who would see him fall - those whom he would destroy if only he could read the future. Hari Seldon has come to Trantor to deliver his paper on psychohistory, his remarkable theory of prediction. Little does the young Outworld mathematician know that he has already sealed his fate and the fate of humanity. For Hari possesses the prophetic power that makes him the most wanted man in the Empire... the man who holds the key to the future - an apocalyptic power to be know forever after as the Foundation. -